Es mostren els missatges amb l'etiqueta de comentaris Key Stage 2. Mostrar tots els missatges
Es mostren els missatges amb l'etiqueta de comentaris Key Stage 2. Mostrar tots els missatges

dijous, 28 de maig del 2015

My timetable

 On Thursdays I wake up at quarter past eight. I brush my teeth. I have breakfast and I go to school. At  eleven o'clock I go to the playground . I have breakfast again and I play football. After the PE class I go to  my gradfather's house. At half past one I have lunch with my aunt and my granfather. When I finish having  lunch, I play computer games. At quarter to three I go to school again. At three o'clock I've got English  class, and at four o'clock I've got Sciense class. The class  finishes at five o'clock. Then I go to football  training. I finish football training at seven o'clock , and then I go back home. I have dinner, I do my  homework and I go to bed.
Guillem, 6é

dijous, 21 de maig del 2015

My day

My dad and I like playing with my dogs. I love my dogs!! Their names are: Neu, Mickey, Tonyi, Noel and Estrella. My grandad and my grandma love dogs because dogs are  pets.

I don't like  the big dog of Jesus but I like my little dogs.

In the morning I go to play with my dad and my sister.

In the afternoon I play with my family.

In the evening I watch Tv. At nigth i watch Tv or a Dvd during 1 hour or 2. At nigth I go to my bedroom to sleep.

Marina 3rd

divendres, 15 de maig del 2015

About me

I like playing golf in my garden but my mum doesn't like it.
My friend Ares likes playing with me.
My sister prefers playing with her friends.
My grandma is slepping because she is ill.
My friends are:Ares,Clauda,Sagrario,Cinta Herrero and  Gabriela.
Marina and Ares are sometimes helping me.
My favourite friends are:Ares,Sagrario and Cinta Herrero.
I like playing with my cousin and my sister.
I like shopping,too.
what I prefer is playing with my family.

Martina  4th

dimecres, 29 d’abril del 2015

St. George's Day

St. George's day is a festival held in Catalonia and England . On this day are given many flowers. They sell a lot of books . In my school we hold a literary contest. Families and children enter a dragons and roses contest , too.

Sandra and Anna 6th

dimarts, 28 d’abril del 2015


On Thursdays I wake up at eight o'clock. I have breakfast at half past eight. At quarter to nine I brush my teeth, and then I go to school. At eleven o'clock I have breakfast again. After the P.E class, I go home. At half past one I have lunch with my family. Sometimes at quarter past one I do my homework. When I finish having lunch, I wath TV. At quarter to three I go to school again. At three o'clock I've English class, and at four o'clock I've Science class.
The classes finish at five o'clock. Then I go to roller skate with my friends in Jesus village.
I finish rollerskating at half past seven, and then I go home. When I'm at home I have a shower at eight o'clock. At nine o'clock I have dinner and then I go to bed.

Angela March 6th

dilluns, 9 de febrer del 2015

Snow White ( short summary)

On a distand land a baby girl was birth. She had black hair and white skin. She lived with her mum and dad. When her mother died her dad married with another person. When her dad died Snow White lived with her step-mother.

One day the step-mother ordered the hunstman to kill the Snow White, but the hunstman killed a deer and as a proof took her heart.  The step-mother understood he didn't kill the Snow White.
Then, the Snow White went to the drawfs' house. The step-mother disguised herself and gave a poisoned apple to Snow White. She died and the step-mother asked to the mirror...
-"Mirror, mirror on the wall who in this land is the most beautiful of all ?"
And the mirror answered:
-"You my queen are the most beautiful".

The prince kissed the Snow White and they were married.

Finally, they lived happily ever after.

                                 THE END 


dilluns, 2 de febrer del 2015

We will be in touch soon

This is the postcard
we've received from our friends in Móra after sending our own letter to them.

It's  exciting getting news from them even though we don't really know them.

dimecres, 12 de novembre del 2014

Selene Navarro

-She's got long hair.                                                       -She's got glasses.
-She's got black hair.                                                     -She's got wavy hair.
-She's got a ponytail.           

Ares, Year 4       

dimarts, 11 de novembre del 2014

My teacher Tere

-My teacher has got glasses.                                             -She has got a beautiful smile.
-She is got straight hair.                                                       -She is thin.
-I like my teacher.                                                                -She is tall .     

Claudia,   Year 4

dijous, 6 de novembre del 2014

Bonfire Night

Guy Fawkes Night, also known as Bonfire Night,  is an annual celebration  on the evening of the 5th of November . It celebrates the failure of the Gunpowder Plot, in which a group of conspirators attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London on the evening of 5 November 1605, against the Protestant King James I.

The celebrations,  involve fireworks displays and the building of bonfires, traditionally on which "guys",  representing Guy Fawkes, the most famous of the conspirators are burnt.
 In the United Kingdom, there are several other regional traditions that accompany Guy Fawkes/Bonfire night: the eating of bonfire toffee, toffee apples, the traditional 'apple lollipop', and baked potatoes.

Cultural References

The Gunpowder Plot inspired Shakespeare's Macbeth.

The film V for Vendetta recreate de Gunpowder Plot.

Bonfire - Movie Maker

divendres, 31 d’octubre del 2014

Be brave this night

Don't be scared of witches, ghosts, bats, black cats, scary pumpkins, skeletons and stuff like that.

Be brave this night, but most of all BE HAPPY little boys and girls.

dimarts, 5 de novembre del 2013

Guy Fawkes Night

On 5th November every year, a Guy Fawkes is still burned on bonfires across England in recognition of his part in the failed 'Gunpowder Plot' of 1605 to assassinate James I.
 La Nit de Guy Fawkes (en anglès Guy Fawkes Night) també coneguda com a Bonfire Night 'la nit de les fogueres', o Fireworks Night 'la nit dels focs artificials') és una celebració que es du a terme principalment al Regne Unit la nit del 5 de novembre, per commemorar el fracàs de l'atemptat del 5 de novembre de 1605, conegut com la conspiració de la pólvora, amb el qual una facció de catòlics, entre els quals hi havia Guy Fawkes, van intentar destruir el Palau de Westminster, la seu del parlament a Londres.
 Hi ha diversos plats típics d'aquesta diada, com les pomes caramel·litzades toffe apples, les jacket potatoes (patates amb pell, tradicionalment cuinades a la foguera), i els hot dogs entre d'altres.