Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I bought the girls some princess crowns. Ballerina LOVES hers.She especially loves the clip-on earrings.
Sweetie is so cute.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Beautiful Beach Day

It was a GLORIOUS day at the beach. 65 degrees, sunny, barely any wind and WARM! It's sooo rare to have weather like this! The Youngest says she's good luck. I was going to take some senior pictures for The Youngest at the beach, but the sun cast terrible shadows. So we just relaxed and enjoyed the day. Captain Adorable LOVED eating the sand. At first he wouldn't venture off the towel, but he got over that.
Handsome Husband dug a pit for the girls. They didn't end up using it too much this time around, especially after a little girl came and dumped Skittles in the water, turning it colors. A waste of Skittles (one of my favorite candies).
Sweetie dug right into the sand. She LOVES the beach and playing in the sand. I love watching her try to make the sand molds work. She always tries it with sand that is too dry!
Captain Adorable got SOO dirty! He is our most beach-ified baby. This was his fifth trip the beach and he's only ten months old!
My view of my Handsome Husband tossing the Frisbee with The Youngest.Sweetie is asking Handsome Husband to help her clean her hands. She went through a short period where she was trying to keep her hands clean and, really, a three year old with clean hands at the beach? Not happening.
I changed Sweetie into her swimming suit and she had a little snack.
So did Captain Adorable.
I LOVE these kinds of shots.Now HERE is the surprising event of the day. Ballerina actually braved the water and she had a BLAST!
There was a little girl her age (Skittles girl) who was playing with her and she was the one who coaxed Ballerina into the water.
I was so happy to see Ballerina enjoying herself, if a little plagued with visions of her being pulled under and drowning. Handsome Husband laughed at my worried expression when I said, "She's going to die." Anyway, The Youngest brought Captain Adorable over to the firm sand and he really enjoyed crawling around on the beach.He got SO dirty and he ended up spitting up some of the sand he ate.
I thought it was so cute when The Youngest started crawling around with Cpt. A.
I love how much Sweetie loves the beach. I'm even more worried about her in the water, though. Good thing Handsome Husband is willing to wade in the cold water with her.
Here you can see Ballerina with Skittles girl.
I love this one with Sweetie running to Handsome Husband. She loves her Daddy.


Handsome Husband took the girls and my sister camping. I was a party pooper and stayed at home with Captain Adorable. The girls brought some of these purple flowers home for me.
Look at those big tall trees.Sweetie loves any kind of outdoor activity. She had so much fun. When she got home she told me that she got to sleep in a big tall tent.They roasted hotdogs for dinner and S'mores for dessert. Ballerina was not too excited about getting to too close to the fire. She has a phobia of fire. Sweetie had no problem with it, though.
But they both loved the S'mores.
Sweetie is trying to help blow the fire off of Handsome Husband's marshmallows.
They slept fairly well and had a great time camping. It's great preparation for our big three day camping trip in August. I'll actually be going on that one. We'll see how dirty Captain Adorable gets crawling in the dirt.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Aunts are so Fun

My girls love their Aunts. And they have LOTS of them. I have 5 sisters and Handsome Husband has two sisters and three sisters-in-law, so they have 10 aunts. My youngest sister has come to visit (from Utah) every summer for the past couple of years and she's here again! Luckily the weather has perked up and we've been able to do some fun outdoor things with her. This is her first time meeting Captain Adorable.
Captain Adorable is always making silly faces.
The light was pretty good at the park (we randomly decided to have a picnic dinner).
But then I had them move so we would have a better background and I didn't position myself in the good light. Darn it. These pictures could have been SOOO much better. They are still cute, though. :)
Captain Adorable liked The Youngest's necklace.
Especially the way it tasted...
The girls had to play in the water, of course.
And Captain Adorable played in it as well.
Sweetie fell in, not that I'm very surprised about that.
The girls loved playing on these big rocks.
Afterwards we had strawberry shortcakes at my Grandma's house when we dropped The Youngest off (she's been sleeping there since my Grandma has a bed there for her). Yum!