Sunday, January 24, 2010

My Blog Has Been Awarded a Sunshine Award!

Last week my blog received a wonderful compliment and Sunshine Award from Vicki, a fellow lampworker and jewelry artist. The Sunshine Award is awarded to bloggers whose positivity and creativity inspires others in the blog world. I am honored!

The rules for accepting the Sunshine award

~ Put the logo on your blog or within your post

~ Pass the award onto 12 bloggers ~

~ Link the nominees within your post ~

~ Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

~ Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.


After much thought, I nominate the following 12 blogs, their blogs and artwork inspire me in so many ways. Please check out each one, you won't be dissappointed!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

A Pleasant Surprise!

I recently found the blog Fashion Doll Review. It's interesting, has a lot of great links I want to explore and it's about dolls of course, all kinds of dolls! I was pleasantly surprised to find that Alison reviewed my doll necklaces. It made my day, thank you Alison!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

We Have a Winner!!

Congratulations Stephanie!!

I wasn't able to get everyone's email to complete the drawing over at and I didn't want to keep you all waiting so with my sons help, we did it the old fashioned way.

I want to thank everyone who participated. This was a lot of fun and I will definitely do it again. For everyone who entered I am offering 20% off your next purchase from my shop through the month of July. Please convo me and I will set up a special listing for you. If you see something you like that has already sold, I will be happy to make one just for you.

Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Last day to enter!

Hi everyone! You can still enter up until midnight tonight (pacific time) for the giveaway tomorrow. I hope you are as excited as I am! This is the first one I've done and it's been fun. I just want to make sure that everyone who has participated has commented in the actual giveaway post and listed each entry. I have had comments on twitter and other places and I want to make sure that no one misses out. I am going to use's 3rd party draw service and will post results for the giveaway tomorrow morning at 9am pacific time. Good luck everyone!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Blog Giveaway!!

Ok everyone, I need more exposure for my shop and I thought I would do a giveaway! The winner will receive anything in my shop up to a $30.00 value. That could be a blossom necklace, or a matching necklace set for you and your girl, or choose a combination of Blythe pull charms or necklaces. All you have to do to enter is....

Follow my blog here on blogger

Fan my Facebook business page

Friend me on Facebook

Follow my blog through Facebook (click the blog tab, then click the follow button)

Follow me on Twitter

Add a link on your blog to mine

Add a picture of your girl wearing a necklace or pull charm you have received from me to my new Flickr Group

Include an item of mine in a treasury on Etsy.

Add a comment to this post telling me what items in my shop you like or what you would like to see.

You will receive an entry for each thing you do, if you already do one those things, I will still include it as an entry.

The drawing will be on July 1st!
Everyone that participates will receive 20% off of their next purchase.

Please leave a comment listing your entries and your blog addresses if you choose to add a link (I will reciprocate with a link on my blog and follow you back!)

Thank you and good luck!!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Special Feature!

Last week I was contacted by Marcy Lamberson from StudioMarcy on Etsy. She asked if she could feature me and my Etsy shop on her blog. I am so flattered! I have admired her and her work for years now and it's such a wonderful compliment that she would want to feature me.

I had been frequenting Etsy long before I had a shop there and Marcy's beads always stood out. They are fun and endearing and I admired them from the start. Every time I went there I would always come across her beads and I would say to myself, "who is that?" and every time I would check and it was Marcy. In my opinion, she is the first lampwork artist that was really successful on Etsy. I remember thinking, if she can do it so can I.

I truly enjoy reading her blog, to be featured on it, is an honor! So please stop by and take a look. Tell me what you think!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Make Your Blog a Book!

I was recently reading my friends blog, she blogs about her family. It's such a wonderful thing because she is able to capture her kids lives so conveniently. Blogging is so easy, she can immediately post the funny things they say and she won't forget them. She blogs about the wonderful trips they take, milestones and special days, and her whole family, even her distant relatives, can keep up with how they are doing.

While searching the internet recently, I came across They will print your blog in book form. How wonderful is that!?! It lays everything out nicely and even prints the comments people leave on your blog. You can edit it as much or as little as you like and it's really affordable. I sent the link to my friend, what a wonderful keepsake for her!

As for me, I am still getting the hang of blogging so I am not sure I will be turning my blog into a book yet but I might someday. I think it would make a great portfolio for artists and craftspeople and a great dolly diary!