International Arts & Artists invites you to come HOME this Friday, October 16! Featuring Christopher K.P. Brown Sign-up for poets is at 6 p.m.The open mic begins at 7 p.m. $5 for non-members of International Arts & ArtistsFree for members of IA&AFree for performing poets
Hosted by Fred Joiner, curator and host of the American Poetry Museum's Intersections at the Honfleur Gallery and poet-in-residence at Busboys and Poets, Shirlington.
In August of 2000, Christopher K.P. Brown self-published his own collection of poems, Content, and sold over 200 copies at $20 a piece. He was only 16 years old. Since then he's written two more books of poetry and recorded four spoken word albums, POETRY: a hip hop album being the latest. He's currently working to establish his company, 2 Pens & Lint, as a well known and respected company that concentrates on building poetry as an industry in which poets are able to become financially stable through their art. When he created 2 Pens & Lint simply as a website back in 2003, Christopher was only 18 years old. Since then he's studied the poetry industry; he's had successes and failures in poetry; but most importantly he feels that he's still young enough to live up to the 2 Pens & Lint motto of moving towards "A New Direction In Poetry".
HOME is on every THIRD Friday of the month at Hillyer Art Space.
Vote for Hillyer Art Space for
Best Art Gallery/Best Open Mic in the Express' Best of 2009 competition!
Visit the Express Night Out to vote (follow the link!)
9 Hillyer Court NW Washington, DC 20008 T. 202.338.0680 Gallery Hours: 10am - 5pm Monday,10am - 7pm Tuesday - Friday, 11am - 4pm Saturday,Otherwise by appointmentwww.artsandartists.org/artspace.htmlInternational Arts & Artists' Programs also include:Traveling Exhibition Service, Membership Program, Hillyer Art Space,USArts International Training Program and Design Studio.
Hosted by Fred Joiner, curator and host of the American Poetry Museum's Intersections at the Honfleur Gallery and poet-in-residence at Busboys and Poets, Shirlington.
In August of 2000, Christopher K.P. Brown self-published his own collection of poems, Content, and sold over 200 copies at $20 a piece. He was only 16 years old. Since then he's written two more books of poetry and recorded four spoken word albums, POETRY: a hip hop album being the latest. He's currently working to establish his company, 2 Pens & Lint, as a well known and respected company that concentrates on building poetry as an industry in which poets are able to become financially stable through their art. When he created 2 Pens & Lint simply as a website back in 2003, Christopher was only 18 years old. Since then he's studied the poetry industry; he's had successes and failures in poetry; but most importantly he feels that he's still young enough to live up to the 2 Pens & Lint motto of moving towards "A New Direction In Poetry".
HOME is on every THIRD Friday of the month at Hillyer Art Space.
Vote for Hillyer Art Space for
Best Art Gallery/Best Open Mic in the Express' Best of 2009 competition!
Visit the Express Night Out to vote (follow the link!)
9 Hillyer Court NW Washington, DC 20008 T. 202.338.0680 Gallery Hours: 10am - 5pm Monday,10am - 7pm Tuesday - Friday, 11am - 4pm Saturday,Otherwise by appointmentwww.artsandartists.org/artspace.htmlInternational Arts & Artists' Programs also include:Traveling Exhibition Service, Membership Program, Hillyer Art Space,USArts International Training Program and Design Studio.
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