Phew! It's been awhile since the last update. So many things going on in my life, at work and at home.. I can't even find the time, energy and mood to jot down a single line here in this blog. I mean.. I don't even have time to write a review of Watchmen for god's sake! (p/s : Like it but don't love it).
Well, to be honest, my life and my attention suddenly shifted to one thing only. My world suddenly just revolved around a very important person. It seems that my focus and my purpose in life is only for one reason..
And the reason is him..
Well, to be honest, my life and my attention suddenly shifted to one thing only. My world suddenly just revolved around a very important person. It seems that my focus and my purpose in life is only for one reason..
And the reason is him..
Tahniah bro+wife..
..dan 'Selamat Datang' kpd anakanda Muhammad Affan Rifqy..
..shortform nama panggil apa bro?
..nanti kenduri doa selamat jgn lupa jemput tau! muahhh! ;-)
Macam iras u pun ada Edd..alhamdulilah...
Alhamdulillah semua dah selamat!Congrats to both of u!Semoga lebih dimurahkan rezeki , hidup yg lebih happy2....and diredhai Allah selalu!Amin!!!!
tahniah :)
mesti hepi tiap2 hari ko ni
Tahniah bro. Dah jadi ayah.
Satu "transformasi" tu. Bukan AF je yang ada transformasi..hehehe.
Muhammad Affan Rifqy ye? Sedap nama. Panggil Rifqy boleh?
congrats, edd the new dad!..welcome to our world!..;-)
you rockkkkkkkkk!! oh ye, slamat tak tido malam..hehehe
thanks. Short name panggil Rifqy je. :)
thanks. ramai org ckp muka mcm my wife.. hehe.
thanks. amin! :)
thanks. aku senyum tak hilang2 lagi.. hehe.
thanks. Panggil Rifqy je.. hehe.
thanks. mmg dah start pun.. setiap 2 jam sekali, dia mesti bangun nak susu. But it's ok.. :)
Welcome to the world, bb. Awww geram tengok baby. So cute, yet so fragile (penakut nk hold baby actually XD) Ni ndak kene panggil ape?
Oooh seb baik ko apdet, Edd. I was wondering gak biler by ndak born. Skalik same birthmonth ngan aku daaa. Great to know that both mom+bb are okay. Kem slm kat your wife. And again, congratscongratscongrats.
Haa lepas ni wat fotolog plak la yerk :)
Tahniah bro! Welkam to d klab! Selamat berjaga tiap2 malam. Lepas ni buat anak lagi...
thanks. Panggil Rifqy je.. baru comel. hehe.
fotolog? hmmm.. I'm thinking of creating a blog for him. Lebih kurang mcm jurnal la.. so nanti bila dah besar, dia boleh baca about his life.
thanks. Aku tunggu kau dapat yg 2nd, pastu baru aku menyusul.. hehe.
comei ler baby..
kem salam kat ayat ek..
my man!
alhamdulillah.ur the man!.
moga-moga rifqy sihat sentiasa.
standby mode untuk jaga tengah2 malam pulak!.
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