Saturday, April 26, 2008


We wanted to show the river, since Johnny and Brittney had such a beautiful picture 
of the river and bridge on their blog when they volunteered.  
                    Brady and Laurel with their MS medals at the end of the Walk
 The AMAZING WESTBROEK FAMILY....Marlene, Megan, Mike, Kait, and Ben

Laurel, Brady and Veronica enjoying the walk

Lots of people spent the morning walking for MS

       Many volunteered to help at the Walk (just like Johnny and Brittney did in Portland)

Today was the MS Walk in Ogden.  This is the fourth year I have walked and I get excited each time to see the good things that are happening in the fight against MS.  The weather was sunny, but COLD!  We didn't even work up a sweat in our 3 mile walk because it was so chilly.  I would have liked to have my mittens.  Walking was easy and pleasant-----BUT I WANT TO HONOR THE REAL HEROES!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the FAMILY and FRIENDS that so generously donated to the WOLTHUIS WALKERS.  You are all incredible and so kind!  I can't express my thanks adequately. The GREAT NEWS is that we were able to raise about $1,500 for the great cause!  I am ecstatic and thankful and satisfied.  THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!  You have made a difference with your generous offers!  
Brady, Laurel and I walked together.  John had to be at the hospital....he is on call and spending LOTS of time with emergencies.  I know he wanted to be there though.  Jocelyn had to take a practice AP American History test so she was at school.  I had nice calls today wishing us luck and asking how things went.  Thanks so much for ALL your support, ALWAYS!  We especially enjoyed having Mike and Marlene Westbroek join the Wolthuis Walkers this year with 3 of their 4 children and a future son-in-law!  Thanks so much Westbroek's!!!!  You are great friends and you have a wonderful family that we love so much.  WE have already agreed to walk again next year!  Again, thank you for your goodness.

Friday, April 25, 2008


Today I finished listening to "Master" on CD. I can't express adequately my feelings about this amazing book of the Savior's life. It is told from the fictionalized viewpoint of a mute boy that Joseph and Mary save when they find him in the desert. It has been well researched for the Jewish customs, religion, and history of the time. It is full of all the scriptures, parables, and the entire story of our dear Savior's earthly life, atonement, crucifixion and resurrection. IT IS AMAZING! I had to have a tissue handy for the last two CD's because all I did was cry. If you are looking for a book that will bring the Savior closer into your individual life.....I recommend "Master."

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Two pictures from our Wicked fun the day before.
We woke early to go to church. Todd and Megan both had to go to work at the hospital, so we all drove and met Steve DeVries at their ward.  They have a very interesting ward with very few families and more single members than married.  It is very diverse and has a definite LA feel to it.  They have some very successful unmarried sisters in their ward and two of them (with high ties to the fashion world in LA) have put together a community Modesty Fashion Show in two weeks.  It will be great!  They also announced a future joint fireside with a rabbi that will be held on the temple grounds.  
We had a nice Sunday dinner and after dish clean up we taught Steve our favorite card game, May I. It was time to get to the airport and we all piled in to both their cars and drove to the airport.  As we were unloading our luggage, the car in front of us at the curb, had two women saying goodbye (in a very passionate embrace and kisses.) That was a very surreal experience. We all hugged Megan goodbye and off we went seeming as if we had just arrived.  Thanks Megan and Todd! We love you and appreciate you.
ANOTHER AIRPLANE?????? Emily sacrificed and held my wet and nervous hand during the turbulence at the Point of the Mountain in south Salt Lake......home again, home again, jiggity jig!    

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Nordstrom loves their shopper's pets!

Eating at Maggiano's.  We had the family style meal!  

I have to use 'GREEN' today in honor of WICKED!  What an incredible experience it was to go to Wicked!  If you ever get the chance to go you should take it.  The music is divine.....the costumes are beautiful and so fitting with the story.......THE STORY.....PERFECT!  Wicked is a story of Good and Evil....  The question is posed in the beginning, Is someone born wicked or is it developed over time????  The two female leads, Galinda and Elphaba have amazing voices that blend together so beautifully you could melt into a puddle of peace!  As you can tell, I LOVED WICKED!  
While we were waiting for Todd, we ran into Nordstrom.  I thought 'only in L A' as I saw a sign on the escalator.......  To summarize the sign it says, "Watch out for your pets on the escalator so that they don't get hurt."  Not one mention of being cautious with your children on the escalator.......Go figure that one out... We saw oodles of people shopping with their dogs in every exclusive store.....  I just don't get it.
We met Todd and Crew at The Grove after the play.  Thanks so much Todd for taking care of Crew so that Emily could go to the play.  You did a great job being the babysitter!  We also met Steve DeVries, Emily's brother-in-law, who is working in LA right now, away from his home work base in Charlotte, N.C.  We ate at Maggiano's and it was very good.  So much food on the table we could hardly find room for the plates.  It was a very wonderful day.

