Showing posts with label McDonalds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label McDonalds. Show all posts

Monday, February 23, 2009

Heroes Apply Elsewhere

McDonald's, which must have laid off its entire PR department to screw up this badly, has denied a Worker's Comp claim stemming from an employee who took a bullet rescuing a patron who was being beaten inside the restaurant. The employee has needed several surgeries and has racked up $300,000 in medical damages.

This blog claims that a good Samaritan act while on the job makes one eligible for worker's compensation insofar as the act provides "good will" to the employer. I'm not sure how much goodwill McDonald's is reaping insofar as it is hanging this kid out to dry, but anything that takes them to the cleaners is okay with me at this point.


Friday, August 01, 2008

McDonald's Exposed!

I read this from the FRC on McDonald's support for gay rights, and my suspicion sensor immediately started ringing:
When asked by our friend Don Wildmon, President of the American Family Association, to remain neutral in the debate, McDonald's said, "[we] will continue to support the gay agenda including same-sex marriage."

Nobody describes themselves as supporting "the gay agenda" -- its rhetoric only used by homophobic bigots groups like the FRC. And sure enough, it appears that the "quote" is actually a paraphrase from the AFA.

A stupid typo. Perhaps -- although the FRC's purposeful modification of "they" to "we" at the start indicates that it wasn't entirely an innocent oversight.

At worst, really sleazy, at best, just another indicator of the "quality" of the FRC's operation.