welcome Ikram Fakhri! ^__^
subhanallah walhamdulillah wallahuakbar! I'm a Mom! oh! I'm a Mom now! that was my thought when i heard his first cry in the OT. unable to move my body, i can just smile a drop of tear :) i'm a mom! subhanallah walhamdulillah wallahuakbar! Baba made this for baby Ikram the morning before baby Ikram was born :) 12th April 2010 @ 27 Rabi'ul Akhir 1431H couple of hours after the c-sect.. still couldn't move half of my body.. Baby of Nihlah Johari 12 April 2010 --- 1.48 p.m. weight: 3.14 kg height: 47 cm (: couple of hours after birth :) taking a peek.. who's here??? oh! Tok Abah, Tok Ummi and all my uncles and aunties all the way from JB!! day 3 - home sweet home we go! ^__^ drive safely ok Baba, Ikram saaayang Baba! day 5 - i'm a bit yellow, love to sleep but Mama keep telling me to always wake up and feed. inshaAllah i'm going to be a good boy n listen to her. saaayang Mama! jazakumullahu khayran jazaa to all who prayed for us, may Allah shower his blessi...