Thursday, 14 July 2016

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

TFOG June: the last Slann

Ahhhh...can you smell that? The sweet smell of a painting challenge completed. Here is my final entry for a Tale of Four Oldhammer Gamers:

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

TFOG May: Slann mage on litter

Looks like I might be the first of my battle brothers to post in this month's A Tale of Four Oldhammer Gamers challenge. I couldn't have a Slann force and not take a mage on litter:

Friday, 22 April 2016

TFOG April: finally some Slann...

As we approach the final stages of the Tale of Four Oldhammer Gamers I've finally manages to paint some Slann for my, errr, Slann army...

This month's offering is a small unit of Slann warrior priests, the Brotherhood of the Sacred Heart:

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Pantheon of Chaos kickstarter

I rarely get swepped away by kickstarters but this one has got me really excited: it's The Pantheon of Chaos by Diego Serrate Pinilla.

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

TFOG March: P'ffff't

Last month's entry for a Tale of Four Oldhammer Gamers consisted of a small unit of Troglodytes. These stinky dudes needed a leader, so this month I present you with:

P'ffff't - Troglodyte level 5 hero

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Another sculpt: Swae-zee, Chaos Champion of Slaanesh

Back at the end of December I shared an image of my first sculpt, and now I've returned to the greenstuff for another bash at this highly enjoyable pursuit. I present to you Swae-zee, Chaos Champion of Slaanesh: