
Showing posts with the label announcement

welcome Ikram Fakhri! ^__^

subhanallah walhamdulillah wallahuakbar! I'm a Mom! oh! I'm a Mom now! that was my thought when i heard his first cry in the OT. unable to move my body, i can just smile a drop of tear :) i'm a mom! subhanallah walhamdulillah wallahuakbar! Baba made this for baby Ikram the morning before baby Ikram was born :) 12th April 2010 @ 27 Rabi'ul Akhir 1431H couple of hours after the c-sect.. still couldn't move half of my body.. Baby of Nihlah Johari 12 April 2010 --- 1.48 p.m. weight: 3.14 kg height: 47 cm (: couple of hours after birth :) taking a peek.. who's here??? oh! Tok Abah, Tok Ummi and all my uncles and aunties all the way from JB!! day 3 - home sweet home we go! ^__^ drive safely ok Baba, Ikram saaayang Baba! day 5 - i'm a bit yellow, love to sleep but Mama keep telling me to always wake up and feed. inshaAllah i'm going to be a good boy n listen to her. saaayang Mama! jazakumullahu khayran jazaa to all who prayed for us, may Allah shower his blessi...

congratz to sakinah & khalil~

subhanallah walhamdulillah wallahuakbar! my childhood friend Sakinah just gave birth to a pair of twins on 30th November 2009 - a boy Sulaiman Abdullah and a girl Fatimah az-Zahrah ^__^ the first pair of Adni's 'grandchildren' eh? :) they're so tiny and cute, aren't they?? ^__^ let us all pray to Allah that these babies will grow up to be excellent Muslims and also strong and healthy. ameen!~ will definitely visit them when I return from the UK, insyaAllah~

welcoming a new life~

^__^ I haven't blogged a real post for quite sometime and I realize that not many people come to visit this blog anymore. it's really okay though :) Anyways,,, uhh.. i don't know where to start.. Ah, firstly I really want to apologize to most of my usrah-mates for not breaking this joyful news to you guys first.. I actually planned to make it public after 'Eid, but my hubby was just more than excited so he kept asking me "dah boleh announce ke belum???", just like I would ask on some very-tiring days "berapa minit lagi buka puasa???".. LOL~ This is really a very new experience to me. Right now, I still can't imagine being a mom :P or even moving around with a big tummy :P hehehe~ Not as mentioned on the baby ticker, I don't experience any morning sickness, alhamdulillah! However there are some awful discomforts (which i've suffered from since my teen-ages) - gastrics and migraines. My tummy started to feel extremely bloated and painful ar...


VCD Sang Murobbi - RM 15 per vcd. DVD Sang Murobbi - RM 26 per dvd. siapa nak boleh masuk booking list i'll wait for another 30 orders then I'll purchase more from Jakarta okay. plz send to me ur phone no via e-mail to nihlah (underscore) j (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) uk that's all for now ^__^

tempahan VCD & DVD Sang Murobbi

i just got a notice yesterday, there was a marketing delay and the movie will be out on 13th August nsyaAllah .. please pray for the best!! i'm still arranging who's gonna bring back 50 VCDs and 30 DVDs from there.. and to those who already placed an order , plz email me your name & phone number , plz plz plz!! so that it's easier for me to keep track nihlah (underscore) j (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) uk i'll inform you once they're in Malaysia, nsyaAllah sorry for the inconvenience made!

new little books!

alhamdulillah! akhirnya buku kecil Nakbah sudah berada di pasaran !! juga buku kecil Hari Al-Quds yang diberi 'nafas' baru ^__^ jom beli beramai-ramai! murah je --- RM 1.50 mari kita memperingati perjuangan saudara kita di Palestin sejak 60 tahun dahulu! adakah kita akan terus berpeluk tubuh dan berdiam diri??? kalau rasa mahal nak beli untuk diri sendiri, boleh beli untuk adik-adik, kawan-kawan dan saudara mara ^__^ boleh hubungi 012-258 5775 atau 017-202 5825 untuk pembelian / tempahan

tempahan Sang Murobbi

pengumuman tempahan VCD & DVD Sang Murobbi: nsyaAllah pesanan VCD & DVD Sang Murobbi akan tiba di Malaysia pada 11 Ogos 2008 . ana akan hubungi antum selewat-lewatnya 13 Ogos, nsyaAllah. tapi kalau urgent, or ana tak contact, boleh CALL ana direct ye.. owh, ikhwah boleh contact Mujahid ye.. mohon jutaan kemaafan atas kelewatan.. tempahan masih dibuka, tapi perlu tunggu 'batch' seterusnya 2-3 minggu lagi.. p/s: no phone boleh cari kat 'k-ops' , or boleh email nihlah_j(at)yahoo(dot)co(dot)uk credits to akh Masuri dari Jakarta Barat ^__^ semoga Allah membalas segala budi baik dan usaha antum!

another wedding

20th June 2008 Janda Baik Syed Harris Irsyad Syed Hasan Nazari & Syarifah Fatimah Az-Zahrah Syed Hussein Al-Attas (2nd batch Adni) the whole Adni Alumni clan~ not really WHOLE actually. some already went back multimedia presentation by the Alumni my sis & i with the new couple~ hehe.. comel jer ^__^

buku baru: Penjara Jadi Pusara

buku ke-9 Siri Bebaskan Al-Aqsa Kata Pengantar buku ini ditulis oleh PM Dr Hafidzi, antara kandungannya ialah: "Meskipun NAKBAH merupakan satu peristiwa tragis, namun tidak ramai di kalangan masyarakat antarabangsa hatta umat Islam sekalipun yang peka dengan peristiwa tersebut. Berbeza dengan tragedi 'holocaust' yang menimpa bangsa Yahudi di Eropah semasa perang dunia ke II (1939 – 1945) yang sering diperkatakan, bahkan di ulang-ulang oleh rejim Zionis dan sekutu-sekutunya untuk meraih simpati masyarakat antarabangsa demi menutup jenayah mereka terhadap rakyat Palestin, tidak ramai yang tahu apa itu peristiwa NAKBAH. Peristiwa NAKBAH bermakna malapetaka yang berlaku kepada rakyat Palestin natijah dari konspirasi berterusan gerakan zionis yang bersekongkol dengan kuasa-kuasa barat yang ditunjangi oleh Great Britain dan seterusnya Amerika Syarikat. Natijah dari persekongkolan ini lahirlah entiti haram Israel pada 15 Mei 1948. Bendera 'Star of David' Israel yang dikib...

my e-mails are going @#&^Q@(#%&#

huhuhu... all my three e-mails are going nuts! i heard gmail is having some server problem, so that's okay for the time being... but for days already i can't even access my yahoomail - except from my bro's Mac! my bro said it must be too heavy - yeah, but not even 50% of the whole -what- 1 gig yahoomail (free) offer that my PC cannot load it.. -__-" sighh... if i want to buy a mac, i'll have to wait for this PC to be at least 2 years old.. hmm.. but then i'll have to find my own $$$$ hehehh.. so sorry guys if u can't reach me by mail. plz contact me via phone (altho it'll without doubt make me stressed out pretty soon huhu..) ja!