Showing posts with label Porch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Porch. Show all posts

Monday, November 7, 2011

fall wreath

About a week after I had my daughter, my mom brought me all of the things I would need to be able to make a wreath for my front door.  We had been talking about what kind of wreath we should make for a while and so we both made one.  Here is what mine turned out like:

Here is how I made it:

I started out with an old nasty water noodle.  I duct taped it into a circle and used it as my wreath form.  Super cheap and super easy.  It worked like a charm!

Next, I wrapped the wreath in burlap so that none of the wreath form was showing.

I used a nice green moss next to cover the burlap.  The easiest way to get the moss to stick was to cover a section of the burlap with some hot glue and pat the moss down on it. 

Next, I hot glued some pumpkins onto the moss.  the finishing touch was adding a big burlap bow to the top.  The best way to get it to stay exactly the way I wanted it to was to use straight pins.  It was so convenient.

To hang it, I simply used a strip of burlap and some thumb tacks.  I tacked it to the top of my door.

I love it because I can leave it up through October and November without having to change anything.

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Friday, September 23, 2011

POV {Autumn}

This month's theme for Point of View is Autumn.  Check out all of these amazing projects!

Here are the links to all the projects.  You are going to want to go see all of them!

1. Me- you can find the tutorial here
2. Gwen- Gwenny Penny
3. Stephanie- Always Just a Mom
5. Camilla- Rosy Red Buttons
7. Michelle- A Little Tipsy

As always, we have a fun linky party going on that is sure to give you some festive ideas for Autumn.  We would love it if you would head on over to Gwen's blog and link up your Autumn posts.  They can be past or present posts.  We aren't picky.  And as an extra bonus, we will be featuring our favorite projects next week.  So be sure and link up!

I definitely had so much fun with this theme.  It probably is because this is my very favorite time of the year.  And even better is the fact that this season means that I am almost done with this pregnancy!  I will let you know when the big day comes.  I am due in 4 weeks, so you never know when it will happen. 

Thanks for stopping by!  Make sure to check out all the fun tutorials!
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Seasonal Welcome Post

I had a lot of fun making this project.  It all started with my obsession with pinterest.  I saw this post, and decided to make one of my own just with my own little twist to it since it wasn't nearly big enough for my liking.  Here is my version:

What you need to get started on the post:

4X4- (1) cut to 3 ft.
1X4- (2) cut to 16 in
1X6- (2) cut to 16 in
2X8- (1) cut to 7 in
molding- your choice (I got 5 feet and had a little left over)
Spray Paint
Fence Cap (1) I found it over by the fencing stuff at Home Depot

Step 1:  Using nails and wood glue, I attached the 1X4's to the sides and 1X6's to the front and back of the 4X4 post.  Then I attached the 1X8 to the bottom with a screw and wood glue so that it was nice and secure.  This will create your base.

Step 2: Cut your molding to size.  You should cut them at a 45 degree angle so that you have nice mitered corners.  You should have 2 pieces that are 4 in long and 2 pieces that are 16 in long.  Attach them to the front of your post.  (It should be a 1X6 that you are attaching them to.)

Step 3:  Add your cap to the top by using wood glue and then using small nails on the sides to hold it securely in place.

Step 4:  Caulk all of the spaces.  Trust me.  You don't want to skip this step.  It will make your piece not only look flawless, but it makes it a lot more sturdy.

Step 5:  Sand down the entire post.  I wouldn't recommend sanding the molding. 

Step 6:  Spray paint your post with whatever color you would like. 

Once that is done, you are done with making the post.  Now on to how to decorate it!

My mom had this awesome rod iron thing that she found while thrifting one day and she let me use it for this project.  It definitely added a lot to the finished look.  To attach it, I used a screw through the post and hung it on it.  Then I also added nails to either side of it so that it won't swing around in the wind.

To make the welcome sign, I used a scrap 1X4 and simply spray painted it the color I wanted it, then added the vinyl lettering.

The pumpkins took a little bit of creativity.  I really wanted a specific look for my post, and the only way I could get it was to buy this sign from Tai Pan ($9) and take the pumpkins off of it.  Then I attached them to some scrap 1X4's that I had cut to the right size.  Here is the sign sans pumpkins.  The pumpkins I used went on either side of the skinny pumpkin in the middle.  You get the idea though.