Friday, April 18, 2008


We were all up early and started the day watching the delightful "Dan in Real Life."  Loved the movie!!!  Rent the DVD and sit back and enjoy the story.  The we set out for our morning walk to Home Depot.  It is about 3/4 of a mile from Meg's apartment.  There are many Hispanics that stand outside in the parking lot at Home Depot hoping that someone will come and hire them to work for the day.  I tried to say "Good Morning" and smile at every person I passed.  It worked!  I got a friendly smile and a reply from each and every one.  Walking along the sidewalk you see the cement lifted like a roller coaster from the tree roots that have grown under it.  I had to take a picture of the sidewalk because it looks so funny, but it is dangerous to walk on it.  Everyone ate breakfast at McDonald's (but me----I have got to lose weight) (THEY EVEN HAVE AN OUTSIDE WINDOW FOR MCDONALD'S EXPRESS)   and then we walked back to the apartment to get ready to go to IN AND OUT for lunch!  Can you tell we ate and ate and ate????  YUMMY!!!  I could eat IN and OUT every day.  

We decided to check out the Beverly Center in Beverly Hills, since Megan recommended it for shopping.  Mapquest took us the long we were on Sunset Blvd.  for a long time.....what beautiful homes are in that area....every corner has a sign "Map of the Stars Homes Here."  I can't say I loved the Beverly Center....I think I like The Grove better.  But I took some funny pictures of my cute husband as he patiently shopped with us.  He fit right in carrying Emily's big bag for her.
We ate dinner at Jocey's favorite restaurant, P F Chang's.  She downs the brown rice, honey chicken, and lo-mein!  It was a great meal and we had reservations, so we didn't have to wait.  The worst part of the night was the other 6 BACKSEAT DRIVERS telling me every which way to drive on the 405 South in rush hour traffic!  Talk about STRESS!  But we drove home along the Pacific Coast Highway and it was beautiful with people gathered around bonfires on the beach, the sun glinting off the ocean, and especially being together with some of the people I love so much.  We got in a short game of May I before Megan was nodding off between hands.  

Thursday, April 17, 2008


We ended the day by meeting Megan at California Pizza Kitchen after she was finished at the hospital.  We had GOOD food and ate way tooooooo much the entire time in LA.  
GREAT Grandma Char with Crew......she is GREAT......and so young in every way that her grandchildren and great grandchildren adore Grandma Char.

An AIRPLANE???? AGAIN?????  We started our trip with all of us on Southwest.  Four generations with Grandma Char, Grandma Vern, Emily and baby Crew.  Grandma Char didn't really want to sit with me on the plane so she sat in the row in front of us.  John ended up behind us and Jocey, Emily, Crew and I sat together.  I am thankful that my dear little grandson distracted me from my flying fears with his sweet chatter and smile.

Monday, April 14, 2008


When I was in college, I was an English major.  Some weeks I would have three or more major papers due for class.  Imagine typing....yes I said TYPING these papers....type, make a mistake, start over, or try to erase without tearing your paper.  HORRIBLE! I can't imagine how much easier my education would have been with a COMPUTER!  I am grateful for a computer for many reasons.  But the BEST reason right now is that with my MAC laptop I can see my dear grandsons face to face (with the built in camera and .mac) every day even though they are in Idaho.  What a blessing technology is in our lives.....cell phones, fax machines, the INTERNET, printers, etc. etc.   What a GREAT time to live.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Today, Johnny and Brittney volunteered at the MS Walk in Portland.  How I appreciate all they did.  They wanted to do something for MS since they can't be here in Ogden for the MS Walk on April 26th!  They had a wonderful time and saw many different faces of MS.  I appreciate you very much!  It means the world to me.  Johnny and Brittney have some awesome pictures and a wonderful post about their day on their blog.  Check it out!  Email them at to see about their blog.  

