Showing posts with label bukit gasing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bukit gasing. Show all posts

Role of a State Legislator

Compiled by Joey

Your State Assembly Representative, or Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN), represents you in the State Assembly. They are your main link to the decision makers of the country.

A State Assemblyman and a Member of Parliament play similar roles as law makers or legislators. The former makes state laws, while the latter makes federal laws — both in accordance with the Federal Constitution.

For example, the state can pass laws on matters relating to land, agriculture, forestry, local government, riverine fishing and Muslim law, among others. It shares jurisdiction with the federal government on matters relating to social welfare, scholarships, protection of wildlife and town and country planning. State legislation does not cover areas such as internal security, defence, civil and criminal law, citizenship, finance, communications, health, labour and commerce and shipping industry.

As laid out by Dr Azmi Sharom, associate professor of Universiti Malaya (, your ADUN's primary duty is to debate and vote on the proposed laws (known as Bills) to ensure that the best possible laws are made. Therefore, they should be well-informed about the Bills they are discussing to be able to debate intelligently.

Your ADUN also helps to check and critique the way government policy is made and implemented and to hold the Executive accountable and help prevent abuse of power.

Your ADUN may also raise issues that are of concern to their constituency, which may be discussed and even legislated. If you would like to raise an issue or a concern to YB Edward Lee, you can contact him at edwardlee.pj[at]

More on state legislative assemblies

There are 13 State Legislative Assemblies (Dewan Undangan Negeri or DUN) in Malaysia, corresponding with the 13 states. Each DUN comprises the head of state, a Speaker and elected representatives. State representatives are chosen via state elections, usually held simultaneously with federal elections.

In Selangor, for example, there are 56 ADUNs. A state assembly member's term is limited to five years. The state assembly must be dissolved before or upon expiration of its term for a fresh election to elect its members.

Local government councillors

For the time being, your state government also appoints local government councilors who make up the Local Authority, namely local municipal councils. Your councillors assist in the management and decision-making processes of the Local Authority by making by-laws and sitting on committees.

The Local Authority is in charge of the management of districts, towns and cities, specifically in the areas of: local environmental matters, licensing of activities, public health, cleanliness of public areas, public amenities, social services and land use planning.

If you have a problem with any of the above issues, you may contact MBPJ at their hotline 03-7954 2020 or your Bukit Gasing Councilors (

Bukit Gasing Youth Leadership Camp

We'll be conducting a Bukit Gasing leadership camp from 28 Nov to 30 Nov. Trainers are from the Bar Council and modules are apolitical. If you're interested to send your child/children, do revert to us with the response slip by fax or email. More details below.

1. To enhance the leadership skills of participants by giving them an opportunity to think and speak.
2. To encourage participants to work together as a team.
3. To enhance the listening skills of the participants and help them debate contentious issues in a reasoned and matured manner.
4. To help participants have a better understanding of Malaysian realities including basic human rights.
5. To help participants have a better understanding of the Malaysian political system.
6. To foster better understanding across ethnic and religious lines.

The purpose of the session is not to teach but to create an environment where participants can learn … if they choose to. Participants will learn not just from speakers who provide inputs but also from talking, listening and interacting with one another.

1. Sessions will be activity based.
2. There will be frequent use of games and other energizers to help break the monotony.
3. Input will normally come at the end of a session after the person who is to give the input has had a chance to hear what the participants have to say.
4. Input need to build on where the participants are at and deal with their specific concerns and areas of doubt.
5. Time will be allocated for outdoor activities.

.:Muhibbah gathering:.

Summarised by Joey
Friday 26 Sept
Full article:

Edward joined Petaling Jaya Old Town residents on 21 September for a memorable double celebration — Buka Puasa-cum-Lantern Festival. Also in attendance at the PJ Old Town Food Court were PJ Selatan MP Hee Loy Sian and Taman Medan assemblyman Haniza Talha.

Let there be light: (From left) Lee, Haniza and Hee lighting up their lanterns to signify the start of the Buka Puasa and Lantern Festival celebration at the PJ Old Town food court.

While enjoying the festive atmosphere of the multi-racial gathering, the leaders also pledged to revive the food court to its glory days. The food court holds special memories for Edward who spent many childhood days tucking into the scrumptious local favourites there.

