
Showing posts with label the bellower. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the bellower. Show all posts

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Bellower - "top secret" project complete.

So... the Bellower is dead. Long live the Bellower!

I'd go into more details here but my first post on the new blog details things pretty well. Go on! Check it out!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Bellower - Issue #6 Out Now!

In this issue:
- Cover art by Hermut ALLMighty
- From the Gut by Hragged
- Ask Aunty Doreen by Aunty Doreen
- FAQ For New Players by Barney and Captain Lardgut
- A Giant In Chains by The Ultra-Mega Bob
- The Feeding Grounds: Thoughts From Thinling Realms by Barney, The Ultra-Mega Bob and various chatty Thinlings
- The Butcher's Cauldron: Build a Stone Hut by Reg06
- Tactics For Tyrants: Slavegiants by The Ultra-Mega Bob
- Gastronomic Rumblings From the Butcher's Pot by Eric J Goldstein
- Guts of Legend: 'Handsome' Kurg by Meathook and Hermut ALLMighty
- Armies of the Stronghold: Tribe of Dragon's Mountain by Nightmare and Barney

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Bellower - Issue #5 out now!

Hey! This is done...

You can download it or view it by visiting the Stronghold here. This issue was quite an ordeal to make but somehow we got it done. Not feeling 100% about the content but overall I think it is pretty solid. The Feeding Grounds article is probably the most interesting thing...

What do you think?

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Bellower - Issue 4 Out Now!

It's done! The fourth issue of the Bellower (the Ogre Stronghold webzine) is now available. You can find it here.

From our "press release"...
In this issue:
- Cover art by Hammertooth
- From the Gut by Randroid and Barney
- Ask Aunty Doreen by Aunty Doreen
- The Feeding Grounds: 8th Edition Overview by Sandals, Rocdocta, Lexy, Avian (We Iz Orcs) and Malorian (The Orc Tactical Team Podcast)
- Butcher's Cauldron: How to Paint Blood by Jarhead
- Tactics For Tyrants: Gut Magic Tactica by Entreri Bloodletter
- Gastronomic Rumblings From the Butcher's Pot: A Question of Why by Eric J
- Tales of Conquest: Ogre Kingdoms vs. The Empire by Mercules
- It's a Trap! by Ultra-Mega Bob
- Blood Bowl Ogre Team Overview by Chance and Pauly from Three Die Block
- Armies of the Stronghold: Feastmaster Tribe by DonTheDime and Barney
Thanks to everyone who helped out on the new issue (if you are reading this) and thanks in advance for checking out the new stuff! As always I would love to hear any and all feedback, praise, suggestions, or ideas for contributions for future issues you might have.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Progress Report 12/19/10 - BB Orcs continued...

Orcs! Managed to get a few additional Orcs assembled for my Orc BB team the Trailer Orc Boyz this week. In the back you'll see four Black Orc Blockers (the one with the blade on his hand is my team captain), then the two Lineorcs, with my one Blitzer in the front. I added some face guards to the Lineorcs, and the Blitzers will have a spiked shoulder pad and Black Orc gauntlet to show their faster moving and additional smashing capacity on the pitch. 

Only played one game of Blood Bowl with the Germs this week - crushed a Vampire team 2-0 leaving me with 3 wins and 0 losses so far this season. My two hardest division opponents are next in line.. we'll see if I can manage to make this season a complete shut out or if the fast moving Dark Elves and Underworld teams will manage to beat Nurgle back. 

Got more page layouts for the next issue of the Bellower done as well. Just a few more articles to go and we'll have another issue in the bag and out before the end of the month! This one has been hard going... I hope it gets a little easier in the next few issues. Not sure I can manage to devote as much time to it while still finding time to work on my own hobby stuff. 

Picked up my two Hellcannons from the FLGS this week. I'm not looking forward to cleaning and assembling those bad guns... might be a project for the new year. 

Look for a few Christmas beer reviews this week!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Bellower - Issue #3 out now!

It's here! The third issue of the Bellower! This one was quite the beast to put together but I think the overall finished product is worth a once over. Feel free to share your comments and critiques - I love hearing what other folks think about the "publication". 

If you feel the need to spread some Ogre related tactics, battle reports, pics, art, or if you have created your own Ogre language .... send 'em to me! We need more content and more contributors!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The summer WHFB webzine roundup!

Hey! A post!?!

