Showing posts with label knitting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label knitting. Show all posts

Sunday, February 03, 2019

where to even begin

there is a lot to catch up on here since I haven't managed to post here since mid-October

do I post chronologically? in order of importance? stream of consciousness?

perhaps to just begin --- so hold on, this is likely to be a long (and possibly confusing!) post

Word of the Year

for a number of years I have selected a word to be a guideline for the year to come, having decided that resolutions are not as useful for me

last year my word was "Open", with the idea being to be open to new ideas, new opportunities, new solutions

as the year rolled out I was able to be open to things:
     accepting and completing a large commission
     spending a long weekend as Artist in Residence alone in the middle of a meadow
     saying good bye to a teacher and mentor as she moved away from the area
     continuing to apply to have my work shown all over the country and sometimes succeeding

I have decided that the word for this year is "Acceptance", and I am considering this word in a couple of different ways

for one, I will continue to submit my work for display to galleries, libraries, museums, on line exhibits - in short just about any place that I think it might be accepted

but I also need to use this word to deal with issues that are out of my control  in the day to day issues in my life (more about that presently)

Christmas Reveal

I work on Christmas presents all year long (in fact, I'm about half way through the first of the presents for Christmas 2019 right now)

but that means there are a lot of things I can't talk about along the way because I don't want to spoil the Christmas surprise

now that all the gift giving is over, I can show you what all those projects were

off the knitting sticks:

cowl scarves in blue tones for my sister and in rust and blue for my daughter

the annual cardigan sweater for my daughter in black and a cardigan for my mother in a color called "Peacock"
socks for my daughter to wear with her hiking boots

a pony tail hat for my daughter, ear warmers for my grandson and all of the great grand kids

and from the crochet hook

an odd flock of birds:  a blue footed booby chick, a conure, a humming bird, a parrot and a peacock

and an equally odd group of other animals:  a bison, a dragon, a malamute and an octopus

the sewing machine did some work too

10 pair of pj pants (for all the great grand kids, my grandson, my daughter and son in law) and a new lap quilt for my daughter

Work in the Studio

 this piece, titled "Charlie" has been delivered to the Boulder County Parks and Rec building and will appear in several county buildings during the next year

it is based on photos that I took while I was Artist in Residence at Caribou Ranch Open Spaces last July

this piece, titled "Seasons of the Moon" is a triptych of 7" by 9" pieces mounted on stretcher bars that was finished in late December

"On the Beach" is being quilted

the water tower piece is ready to be quilted

and this piece, which is the latest in my Parched Earth series, is being appliqued

as usual, I'm also working on the patterns for the next pieces that I plan to make -- "The Road Not Taken" which is based on photos taken at Caribou Ranch, and another piece in the Family Ties series "The Singer"

A word more about acceptance

the biggest reason I didn't get a blog post done since October is that the DH was hospitalized twice 

in November he had a blocked bile duct (wherein we learned that gall stones don't necessarily go away if you don't have a gallbladder!)

and in December he had an allergic reaction to a medication he had taken for years --- he spent a week in ICU, then additional days in the hospital followed by time in rehab so he could get strong enough to come home

along the way we also learned he has an irregular heart beat that is now controlled with medications, and even more seriously that he is in the beginning stages of dementia

this last thing has been both difficult to accept and at the same time good to know what is happening so the right adjustments and changes could be made

going forward I will be handling all of his diabetic testing and injections to be sure he gets the proper monitoring and dosing of his insulin

there has been a certain amount of emotional upheaval for me as I come to grips with the changes and the finality of what this means, so I truly need to incorporate that word for the year

A final note 

Mr Benson is my partner in looking after "dad"

he's a great emotional support dog for both of us, and does a very nice "Timmy's down the well" bark if he thinks I need to know something dad is doing

it was wonderful that he was here while dad was in the hospital -- gave me a sense of "normal" every day


Monday, January 08, 2018

It's a "Return"

I know -- it's been a long, L O O O N G time between posts out here.

The time between mid-October and Thanksgiving was extremely challenging as I was dealing with some issues that are now pretty well under control, and then I was playing "catch up" to get ready for Christmas!

So in today's blog post, we're going to play "catch up" out here!

Let's begin with the great Christmas reveal.  I work on Christmas things beginning in January, but I do keep pictures of things as I go along so I can show them all off at the end.

for a month or so my studio became the workshop for Mrs. Santa Claus!  and this year there were a lot of things that got cranked out

like these six aprons -- each one with it's own matching bias binding for trim

and seven pair of pajama pants -- two of which were made by stitching together the scraps from a number of past flannel projects

and there were six outfits for my great grand daughter's Barbie doll (I hadn't made Barbie clothes since I was a teenager --- yikes!)

and there had been knitting all through the year too -- a sweater for my daughter, a shawl for my sister and thick (double strand) mittens for my grandson to make snowballs with

then there were the hats  ..... for the great grand kids, and the DH, and the brother in law, and the little boy whose name we pulled off the Giving Tree in our local grocery store

not everything made of yarn was knit!

there was a hippo, a raccoon and two penguins (one of which was over 3 FEET tall)

and the half dozen hot pads for a friend

meantime, this piece, titled "The Silos" was accepted and appeared in a show titled "On the Street Where I Live" in a gallery in Saint Louis, MO

and this piece, titled "Headwaters" was accepted for a show titled "Life Along the Rio Grande" in New Mexico --- it is on the way there now

this piece is nearly done -- I'm working on the hand embroidered grasses along the bottom edge and then it will be ready to be faced

this piece is slowly coming together

after a long time being worked on in pieces, I'm now stitching all the parts together and filling in the blank spots

and a bit about the word of the year

I don't make resolutions for the new year

but for the past several years I have chosen a word to work by in my art for the year

last year's word was "Plan" --- and it became very clear as the year went on that sometimes even the best plans can be derailed by circumstances that are out of one's control

so this year I decided that my word is "Open"

the idea was to be "open" to new ideas, new projects, new approaches

and about three days after I decided on that word, the chance to take on a commission project that I might not have considered before was presented to me

using that new word, I stepped up and accepted that challenge

yeah for OPEN!!

hoping for the rest of the year to be as interesting