Efforts to restore the food court's popularity are currently underway, he says. These include tackling issues such as cleanliness, lighting, traffic flow and licensing. "We are meeting with the stake holders to come out with a remedy that will benefit all," he adds.

The Pakatan Rakyat elected representatives also promised administrative reforms and called for the release of blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin and the five Hindraf leaders, as well as the abolition of the ISA, the Sedition Act and the Emergency Ordinance.

.:Rice distribution:.

By Charlotte
Friday 19 Sept 2008

As part of the 100-day PR Selangor Government celebration, each constituency within Selangor was given 700 bags of 5kg rice, 700 packets of sugar, and 700 tins of condensed milk.

These provisions were distributed to charitable homes and organisations, single mothers, and families and individuals in need.

Areas where Bukit Gasing provisions were distributed:
Bukit Gasing, Lembah Subang, PJS 2, Kampung Kayu Ara.

Pictures below were taken at PJS 2

Bukit Gasing councillors

Mayor of Petaling Jaya

Office: 03.7957.7194
Fax: 03.7958.1494


Sections 16 & 17

Mobile: 017.386.3896

Sections 8, 14 & 51A

Mobile: 016.322.9118
Tel: 03.7960.0257
Fax: 03.7960.0253

Sections 1, 1A, 3, 4 & 18

Fax: 03.2163.4953

Sections 11, 12 & 13

Mobile: 012.302.8801
Fax: 03.2284.0690

Sections 5 & 10

Mobile: 012.210.7540
Fax: 03.7954.0593

Sections 6, 7, 9 & 52

Mobile: 012.220.3146
Fax: 03.2693.0254

Full list can be found here.



1. Crime and the police
To ensure that the police force in PJ is increased, the candidate will:
  • Encourage more and better qualified local youths from all races to enlist as police officers and assist interested police candidates through the entire recruitment process.
  • Campaign for an increase in allowance (high-risk occupation) for the police force to enable them to perform their duties without having to resort to corrupt practices. This hopefully increases the pride and dignity of the police force.

2. Good governance, transparency and accountability
To ensure that proper relief is provided to lower income groups, wastage must be stopped at all levels of governance. The candidate will:
  • Implement clear licensing guidelines and policies. A comprehensice policy on licensing allows the public to immediately check on the process and helps prevent corruption.
  • Ensure that MBPJ solicits greater public participation by keeping the public informed and hold consultations with the public before and policy is implemented by the government, especially on town-planning issues, eg building development and re-zoning of land use.
  • Abolish the need for secrecy involving government accounts and minutes of all local government meetings. Making these documents public discourages and prevents corruption, and provides a more efficient and accountable government service.
  • Advocate the need for local government elections to ensure that local governments are headed by capable leaders.

3. Service centre for the people
The candidate will work hard at raising funds to set up a service centre manned by full-time workers within the Bukit Gasing constituency to provide assistance to the public. This service centre will hopefully be set up regardless of the election outcome.

The following are federal and state level concerns the candidate hopes to continuously highlight through his work:

1. Correcting the position of the civil service
The BN Government has managed the government machinery which includes all government departments as if it were part of the BN party machinery. The candidate will highlight these excesses and inform government servants the clear definition and delineation of their independence from party politics and politicians. This will prevent government servants from being made subservient and pander to the whims and fancies of the political parties in power. What is more important is the need to restore and enhance the dignity and reputation of the civil service, including the judiciary.

2. High cost of health services
The candidate will lobby with his counterparts in Parliament to register the plight of patients hit by spiralling high costs of medical and health care. The candidate will actively fight for fair and affordable health and medical care.

3. Flawed laws
Several existing laws at federal and state levels are flawed and allows for manipulation and abuse. The candidate will table private member bills for Selangor to have freedom of information enactment and local election enactment, two critical issues that affect the wellbeing of residents.

4. Minority group interests
The candidate will help identify and find solutions to minority group issues and endeavour to bring them to the attention of the authorities.

.:Barisan Rakyat:.

Comprehensive result here.

8 March 2008
6amI woke up thinking that unc Ed might just win the Bukit Gasing seat.

Was slightly doubtful as we only had three ceramahs and the committee members were all first timers (except John Chung - 2004 candidate for Bukit Gasing).
6.45amWith two hours of sleep, I trudged on to my school, Sri Damai.