So as of late I have been really bad about posting when a new WHFB webzine has been released and what I think of it. I figured now would be a good time for a quick "roundup" post with a few details on what has come out recently! Here we go... (in no particular order)

The Doom Seeker #5

While this webzine originally started as a Slayer-centric publication it has morphed over time into something a bit more general that is mostly focused on the hobby aspects of Warhammer. The layout is looking much better with every issue (aside from a few personal pet peeves) and this issue starts out strong with an article/interview about Garagehammer - a WHFB podcast. You'll also find some info on the Araby fan-made army book, info on 8th edition, fiction, terrain creation, and more. 

Overall: Three out of five naked Slayer butts.

Skavenblight Gazette #9

Ahhh rat-things!! The mad rats over at Skavenblight Gazette have the best ad featured in the Bellower and they put out a pretty good webzine too. This latest issue isn't quite as lengthy (or flashy) as some of their past efforts but the overall layout and content is still top-notch. With articles on Fantasy Roleplay, painting tips, and Rat Ogres how can you go wrong! Check it out.

Overall: Four out of five screeching giant rats in your pants. 

The Word of Hashut #9

If I had to pick one WHFB webzine I most look up to when it comes to creating my own it would have to be the Word of Hashut. Really great layout and design and the content is usually very focused, interesting, and well put together. This issue is lacking in a few areas (as Willmark had some challenges in his life - best of luck buddy!) but for a second year anniversary issue you could do far worse. Features here include a brief time line of CDO, tons of great model pics, regular staples like excellent Shadow and Flame comic, new units, fiction, scenarios, blood bowl, battle reports... the list goes on and on. Even though the Bellower ad featured in the issue is an old one (I kid Willmark, I kid!) this zine is still worth your time and attention.

Overall: Four and a half stunty slaves out of five.

The Invocation #5

Last but not least we have a bit of undead goodness from the folks over at the Carpe Noctem forums. This fifth and latest issue is everything you may have come to expect of The Invocation starting with a quick overview of changes to the Vampire Counts army in 8th edition, how-to guides, background, a really long piece of fiction, tournament/battle report, and more. Kudos to the Disciple of Nagash for stepping up the overall visual quality and layouts of this webzine, it has really come a long way in the past few issues. Hop out of your graves and see for yourself!

Overall: Four out of five moldering zombie heads.

Well I think that about covers it for the "usual suspects". I'd love to hear what you think about any or all of these WHFB publications and YES the new issue of the Bellower should be out "soon". Getting things together for issue #3 has been quite a chore but we're getting a little closer each day. Honest!

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Bellower - Issue #2 now available!!

Here it is! Out now! Take a look!!

It was a long hard road but the second issue of the Bellower is out now! This latest issue focuses on the long overlooked Ogre Hunter and includes our first fan made army list; The Red Death - the Ogre Tribe of Jhared the Red (the first Ogre Hunter). 

If you have feedback, praise, suggestions, or contributions for future issues, let me know - I would love to hear from you!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Work work ...

Something need doing?

I've been busy working at my new job, finishing the second issue of the Bellower, and dealing with random new home things. Not a lot of time for drinkin' or modelin' which is a damn shame as I have quite the hankering for both.

I did manage to play five games of WHFB last weekend at the local store, Titan Games. Got in three with the Beer Gut Tribe on Saturday against Dark Elves, Orcs & Goblins, and Orcs & Goblins again (three different players). I won all my games, two by a large margin with the last one being a bit closer. All of them were 1,000 or less which is a rough place to be when building an OK army list. 

Sunday I went back and played two more games, this time with my Ogres being proxies for a Throgg Troll army! First game was against Brets and it ended with 3 dead Trolls on my side and nothing on the board on turn 5. Second game was a team game with a Skaven ally against the combined forces of the Brets and the Empire which ended in a win for the forces of Troll-Skavenry. Fun was had by all?

Actually I think I am gaining a bit of an unwanted reputation. The overall level of play here is not what I am accustomed to from the gaming scene in Austin. I think I need to dial back my desire to win all the games I play and go easy on some of the new players I am up against.. something I am sure won't be easy for me at first but will reward me in the long run with a stronger community and gamers who want to play! 

The Bellower is almost done. I know I said that about two weeks ago but this time I really mean it! I was waiting on an article that has since been cut due to the late date. I was hoping to have it out today but I am waiting on some touched up images and I need to slap it all together. It will be done this weekend! This I swear!

Modeling and painting is almost non-existent for me right now. I managed to slap together a flying Vampire model, a Vargulf, and I am in the early stages of assembly for the Beastmen that will be used as Marauders for my Malal themed WoC army. Things are moving slow but I hope to get more done once the Bellower is back on track! Stay tuned...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Word of Hashut - Issue #8 out before the Bellower issue #2.

