Tuesday, September 3, 2013

February 2013

I'm running behind on this blog but am determined to catch up now that the kids are back in school and I have a little more time! 
February is birthday month for Ness and Ty!
 Janessa designed her cake on her own this year. It was a great idea to use her Pet Shops and make an ice rink with a slide and some snow all around it. Love it :)

She turned 10 and had some friends over for a "late night". 

 Tyson turned 7. Grandpa Lords decorated this ball for him.
 He wanted to try Blast-Off this year so he and his friends had a great time running around being boys.

 Such a sweet, handsome boy :)
 Janessa helped him put together his new police Lego kit before church.
 Hallie helping Andrew put together the dirt bike he is building her. She loves to do anything with her dad.
 We left the kids while we went to dinner with some friends and came home to a house full of super heroes.
 Making Valentine cookies at grandma and grandpa's.

 Aunt Nancy sent a cute Valentine package for the kids so we sent this back to her-

Saturday, April 13, 2013

January 2013


Tyson and Janessa finished their basketball leagues (which they loved).

 Janessa and Tyson made a snow monster. When Grant woke up from his nap he wanted them to smash it. He was scared :)
 It's tradition with the Lords side to go bowling on New Years day. Always fun.

 We had a surprise 30th birthday party for Steph.

 We took down the crib for the last time. This was very sad for me. It held all our babies. I wish I could hold them all again...
 Grant made all of his cars a home on his new bed-
 The funny thing is he still calls for us in the morning and after his nap to come get him. I'm all right with that :)
 Homework. Homework. And more homework.
And more homework
 Shopping buddies at Lowe's.
 My 3 favorite boys wearing their new matching ties to church.
 Another of Tyson's pics. I love his people so much.
 We got to go skiing with the girls for ski club one night. So much fun. They are both getting so brave on the hill.
 Janessa's primary talk she drew and came up with all on her own. Love it.
 Tyson had to have an x-ray done of his stomach to check some bladder issues.
 Andrew and I both got new glasses. I tried to talk him into these ones. Not really.
 The best part about January??? Our new nephew/cousin Oliver! Oh we love him so much. I feel kind of bad I don't have a pic of Steven or Micaela... love them too.
 Going to meet him-
 Tyson and Hallie are definitely the most in love with him (besides me of course).

 Aaaaw he's so cute and even more sweet.

Monday, February 18, 2013

December Misc.


We took a day and went sledding. Just us. So fun. The kids always want to invite people to do stuff with us but I love it when we do fun things with just our family. We had such a great time. There wasn't a ton of snow but it was warm (which I loved).

 My dad helped us make these nativities for the ladies that serve in our Relief Society, I think 24 total. Not sure why I volunteered such a time consuming gift. They loved them though, and hopefully know how much we care for them also. I love my calling :)

 We had Micaela's baby shower one Saturday. Grant and Brigs were enjoying some ice cream sandwiches before it started. I really should have gotten a pic of Micaela though! Oops.

Hallie had to write her spelling words in shaving cream.

These 2 wanted so badly to do a Chrismas duet together. They worked really hard and learned Joy to the World. They performed it at both big family parties. I loved listening to them practice all month. 
 We celebrated my mom's birthday on the 13th! Love her so much.
 This cracks me up. It took 2 people quite a few minutes to get Grant's snow pants on.
 Andrew had to prove to the girls that he had a longer head stand than them.
 Gramsy with Andrew and Adrian. They tease her so much and she dishes it right back.
 Fun night with friends over. Hallie and Riley insisted they could give us piggy back rides. Funny girls. They are almost as big as us though!
 Here's what Andrew lived in Monday-Friday. He must have thought this pic was cool because it's all edited. Love him.