Johnny and Brittney said that over 3,000 walked today in Portland for MS!

Johnny and Brittney make me cry with their volunteer signs!

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Laura, Veronica, Judy, Shauna, Janeal, Machel, Janis, Sheila (going clockwise around the table

A few of us got together for our friend, Machel's birthday.  It was nice to visit and catch up with one another.  Sister Marjorie Hinckley said, "It is a sociological fact that women need women.  We need deep and satisfying and loyal friendships with each other.  These friendships are a necessary source of sustenance."  I agree and give gratitude for friends!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

BE CAREFUL what YOU WISH for! careful.....We were talking yesterday about our old TV that has seen us through thick and thin. When Jocey was tiny, we packed the whole family in the van and drove to R. C. Willey to look at a new 27" TV because our old one had died. Before I could even get to the electronics section, the kids came running to me, "Dad bought a big screen." I was shocked. We hadn't even discussed the possibility of buying a big screen. So....back to our TV. We have loved this TV and it has only been repaired once in the umpteenth years we have had it. So yesterday, I said, "I can't wait for this TV to die and we will get a plasma." So be careful what you wish for......THE WONDERFUL OLD TV DIED LAST NIGHT AND WE CAN'T SEEM TO REVIVE IT. I guess I might make a little hunting expedition on my own tomorrow to R. C. Willey.
Mom called me today and we were talking about conference and how much we loved the messages. Then she said, "I couldn't listen to Elder Uchtdorf." I thought to myself, 'Was it the German accent?' I said, "Why?" She then responded, "He is so good looking that I just stared at him and couldn't hear a word." I agree! He is good looking. My mom cracks me up. You are the best, MOM!
Colton decided he wanted to wear his Oregon shirt today. Greg and I were trying to get his mind opened to the concept of liking more than Utah State and Texas A & M.....I think we are making headway since he chose to wear his new shirt. Greg and Cannon wore their shirts yesterday. We might even get a picture of all three at once.

I have to confess....I helped dress Crew as little Chloe.....Yes. I am a bad grandma to do such a thing. We just couldn't resist. So this picture has Crew with a red bow instead of pink.

Friday, April 4, 2008


The Queen Contestants!
Kenzie looking beautiful!

Emily, Eleanor, Mindy, and Ashlyn

Rod (Kenzie's dad), Gloria and Dave (grandparents) watching (Rod looks tense)
I am in AWE of my niece, Makenzie. She is a beautiful rodeo cowgirl! She barrel races and does the poles. She also competes in queen contests. These contests are HARD! The girls have to demonstrate horsemanship......riding, making the horse dance in tight circles, make the horse run hard and then stop on a dime, and look beautiful, smile and make it look EASY all at the same time. The girls also have to model their beautiful leather dresses, give a meaningful but entertaining speech, answer an impromptu question, take a written rules test, and have individual interviews with 5 different judges. I SAID HARD! The only thing they don't have to do is ride their horse in a swim suit! We all enjoyed today watching Makenzie shine.....she is AMAZING! Way to go Kenzie!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Today I had the privilege of attending an auxiliary training meeting in the newly refurbished tabernacle in Salt Lake City. It was an amazing experience and a spiritual feast listening to Elder Bruce Hafen and Sisters Julie Beck, Silvia Allred, and Barbara Thompson. AMAZING! Elder Hafen was slightly late rushing from a special meeting in the temple with the First Presidency and the general authorities. Elder Hafen told us that poor Elder Eyring has had a broken foot (a very bad break) since two days after his new calling and has been at home recovering for some of that time. He reminded us that we all have the same goal in our service....doing the work of the Lord and bringing people to Christ.
I have to admit that I absolutely LOVE Sister Julie Beck! (I wasn't sure exactly what to expect at our meeting) She is wonderfully friendly, funny, kind, very smart, a master teacher, understands the gospel so well, and is definitely the woman to be the general Relief Society President. (She is much more attractive in person and I loved the way she had her hair today) It is hard to put into words the powerful spirit that was present in that large beautiful building. Sisters traveled from Canada, Mexico, Argentina, England, Africa, and many places in the United States. It was a wonderful day in every way. I can't wait for the weekend to enjoy general conference. We are so blessed!