To attach it to the rod iron thingy, I used some ribbon I got from Walmart for $1.00!  I was pretty excited about my find.  I actually found a couple of really great ribbons for such a cheap price. 

To finish things off, I simply placed it on my porch and got some fun fall mums to go next to it.  I love the way it turned out and I think I am most excited about the fact that I can change out the pumpkins for other holiday decor once Christmas rolls around.  It really is versatile and I can't wait to make the blocks for the other holidays throughout the year.

And there you have it.  My POV project for the month.  Don't forget that you can go link up your favorite fall projects over at Gwen's blog.  We will be choosing our favorites to feature next week!
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Sunday, July 10, 2011


These types of signs have been popping up all over blog land lately, and I decided that it was exactly what my front door needed.

I used a black frame I had lying around and spray painted it red.  Then using various papers I made the welcome pennant and pinwheels. 

It was so easy and it adds a fun pop of color that says come on in.....unless you're a solicitor.  Then you're not welcome. 

I think it goes so well with my fun planter shelf, but am rethinking the placement of the No Soliciting Sign.  Maybe I should make a sign that goes next to the door instead of having it on the door.

Just as a way of updates, my husband and I have been working on finishing our backyard.  The previous owners never put in sprinklers or grass or anything.  I am excited to show you what we have done so far.  Maybe later this week I will get some pictures taken and posted. 
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Friday, May 27, 2011

POV {Pillows}

This month's POV seemed to creep up on me and almost caught me completely by surprise!  Luckily, I did finish my pillow, but just barely.

Check out all these cute pillows!

2. Michelle (A Little Tipsy)
3. Me
4. Gwen (Gwenny Penny)

Not participating this month:
* Camilla (Rosy Red Buttons)

Go over to the other blogs and check out the pillows there!  They are so cute!  

Also, there is a linky party going on over at Gwen's blog, so be sure to go link up your pillow projects!  We can't wait to see them and feature our favorites which means it could be YOUR pillow we feature!  So exciting, I know. :)

Now, for a little about my pillow.  I decided I wanted to make a fun, fresh and bright pillow for my front porch.  These pictures however, weren't taken on my porch, but rather they were taken on my mom's porch because mine is just sad.  I am hoping to fix that sometime soon though *wink* so watch out for that. 

I unfortunately don't have a tutorial for this one simply because I didn't have my camera with me while I was making it, but I think it is pretty straight forward and easy.

The one thing I will tell you is that to make the monogram, I first cut out my "S" using cardstock on my silhouette machine.  Then I pinned it to my fabric and cut around the "S" like a stencil.  I wish I had the special fabric mat for my silhouette because it would have been so much easier and cut more precise, but this worked as well.  To attach it, I just top stitched it to the yellow fabric.

I hope you like it!  And don't forget.....go LINK UP your pillows! :)
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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Spring Wreath

I know it's been a while since I last posted.  You know it's bad when your dad has to point it out to you that you haven't updated your blog.  Well, I have all sorts of reasons of why I have been missing, but I think instead of telling you about it, I am going to show you a new project.

This is really so simple.  All you need is:

A twiggy wreath (I got mine at Roberts)
Flower stems  (Hobby Lobby currently has all of their stems 50% off.)

First, I took the stems and separated the flower branches.  Then I simply pushed the flowers into the twig wreath making sure that the flowers go the same direction as the twigs.  I did the yellow first, then filled in the gaps with the pink flowers.

When you're done, you have a nice, full wreath that is perfect for spring time!

Don't forget that Point of View will be happening this Friday!  The theme is spring.  Get working on your projects and I will let you know where the linky party will be.

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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Winterized Porch

Sometimes life is really crazy.  I started this project a while ago, but just finished it this morning.  So, even though Christmas is only 14 days away, I finally finished my porch.

Don't mind the cinder block.  The tree kept blowing over and the cinder block works like a charm.  Also, I am wishing I had some turquoise ornaments instead of the red, but I don't want to go to the store to get more.  It works, right.

Let's start with the wreath.  I got the evergreen wreath thing, the tulle and the sparkley beads from Hobby Lobby.  The silver branches came from Roberts and the snowflake came from the dollar store.

I simply hot glued them onto the wreath to create this look.  I am in love with it.  It makes me think of the snow queen from Narnia.

