Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I love getting tagged!

Hi all peeps,
I love it when I get tagged, so continue to do so, the goods! Thanks to Chay for tagging me!

A - age - 30
B - birthday - 1o/22/77
C - candy or cake - neither-salt. :) I guess candy.
D - dessert you love - Chocolate Lush
E - easiest person to talk to - Birdhair/Kaylie/Anna
F - favorite song - To Be with you by Mr. Big
G - gold or silver - Gold
H - habit - constantly moving hands or feet (A.d.d?)
I - instruments I play - Noth-I took a year of clarinet though...
J - job title - Account Manager.
K - kids - not yet, but I hope someday.
L - love or lust - They go hand in hand :-)
M- married or single - single
N - next to you - pillow, TV remote
O - one wish - to be a mom!
P - person you called last - Alissa
Q - quotes - I didn't think it physically possible, but this both sucks and blows.-Bart Simpson.
R - reasons to smile - Friends, nieces and nephews and the sweet things they say.
S - steak or pork - Steak I guess. Not a big meat fan.
T - turns you on - eyes and smile.
U - unique talent - I got nothin.....
V - vegetable - I like them all (except lima beans) but I love pototaoes, corn and broccoli, and zucchini, and squash and beets, and cucumbers and tomatoes, I could go on and on.
W - woke up at what time - 4:55am. I have to be to work at 6:20am
X - xrays I've had - chest, wrist, head, ovaries (-that sucked)
Y - your favorite color - Blue. Mostly royal blue and Navy Blue.
Z - zodiac - Liiiiiibbbbrrrra

I tag all my sisters, Kaylie, Brooke, and Delia!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Erin. You are like a blogaholic now. Who would have thought. I guess all that time you put in at aol really turned out useful. lol. Anyways, how are you? Let me know what has been going on.



Erin's the goods

Erin's the goods
Here I am