Showing posts with label familty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label familty. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Just a little catch up.   Things for us are pretty mellow.  

Our December cycle was also canceled.  Although not the news we were hoping for, it is not devistating.  I've been focusing on having the healthiest body I can so, hopefully, we can have a healthy pregnancy.  This cycle, some of my numbers were high, and that brought adoption back into the picture.  We'll have to see what happens.  Surprisingly, I'm  not stressing over this.  It has been a long, hard road and I know that there are blessings in store, no matter which way we go.  

Other News
Ok there really isn't other news.  I've been keeping busy watching friends' children and Christmas crafting.  We had a quiet Thanksgiving with Holy, Grace, and Garrison (aka G and Little G's family).  We are so blessed with their friendship and love.  The twins turned 2 this month and sadly we missed them on their birthday.  

Christmas shopping is DONE and all our presents have been mailed.  YAY!  I'm just enjoying my time with friends this Christmas season.  J is busy: work is stressful, church and other meetings take up a couple of nights a week, and the scouts have monthly trips.   I feel like we have 3 good evenings a week and I'm happy with it.  

To our family and friends, I hope this Christmas season finds you well and happy!

Friday, September 02, 2011

family: Year Seven

Tomorrow we celebrate seven great years together.  I've been so lucky to spend these years with J.  We've accomplished so much and come so far.  Here's a peak at the fun we've had over the last seven years.
Year 0
LDS Temple, Portland, Oregon

Year 1
Aialik Bay, Alaska

Year 2 
We bought our house!

Year 3 
Haceta Head, Oregon

Year 4
Happy 30th sweety
Ensenada, Mexico

Year 5
Level Edwards Stadium, Provo

 Year 6
M&M Factory, Las Vegas

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Wanda Martin Wilson 1925-2010

This is my Grandmother. She died May 17th 2010. I was lucky enough to go home May 15th and be with my mother until Grandma's funeral on May 24. I've thought a lot about what I'd like to post. It's no secret that Grandma and I didn't get along very well. I always attributed it to us being so very much alike- stubborn. But ACTUALLY SPEAKING it may be because she lived with me as a high schooler - I'm sure that was no BOWL OF ICE CREAM!

I've been thinking a lot of legacies. The legacies passed down to us from our ancestors. Those we know/knew and those we only know through family history. It seems to me that I come from a family who is called upon to endure trials. There are many women in my family history who have endured harsh trials, both because of some one's use of agency and because of circumstances they lived in. My Grandmother was one of these women. I am so proud of the legacy she gave me of not being afraid of the darkness life sometimes offers. Some things I love to share about my Grandma are:

She stopped smoking after 50 years because Oregon raised the taxes on cigarettes and that ticked her off.

She went back to school after the early death of her husband and obtained not only her GED but a degree in bookkeeping/accounting.

She could make up her mind about something and you could not argue with her about it.

She was so worried I put too much product in my hair she asked her hair dresser about it.

She left home at 18 and traveled the almost 1,000 miles to work in San Diego. She did the electrical on airplanes during World War II-
She's our very own Rosie Riveter!

We have the picture below in our home of Grandma Wanda on her wedding day. It is gathered with other pictures of our parents and grandparents and is one of the first things you see as you enter our home.
I hope that I can share with my children the determined spirit my grandmother shares with me.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I remember this.

I love this.

For a woman who hasn't been able to create life, to know creating beauty and love is still a Godly pursuit.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas

I hope you have a happy holiday! We are thinking of you, I promise. I thought this was the year for us to actually get Christmas cards out, and to have neighbor gifts delivered early. Well neither of those things are going to happen this year, so I'm Wishing you a MERRY CHRISTMAS here on my blog. I'm sorry it's impersonal but please forgive me. To our parents, brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces, cousins, friends and neighbors who keep up with us at NW family in UT, WE LOVE YOU, and may God "bless all the dear children in thy tender care." (Away in a Manger)


E and J

Monday, May 11, 2009

family: Moms

Happy Mothers Day to my WONDERFUL MOM. I strive to be more like her every day. She is my ultimate example of the kind of Mom I want to be, kind, patient, generous, with "1st things 1st," as my Stake President may say. Mom I hope you had a wonderful Mothers day!

Happy Mothers Day to my WONDERFUL Mother-in-law. What a great example of strength, love, and unity. I am grateful for her advise, urging, and encouragement that helps me be a better person. I am SOOOO grateful for the example she has set for her children. J is just the most thoughtful, loyal man and I owe it all to his wonderful MOM.

And finally Happy Mothers Day to our dear sisters and sister-in-laws. I'm learning from each of you all the time. I'll often think on memories of your children to help me gage these children. And I mean it-I'm thinking of each of you! Thank you for being great Mom's to your children and setting an example to the world of family.
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