of the river and bridge on their blog when they volunteered.
Brady and Laurel with their MS medals at the end of the Walk
The AMAZING WESTBROEK FAMILY....Marlene, Megan, Mike, Kait, and Ben

Laurel, Brady and Veronica enjoying the walk

Lots of people spent the morning walking for MS

Many volunteered to help at the Walk (just like Johnny and Brittney did in Portland)
Today was the MS Walk in Ogden. This is the fourth year I have walked and I get excited each time to see the good things that are happening in the fight against MS. The weather was sunny, but COLD! We didn't even work up a sweat in our 3 mile walk because it was so chilly. I would have liked to have my mittens. Walking was easy and pleasant-----BUT I WANT TO HONOR THE REAL HEROES! Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the FAMILY and FRIENDS that so generously donated to the WOLTHUIS WALKERS. You are all incredible and so kind! I can't express my thanks adequately. The GREAT NEWS is that we were able to raise about $1,500 for the great cause! I am ecstatic and thankful and satisfied. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! You have made a difference with your generous offers!
Brady, Laurel and I walked together. John had to be at the hospital....he is on call and spending LOTS of time with emergencies. I know he wanted to be there though. Jocelyn had to take a practice AP American History test so she was at school. I had nice calls today wishing us luck and asking how things went. Thanks so much for ALL your support, ALWAYS! We especially enjoyed having Mike and Marlene Westbroek join the Wolthuis Walkers this year with 3 of their 4 children and a future son-in-law! Thanks so much Westbroek's!!!! You are great friends and you have a wonderful family that we love so much. WE have already agreed to walk again next year! Again, thank you for your goodness.