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Sunday, November 1, 2009

An Awesome "Me" Day

What a wonderful day I've had today!! My hubby is heading to the canucks game tonight so gave me a 'me' day this afternoon! SOOO very needed and I loved every second. I started off at Michaels (the only LSS around) and picked up some Mod Podge, grungeboard, etc. Then off to the local thrift store in town where I found a HEAP of amazing stuff that I am dying to refinish!! I have altered projects on the brain and cannot wait to get started! I actually was able to 'browse' through all the neat little shops around town with a coffee in hand and not even once had to utter the words 'don't touch!' - LOL.

Anyhow, just wanted to share - sometimes its so very worth taking time for yourself - to destress, refocus and just enjoy life!

Thanks babe!

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