Was quite flustered when I arrived as I had to check voters' details as well as hand out PAs' kits.

Good thing I had some back up when PKR's supporters came and helped to check voters' details as I tabulated discrepancies from my PAs.
5pmAs I was waiting for results for Damai school, my stomach was doing the flip flops. It was as though I was about to write a major examination paper.

As results trickled in for Damai, I got more and more amazed and thought, "Okay, looks like we can win."


Final count was in and we won by 9000 votes!Nine thousand..!
A big thank you to all those who contributed your time, energy and money to the campaign, and also to those who had come by to read this blog and casted your vote for Ed.

I personally have been very encouraged and blessed by this whole experience, not to mention extremely tired too.

A note from Ed will be post up soon.

He's still busy answering calls and responding to smses.
Barisan Rakyat.
It begins.


Service centre

We've acquired an office to be used as our service centre, and it's provided for free by MBPJ. It was actually for the previous years' MBPJ councillors to use but it remained unoccupied. Not sure why...

Anyway, we're open Tuesdays from 8.30pm to 10.30pm, so do pop by our cosy little space :)

Complaints : steps

Step 1:
Call MBPJ at their hotline at 03-7954 2020 or email them at to lodge a complaint. Get a reference number of the lodged complaint. Be sure to have all necessary information before calling, eg address of area of complaint, and leave your contact number so that they're able to call you back.

Step 2:
If there is no action, do visit MBPJ every alternate Friday (1st and 3rd week of the month) from 8am - 12pm at the MBPJ Civic Centre with your complaint reference number to follow up. (You may also go to MBPJ straight away to lodge your complaint and get your reference number there.) The sessions every alternate Friday is the council's meet-the-public session and all Heads of Department are required to be present to tend to the the public's complaints.

Step 3:
Should there still be no response to your issue, get your local councillor to follow up on the complaint.

Step 4:
If there's still no action after going through steps 1-3,
email us and we will enquire with the necessary departments about the complainant.

(The reason we do not encourage the public to come directly to Ed is because the public must give MBPJ a chance to correct the problem first.)

.:Kota Damansara:.

The Star
Wednesday March 19, 2008

Storm in a teacup

THE Kota Damansara Muslim Cemetery will remain but there will be no more development in the area, according to Kota Damansara state assemblyman Dr Mohd Nasir Hashim.

“We have decided to keep the cemetery but at the same time ensure that the surrounding will remain a green area.

Allaying fears: Dr Mohd Nasir assuring the Kota Damansara residents
that the Muslim cemetery would remain.

“Since the land still belongs to the state government, we will make sure that there is no further development at this forest reserve,” he said, referring to the Sungai Buloh Forest Reserve.

Dr Mohd Nasir made this promise to a group of 50 Kota Damansara residents who had gathered at the cemetery’s main entrance yesterday to protest against the visit by Bukit Gasing state assemblyman Edward Lee and to demand that the cemetery remains there.

The newly elected DAP state assemblyman was caught in a sticky situation when he decided to conduct a site visit to the Muslim burial site.

His visit was misconstrued and had made the residents who had been fighting for the cemetery uneasy.

The group was seen at the main entrance of the cemetery as early as 9am. Some had put up banners on the fence urging the new state government to leave the cemetery alone.

Also present were representatives from Majlis Perbandaran Petaling Jaya (MBPJ) the Forestry Department.

“The residents wanted to know the purpose of Lee’s visit to the cemetery.

‘‘That is why they decided to gather here and find out for themselves,” said Kota Damansara Cemetery Development committee chairman Alpadzul Abu Hassan.

He said Lee had called representatives from the MBPJ, Forestry Department and also the Cemetery Development Committee to brief him on the cemetery development.

Alpadzul, who is also Section 6 residents’ association chairman, said they felt that Lee should not have come charging there to get such information and should have talked to Dr Mohd Nasir or sought details from MBPJ.

In response to the situation, Lee said it was all due to miscommunication.

“I went there to check on the environmental issue and not the cemetery.

Lee said he had received complaints from the residents living near the cemetery, voicing out their fears that the development would not stop at the cemetery.

