This morning I posted
this tweet:
Harvesting Nuytsia RSS Non-trivial as links are not to individual articles #fail
My grumpiness (on this occasion, seems lots of things seem to make me grumpy lately) is that often journal RSS feeds leave a lot to be desired. As RSS feeds are a major source of biodiversity information (for a great example of their use see
uBio's RSS, described in
doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btm109) it would be helpful if publishers did a few basic things. Some of these suggestions are in Lisa Roger's
RSS and Scholarly Journal Tables of Contents: the ticTOCs Project, and Good Practice Guidelines for Publishers, but some aren't.
In the spirit of being constructive, here are some dos and don'ts.
Do1. Validate the RSS feedFun your feed through
Feed Validator to make sure it's valid. Your feed is an XML document, if it won't validate then aggregators may struggle with it. Testing it in your favourite web browser isn't enough, but if a browser fails to display it this may be a clue that something's wrong. For example, Safari won't display the
ZooKeys RSS feed, and at the time of writing this feed is
not valid.
2. Make sure your feed is autodiscoverableWhen I visit your web page my browser should tell me that there is a feed available (typically with a RSS icon in the location bar). If there's no such icon, then I have to look at your page to find the feed (if it exists). The
Nuytsia page is an example of a non-discoverable feed. To make your feed
autodiscoverable is easy, just add a link tag inside the head tag on the page. For example, something like this:
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml"
title="RSS Feed for Nuytsia"
href="" />
3. Use standard identifiers as the linksIf your journal has DOIs, use those in the links,
not the URL of the article web page. The later is likely to change (the DOI won't, unless you are being
naughty), and given a DOI I can harvest the metadata via CrossRef.
4. Each item link in the feed links to ONE articleThis was the reason for my grumpy tweet. The journal
Nuytsia has a RSS feed (great!), but the links are not to individual articles. Instead, they are database queries that may generate one or more results. For example, this link
RYE, B.L., (2009). Reinstatement of the Western Australian genus Oxymyrrhine (Myrtaceae : Chamelauci... actually lists
two papers, both authored by B. L. Rye. This breaks the underlying model where the feed lists
individual articles.
5. Include lots of metadata in your feedIf you don't use DOIs, then include metadata about your article in your feed. That way, I don't need to scrape your web pages, all I need is already in the feed.
6. Make it possible to harvest metadata about your articlesIf you don't use DOIs are your article identifier, or use the DOIs are the item links in your RSS feed, then make it easy for me to get the bibliographic details from either the RSS feed, or from the web page. If you use RSS 1.0, then ideally you are
using PRISM and I can get the metadata from that. If not, you can embed the metadata in the HTML page describing the article using
Dublin Core and meta and link tags. For example, if you resolve this
doi:10.1076/snfe. and view the HTML source you will see this:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-gb" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/mpp/favicon.ico" />
<meta name="verify-v1" content="xKhof/of+uTbjR1pAOMT0/eOFPxG8QxB8VTJ07qNY8w=" />
<meta name="DC.publisher" content="Taylor & Francis" />
<meta name="DC.identifier" content="info:doi/10.1076/snfe." />
<meta name="description" content="In this study we determined the effects of topography on the distribution of ground-dwelling ants in a primary terra-firme forest near Manaus, in cent..." />
<meta name="authors" content="Heraldo L. Vasconcelos ,Antônio C. C. Macedo,José M. S. Vilhena" />
<meta name="DC.creator" content="Heraldo L. Vasconcelos" />
<meta name="DC.creator" content="Antônio C. C. Macedo" />
<meta name="DC.creator" content="José M. S. Vilhena" />
Not pretty, but it enables me to get the details I want.
7. Support conditional HTTP GETIf you don't want feed readers and aggregators to hammer your service, support HTTP conditional GET (see
here for details) so that feed readers only grab your feed if it has changed. Not many journal publishers do this, if they get overloaded by people grabbing RSS feeds they've only themselves to blame.
Don'ts1. Sign up/log inDon't ever ask me to sign up or log in to get the RSS feed (Cambridge University Press, I'm looking at you). If you think your content is so good/precious that I should sign up for it, you are sadly mistaken.
Nature doesn't ask me to login, nor should you.
2. Break DOIsAnother major cause of grumpiness is the frequency with which DOIs break, especially for recently published articles (i.e., precisely those that will be encountered in RSS feeds). There is quite simply no excuse for this. If your workflow results in DOIs being put on web pages before they are registered with CrossRef, then you (or CrossRef) are incompetent.