Showing posts with label Fitz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fitz. Show all posts

Friday, October 2, 2009

Fizzy, Bear, and 'no'

Fitz has so much going on in his little head. He really cracks me up. He doesn't talk except with some basic "mamama nanana dadn" sounds and some really complicated glottal noises in the back of his throat but he makes himself understood nonetheless. He really likes having an entourage when he does things, and *expects* all present to participate in his doings. Instead of taking my hand when wanting me to come, he gets behind me and pushes at my legs to get me moving. He also thinks that the word 'no' is the funniest thing ever. He used to take me seriously when I said it but not so much any more. He grins and laughs the does the 'no' thing with more gusto than when he started before the word was said. He laughs at his mother as she says 'no' as he heads towards the street...running! He laughs when I say 'no' before he throws his food to the floor, or starts pushing buttons on the DVD player.
Fizzy has a good friend here at the house. He's a very large floppy bear that Stephanie left here. He's bigger than Fitz and Fitz just loves hauling him around and flopping on him and generally treating him like a much beloved pet. Bear sits in a chair while Fitz eats and will be fed some items off the tray. Bear also has a new button sewn on his tummy so that Fitz can point it out when identifying parts of the body.
Bear has become quite the friend for Fitz and is most always part of the entourage. Fizzy pushes him around and hauls him by the fur, and lays on him and generally abuses him without any complaint from Bear.Last night as Jeni was eating dinner, Granpa was playing with Fitz and bear in the living room. Granpa was making Bear walk behind Fitz and talking to him when Fitz decided that he wanted to play with the things on what Steve calls my Winnie-the-Pooh Shrine table. We've pushed them all to the back of the table so they're hard to reach but he tries anyway. Welllllll...this time as Fitz was reaching for the no-no's, Bear, in a deep and softly solemn voice says, "Nooooo Fitz, don't play with those." Fitz turns around,stunned, and looks at Bear, whose shaking his head, standing there with Granpa behind him. Then looks at Grandpa, who says in his own voice, "Bear says no," sounding a bit stunned himself. Then Fizzy's little face crumbles and he starts crying, inconsolably! Jeni and I were in the kitchen and Jeni says, "Dad, what happened?" and Granpa carries the crying Fitz into the kitchen and tells her the story, as Fitz continues to cry alligator tears of very real sadness and disappointment. Jeni and I look at each other, stunned ourselves, then we start laughing! Jeni, so hard that I thought she wouldn't be able to catch her breath! and Fizzy still crying like his heart would break. His best friend, his malleable companion, his patient-in-all-things buddy has told him 'no'. I'm not sure now if their friendship will survive or if we'll have to be really careful of what Bear says and does so as not to take advantage of his influence over this small boy. It's funny what kids get into their small heads.