He said as he had been involved in the Sungai Buloh Forest Reserve issue for a few years, he had wanted to check on its status himself.

The cemetery, which is part of the depleting Sungai Buloh Forest Reserve, was the subject of controversy last year.

A group of residents and those who wanted to keep the green area had objected to it.


Wednesday March 19, 2008
Attn: Brian Martin, Star Metro Editor
RE: Article ‘STORM IN A TEACUP’ by reporter SALINA KHALID on March 19, 2008
The elected representative for Bukit Gasing Edward Lee Poh Lin would like to make a correction as to the reports stated in the article mentioned above, which paints him as meddling in the affairs of the Kota Damansara community.

The erroneous 11th paragraph is as follows:
He said Lee had called representatives from the MBPJ, Forestry Department and also the Cemetery Development Committee to brief him on the cemetery development.

Your reporter quoted Mr Alpadzul Abu Hassan in this matter but failed to record if indeed Mr Lee had in fact done this and paints a picture that Mr Lee was meddling in the affairs of the Muslim Cemetery when it was clearly not the case.

Mr Lee did not request for the Forestry Department or the Cemetery Development Committee to be present.

Mr Lee was made to understand that the meeting would also be with Kota Damansara state assemblyman Dr Mohd Nasir Hashim and this was done.

To put the record straight, a group of Kota Damansara residents had voiced their concern over a section of the forest that was away from the main cemetery was found being cleared and sought Mr Lee’s advice on the matter as there had been little official information available on the Sungai Buloh Forest Reserve from MBPJ.

To allay the residents’ fears, Mr Lee asked the mayor, Datuk Mohamad Roslan Sakiman for MBPJ to conduct a site visit. The mayor suggested that Town Planning Department assistant director Zain Asly will be requested to assist in briefing the concerned residents on the status of the project as MBPJ Town Planning Department director Sharipah Marhani Syed Ali was supposed to be away performing the Umrah..

However, instead of a single MBPJ officer, MBPJ Town Planning Department director Sharipah Marhani Syed Ali personally came and brought an entourage. We are perplexed as to what sparked unwarranted fears of the Kota Damansara Muslim Cemetery committee as what was intended was a quiet visit to acquaint the residents of MBPJ’s plans for the whole forest.

Mr Lee was invited by the residents as an advisor in his capacity as the All PJ Proaction Committee pro tem chairman and not as Bukit Gasing assemblyman since he has yet to be sworn in.

We urge your good paper to publish this correction.

K.W. Mak

On behalf of Edward Lee


The Star
Thursday March 20, 2008

Bukit Gasing assemblyman Edward Lee was invited by Kota Damansara residents to visit the area on Tuesday in his capacity as advisor and pro-tem chairman of the All PJ Pro-Action Committee.

Lee said he was invited by the group of residents who was concerned over a section of the forest that was far away from the main cemetery which was allegedly being cleared, and the residents sought his advice on the matter.

He also said it was not he who had requested for the Forestry Department and Cemetery Development Committee to be present at the site during the visit.

In a statement in response to an article published in the Star Metro under the heading “Storm in a teacup” on Wednesday, Lee said he had asked Petaling Jaya mayor Datuk Roslan Sakiman to conduct a site visit to Kota Damansara. The mayor, however suggested that a senior official from the Town Planning department be present instead.

“We are perplexed as to what sparked unwarranted fears of the Kota Damansara Muslim Cemetery committee as what was intended was a quiet visit to acquaint the residents of MBPJ's plans for the whole forest,” Lee said.

.:Map : N.34 polling schools:.

Polling schools for N.34 Bukit Gasing.
Click map for larger image.

.:Pictures : SFX:.

27 March 2008

Dialogue at SFX between:
Donald Lim (MCA) - PJ South
Hee Loy Sian (PKR) - PJ South
Dr Lim Thuan Seng (Gerakan) - Bukit Gasing
Edward Lee Poh Lin (DAP) - Bukit Gasing

A review of the event can be read here and here.

.:Video : Anwar @ 17/1A:.

26 Feb 2008
Anwar at Ed's ceramah

.:Pictures : Sect 17/1A:.

26 Feb 2008
The walkabout before Ed's speech.

Hee (PKR - PJ South) & Edward (DAP - Bukit Gasing)

Anwar & Ed

More pics here.