With special request from some one, i am creating this weird post. Many would like it :)
So How do u be Mr. Impossible . so much that gals will get fed up of you .
1 - First and foremost act pricey :) as if u were the most charismatic personality in the world
2 - Act as if u know it all, u're super wise.
3 - Pretend you are always busy and have no time to date.
4 - Be as lazy as you can and never call.
5 - When you meet a gal after long time and she asks ' How do i look? ', You say 'you look healthy' .
6 - When a gal shows off her hand expecting you to hold her hand, you just say, 'Oh ! ur hands are really pale'
7 - When you meet a gal after a long time, reach late, and make some lazy, lame excuses for reaching late.
8 - When the gal wants a real nice hug, hug as if you are hugging your sister.
9 - When a gal comes closer to kiss you, you look away and look at the sky and say 'looks like its going to rain'.
10- And lastly when the gal wants to come to your house, to spend some time with you. You say you have some friends coming over for a party.
P.S - Make sure you have enough cover to run, before you say such things to gals :P
All the Best ..
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