Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Halloween party

We decided a few years ago to only do big birthday parties for the kids, every other year and on the off year to do something little with one or two friends. This was Hannah's year to do something big. She was deciding between a party at the local roller skating place or to have a Hallween party at home. She has always wanted to have a Halloween party since her birthday is in the month of October.

I let her invite all of her friends and lucky for her only a couple couldn't make it. We had 16 girls at our house on party night. I am so lucky to have great friends who helped me pull this party off. They were such a great help to me. THANK YOU!!

The girls played several games. They first played a hot potatoe game with a couple of squishy skulls. One of the skulls brain squished out and the other skull's eye socket bubbled out blood. They were pretty funny and the girls loved it. After that game, we were still waiting for another girl and the girl's told a ghost story by each girl telling one line of the story. I didn't hear all the stories that they told, but I heard lots of giggles. I love listening to kids laugh!

After the last girl came, they played Mummy Wrap. They were split into teams and competed to see who could come up with the best mummy in a short amount of time. It was pretty cute to see them use their imaginations and get creative. I think that the last game they played was the most fun. It was a spin off on bobbing for apples. Instead of apples we used marshmallows and the girls had to see how many they could suck up with the straw in the time limit. They had so much fun!!
Mark and I made lots of yummy foods for the party. We had a yummy Witches Brew complete with eyeballs and spiders. Rat droppings, bat wings and blood, peanut butter eyeballs, monster toes and bloody fingers. I was surprised and happy that most of the food was gone by the end of the night.

I didnt' get pictures of all of the decorations we had, but it was so much fun!! Hannah had the best night!!

Sorry my pictures are all out of order, I am too lazy to fix them. ;)


Kristi said...

It looks like it was such a fun party- I love all your food!! Those bloody fingers turned out awesome! I can't wait to hear more about it!

Angela said...

I'm impressed Lorilee! You have so much talent...want to share some with me? Looks like they had fun.

Becky said...

I think you can chalk this party down as a hit! Well done girl!

Kenzi said...

Wow! Will you do my next birthday party! Way too cute and looks like you guys had a lot of fun.

Sarah Oman said...

Geeze! Everything looked so awesome! Congrats on pulling off a great party.

Jenny said...

Wow! What a fun party! I won't show my kids this post or they might get ideas...

Colleen said...

SOoooo stinkin' CUTE! You are AMAZING! I wanna' try one of those PB Eyeballs--yum! Next October let's have a couples YOUR house!

Darren and Chrissy said...

That really was a fun party. I am glad I got to come in and see all of the decs and treats. You did a great job. Syd had fun.