Showing posts with label christ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christ. Show all posts

Thursday, March 8, 2012

What Is That?!

Ever seen some of these things before?! This is what we would call, SHOE TREES! You stick them in your shoes to keep the form! It's like the cardboard and paper in your shoe when you first get new shoes.

While on my mission, I've been asked so many times what these things are and then have to go into this whole explanation of what they are, why I use them and so forth. They may look really odd, out of place and pointless, but once you understand the purpose and the stability they will give to your dress shoes, you really can't go without them! 

Missionaries shoes get dented, wrinkled, oddly shaped, loose and so on from countless of hours walking each day. Mine on the other hand stay firm, tight, formed and still look brand new after a year and a half! How do I do it? I use shoe trees! 

If these shoe trees were related to anything it would be to the gospel! At first glance you might think, "How in the world is going to church, praying, reading my scriptures or helping others really supposed to help me?" Once you try it out and apply them, they begin to have a whole new meaning to you! The gospel will support you when you feel all has fallen or is lost. It will bring stability to a hectic and busy life. It will strengthen you in times of trial and agony. The gospel of Jesus Christ will truly mold you into what our Father in Heaven wants you to become!  

Using the shoe trees or applying the gospel in your life doesn't mean you will never have any troubles or worries in your life. The gospel will simply allow you to deal with the obstacles in your life to overcome and solve them, while others fret and stress over the simple wrinkles in life. So you could use shoe trees if you'd like to, but more importantly, use the gospel of Jesus Christ in your life! You will be amazed how it will support and strengthen you :) I know it will because it has ALWAYS helped me! 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Got Strength?

 "I can do ALL things through Christ which strengtheneth me."
-Phillipians 4:13

Sometimes in life we doubt. Give up hope. Let ourselves down. Feel overwhelmed. Don't think we're good enough. Lack Motivation. Can't do anything.

In our Heavenly Father's eyes these are all wrong thoughts and impressions. He loves us and He sent His Son Jesus Christ to experience life in such a way that he can help each of us in EVERY aspect of our lives! If we seek him we will happily find him :) He is our strength when we are weak!

I know that through Christ ALL things are possible!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Leap With Faith!

“Life’s problems wouldn’t be called ‘hurdles’ if there wasn’t a way to get over them.”
 In my life and I'm sure in yours as well you can look back on life and remember a time when you struggled. When you were weak. When you fell short of the mark. When life was overwhelming, burdensome and difficult. When you thought all was lost, almost to the brink of giving up. We ALL have those moments in our lives. 
What you must understand is that they are part of life! No way around, over, under. The only way is THROUGH them!
We learn from the scriptures that through adversity - trails, troubles, and distress - man can have many experiences that lead to spiritual growth and eternal progress by turning to the Lord. 
"If they never should have bitter they could not know the sweet"  D&C 29:39
"[We] taste the bitter, that [we] may know to prize the good."  Moses 6:55
The gospel of Jesus Christ provides perspective in life. A perspective to realize just for a moment, in the time of your pain, sorrow and suffering that it will all be alright! That someone greater than you, Jesus Christ, went through everything you would experience in life just so he would know how you feel! In doing so He he has provided a way for you to overcome and find success in your trials! Have faith in that! He tells us that,
"All these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good." D&C 122:5-8 
When we understand and recognize that our trails are for but a small moment and that they will be for our benefit, we look for lessons to be learned and experience to be gained. We no longer look at them as a punishment or torture, but rather an opportunity to learn and gain experience for the future. To rely on our Savior's love and guidance in our lives and to smile in times of hardship :)
If you have time please read this story!


Friday, April 22, 2011

A Time to Rejoice!

The message of the resurrection of Christ brings hope and joy to all in this world! 
That we too may live again as he lives today! 

“In our hour of deepest sorrow, we can receive profound peace from the words of the angel that first Easter morning: ‘He is not here: for he is risen.’” 

“As one of His special witnesses on earth today, this glorious Easter Sunday, I declare that this is true, in His sacred name—even the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior—amen.”
—President Thomas S. Monson