The archbishop Turpin, alarmed by this macabre passion, suspected an enchantment and insisted on examining the corpse. Hidden under the girl’s dead tongue he found a ring with a precious stone set in it.
当戒指在主教手中, 查理曼大帝更疯狂地爱上主教。主教为了避免困窘难堪就将那枚戒指扔入康士坦斯湖(Lake Constance)。’
As soon as the ring was in Turpin’s hands, Charlemagne fell passionately in love with the archbishop. In order to escape the embarrassing situation, the Turpin flung the ring into Lake Constance.
Charlemagne thereupon fell in love with the lake and would not leave its shores. At the end everything was hence reduced to a melancholic meditation…
She spoke slowly while spinning the half full glass of water gently.
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