Now, to create the snowflakes.  These are the supplies I used.

I wasn't sure which kind of glitter would be the best to use, so I got a few different types.  I would recommend using the folk art glitter paint.  It was so much easier to use and far less messy.

I started by using the tacky glue to attach the paint sticks together.  Then I used a staple gun on the top and bottom to make it stronger.

Next I embellished with popcicle sticks, dollar store snowflakes and cardboard cut outs.  Then I spray painted it white which also helps weather proof it.
Add glitter.
Then you are done.

 I hung them up with wire and a screw through the back...the kind of screw you would use to hang know, with the "O" on one side and the screw on the other.  Do you even know what I am talking about?  Oh man.  What a terrible time to forget what they are called.


Put it all together and there you have it.  A winter scene for your porch. 

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Faux Jack-o-Lantern

Here is a quick and easy way to get the look of a jack-o-lantern without cutting into the pumpkin.

Before:                                                                              After:
Using vinyl and my cricut, I cut out this image and put it on the pumpkin.  In hind sight, I probably would have used one of the smaller pumpkins for this image.  I might make some fun faces for the other pumpkins I have on my porch.  When I was younger, we used to paint our pumpkins which was fun because we could paint them early in October and then carve them for Halloween.  The vinyl works the same way except it is easier for me to do, and to be honest, I am not the best painter so this looks MUCH better (I am sure.) 
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Friday, October 1, 2010

My porch {Fall-i-fied}

Welcome to our porch!

When we moved into our house, the people that lived there before us left this lovely bench for us.  I don't mind it since we don't actually own one of our own, but the grapes are hideous.  So I made this pumpkin sign to hide the grapes, and the pillow to distract you from the blue.  Did it work?  I hope so. :)

 I love the way everything turned out.  I hope your porch is "Fall-i-fied" now, or close to being completed.  I would love to see your porches too.  If you post it on your blog, please come back and leave a comment with your blog address so that I can see it.  Isn't fall so colorful and pretty?  Love it!

Here is one last look:

*If you are reading my blog for the first time, you can find out a little more about my porch projects Here, Here and Here
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fall-i-fy Your Porch #3

Buying the perfect pumpkins:

If you were to ask my husband, he would say that the bigger the pumpkin the better.  I know there are a lot of people that would say that, but not me.  Especially when it comes to putting them on my porch.  I am a little more practical when it comes to decorating my porch.  (Here is my disclaimer to this post: I am in no way claiming myself to be an expert and a lot of what I say may be common sense.  Just in case there is someone that is interested though, I will write this post.)  Let's begin.

1.  Height is probably the biggest factor I take into consideration whenever I am decorating anything.  I like to have things at different heights to add interest.  The same goes for Pumpkins.  If you place them at different levels or have different sizes of pumpkins it makes your finished product look finished rather then just randomly placed. 

2. Color can make things more inviting and more pleasing to the eye.  Fall is a great time for color, so why not use the colors you have.  I usually buy green, yellow and orange pumpkins.  This year I found some really cool white and orange striped ones that I am so excited to use.

3. Shape can also help with the height factor.  I like to get a tall skinny pumpkin, a round plump pumpkin several small ones, and I usually let my husband get one really big one that we can carve later.  I just like the variety.  I usually get quite a few little ones actually because you can stack them and fill in those "cracks" that are just missing something. 
(Now that our porch is bigger, I am planning on buying more pumpkins than we have been able to in years past.) 

Keep these simple ideas in mind as you go buy your pumpkins.  I hope it was helpful.  If you have any other ideas, please leave a comment for everyone to see so that we can help each other out.  I know I would love to hear it!

****As a side note, I like to help the local farmers out by buying my big pumpkins from them.  They usually have a great selection and are far less expensive than, say, Walmart.  So it is a win-win situation.  (If you live in Lehi, go to the Evan's Family Farm.  That is where I got mine.  They are conveniently just down the street from my house.  Email me if you need directions)

While you are out buying your pumpkins, start collecting your other items as well such as the Corn Stalks and Straw Bales.  We are almost ready to put the porch together.  I can't wait to show you the final result.  I think you are going to be happy with your charming fall porch makeover.  I plan on having my porch finished by Friday, so make sure to get your stuff ready to go by then!

*****All images are from a google search I did.  I did not take any of them. *****
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