Showing posts with label CFH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CFH. Show all posts

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Cards For Our Heroes!

Welcome to the next stop on Cards For Heroes' Memorial Day Blog Hop!

For those of you that follow my blog and might not be familiar with CardsForHeroes.Org I thought I'd take a moment to tell you a little about them. They are a great non-profit group that arrange for people to send our troops cards of encouragement. They also get them blank cards so they can write home on. As if that wasn't awesome enough... they want them to be homemade! Now, when I found out about this organization and their blog hop I knew right away that I wanted to participate. My husband was in the Air Force for eleven years, he still has the cards he received from "strangers" while he was deployed. They really mean a lot to him. Thank you Cards For Heroes and thank you to everyone out there making a difference in the lives of our troops.

If you've stopped here mid-point, I suggest you take some time and start the blog hop from the beginning here. The blog hop is comprised of crafters and many are offering RAK's to hoppers leaving comments... I thought I would share also. If you are into digital scrapbooking or would like to try let me know in your comment. I will choose one random winner to receive a $5 gift card to my store.

This is the card I made for the blog hop:

Here is a very cool Word Cloud made with the participating Bloggers' names... can you find me in there?

Your next stop in this hop is Lida. Take a moment to enjoy her beautiful card and leave her some love. I really enjoyed her blog, she is quite the crafty lady. Also, her blog is bilingual! You can reach Lida's blog HERE.