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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Every Road

...leads to you.

Just something simple to share today. For whatever reason, I love this photo of my kids. Its not very clear, the subjects are quite small and hard to see - but nonetheless, I love it. They're all walking along this barron path - together, but at their own pace. My eldest son leading, as he often does, with my yongest son following closely behind. My daughter is quite a ways back - but still very much apart of the journey, following along in her brothers' footsteps.

Some yummy bling from ZVA Creative!! Seriously sticks to EVERYTHING (including me when I'm trying to place it just perfectly)!!

I distressed the papers and layered several times as I felt the frame had a naturally antique look. I then framed the photo with some blue to hilight the beautiful Icy Blossoms and to pick up the hues in the photo.

ZVA Products Used:
Self Adhesive Pearl: PE02CB112
Self Adhesive Pearl: PEB03CA104
Icy Blossoms (blue): FLBK02CA114


Denni said...

That picture is AMAZING! I love it! And what a beautiful way to display it - love the flowers and pearls.

Scrapthat said...

Very nice!
Big congrats on your Bo bunny DT spot!! WTGG!

Tanya said...

Beautiful! Love the colors, that blue really does the job! Love it :D

Gabrielle Pollacco said...

Big CONGRATS!!! Tara on making the Bo BUnny DT!!! I just found out myself too!!! It'll be fun working together again!

~Gabi xxx

Cindy Gay said...

A very nice title. I too like the photo.

Anonymous said...


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