For all my doll friends and miniature lovers... isn't this camera the cutest? It's a 1/6 scale replica of a real life DSLR camera. Perfect size for Blythe! I actually have been wishing for a real life sized working model for myself but that's another story on my very long wish list that keeps growing and growing.... does it ever end? Anyhow, let's not get off topic.... You can find this fun little find at the Photojojo website. They have the coolest photography gadgets and their newsletter is filled with tips and tricks and is a lot of fun to read, I highly recommend it!
4 weeks ago
Too cute!!!! Perfect for Blythe!
I love it.....I ma new to the whole Blythe thing and now I am on the lookout for little tiny things to fun....
My friend Marva and I started a Blythe blog...Come visit!
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