Sunday, April 20, 2008


Two pictures from our Wicked fun the day before.
We woke early to go to church. Todd and Megan both had to go to work at the hospital, so we all drove and met Steve DeVries at their ward.  They have a very interesting ward with very few families and more single members than married.  It is very diverse and has a definite LA feel to it.  They have some very successful unmarried sisters in their ward and two of them (with high ties to the fashion world in LA) have put together a community Modesty Fashion Show in two weeks.  It will be great!  They also announced a future joint fireside with a rabbi that will be held on the temple grounds.  
We had a nice Sunday dinner and after dish clean up we taught Steve our favorite card game, May I. It was time to get to the airport and we all piled in to both their cars and drove to the airport.  As we were unloading our luggage, the car in front of us at the curb, had two women saying goodbye (in a very passionate embrace and kisses.) That was a very surreal experience. We all hugged Megan goodbye and off we went seeming as if we had just arrived.  Thanks Megan and Todd! We love you and appreciate you.
ANOTHER AIRPLANE?????? Emily sacrificed and held my wet and nervous hand during the turbulence at the Point of the Mountain in south Salt Lake......home again, home again, jiggity jig!    


  1. Sounds like the most fun time!! I have to take a trip with y'all one day. It just sounds like too much fun! Question, why is there always turbulence over Point of the Mountain? Happens everytime we fly into Salt Lake!!! By the way, Crew is such a cute baby, and you and Grandma Char are such cute Grandma's!!

  2. Wow! It sounds like you guys had a fun trip! I am sure that Laurel is so sad that her and Brady could not be there with you guys.

  3. Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Telefone VoIP, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

  4. I love love love Los Angeles! My sister lives just outside of LA. (I don't know if you knew that) It is such a great place to visit, and shop :) The Grove is my favorite! Ruby and I are headed out there in just over a week - seeing all of your cute pictures has gotten me excited! I'm glad you had a fun little getaway and traveled safely!

  5. Look like y'all had a great trip. I'm glad you survived another flight! I'm always terrified to fly too.

  6. I am so glad you guys had so much fun and missed all of you! I can't wait for more family experiences in san diego. thanks for taking the time posting your activities so i could feel more like i was there. love you

  7. The trip looks like so much fun! I wish we could have been there. We miss you guys!

  8. Hey! I saw Wicked last year this time in New York City. It was unbelievable! Glad you all had so much fun. I think I had as much fun reading about yall as yall had being there. What a beautiful family! I love you all and miss you all. Charlene, I feel the same way about Brother Uchtdorf....or however you say it.
    Maybe I will get to see yall this summer. Love to all, your SC friend, TaWanna