Arrgh! Curse you Willmark! You and your legion of malicious dark dwarves have beat the second issue of the Bellower out with the latest release from Chaos-Dwarfs online - Word of Hashut issue #8!

You can view or download this vile atrocity here.

Ahh, it's okay. I can't stay mad at you when your webzine looks this good! Great model picks, solid articles, interesting layout, special rules and units, Mordheim and Bloodbowl support, and not one but two ads for the Bellower! It just doesn't get much better than that...

Check it out and get your evil stunty fix for the week!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Let the (Ogre) good times roll?

A bit of a random post today as I wanted to collect the Ogre related news and information I have into one post. It is all good news, something I don't mind getting more of!

First up - the new Waaaghcast episode is out. It is an Ogre Kingdoms army review episode featuring .... me! I've been listening to the show for a couple months now and when Joe and Chuck said they were looking for help to review the OK book I jumped at the chance to run my big mouth.

You can download the episode here or head over to the site for links and more information on the show. I have experience rambling on the airwaves but this is my first time on a podcast ... go easy on me (which starts at around 26 minutes in).

Second - I got my first ever (well second if you count 'Ard Boyz) tournament placement yesterday, coming in third at a fundraiser for Capital City Carnage. Three tough but fun games against three good opponents and placing third is probably the third best thing to happen to me this month. As a prize I took home a box of the old pewter Bloodletters which I actually quite like and I am sure they will find a home in either my Warriors or Beastmen armies (if and when I get those going).

If you are in or near the Austin area, or you are just looking for a really good WHFB event to attend, I highly recommend Capital City Carnage. It is a great tournament held in a big and comfortable location downtown in the heart of Austin, TX. I would love to come back and participate again this year but with my future being a bit ... open ended ... I doubt I can make that happen. Don't miss out like me!

Third but not least - a lot of positive feedback coming in for the first issue of the Bellower. As of yesterday the first issue had been downloaded 1,287 times and it also appeared on the WarSeer news page.

I've included a few bits of the feedback I have seen (and trust me the team takes it all into consideration):
Very well put together I must say. Wonderful artwork, great writing with a sense of humor, and I even loved the little adds for the other e-zines currently running. I think the best part was the ‘Ask Aunt Doreen’ section, much like a dear Abby, but really funny. There’s an original story inside, a look at one of the members armies, some pros and cons to Ogres and much more great material. The only thing I’d like to see more of or different would be a battle report (as common as they are) and some more modeling/painting advice or tutorials. Very well done guys, and I can’t wait to see the next one.

I haven’t really poked around the Ogre Stronghold but it looks like a well designed site, and from the intro of The Bellower, sounds like a wonderful community.
Something I always enjoy is reading the fanzines out there for various factions, or for any Warhammer experience, really. I've really liked reading The Stronghold's Bellower, an online magazine devoted to the hotness that is the Ogre Kingdoms. Check out the the almost 1200 point Special Character in there (with his mammoth), and some great artwork.

Babel Fish translation:
Graphically beautifully made, even if naturally in the file size settles, but contentwise it gives not as much, as most E-Zines (mostly however still more than the White Dwarf…). But they are in vain and worth a view for players of the army concerned at least.
Not sure what that means exactly but it sounds good?

So there you have it, three things which equal good times for me and my Ogres. I managed to get some painting done last week but it was mostly my Vampire Counts - expect some new pictures this week (if the sun comes out).

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Bellower - Issue #1 Out Now!

The first (and only) unofficial webzine dedicated to the Ogre Kingdoms has been released! The Bellower rings out loud from the Mountains of Mourn - will you answer the call?

Issue #1 available now:

If you have feedback, praise, suggestions, or contributions for future issues let the Bellower team know about it! You can email us at or leave your comments here.


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Skavenblight Gazette - Issue #8 here just in time for the holidays.

What's this!? A new issue of Skavenblight Gazette is out you say? It's an xmas miracle!

Skitter away and find it here!

This is the first issue of SBG since the release of the new Skaven army book and as you can imagine there are a couple of pieces dealing with that subject. Other topics include secret police working for the rat-things, a story about everyone's favorite monster the Hellpit Abomination, a how-to for making your own flying rat monsters, and an excellent interview with Black Library author C.L. Werner. The issue is relatively short at 22 pages but all of the content is good and I enjoyed everything that was presented.

Of course my favorite part of the new issue is page 10 which features an ad for the Bellower ... something that I am trying hard to finish in time for the new year! I have a few more layouts to finish, an editorial to write, and then I need to put the whole thing together for release.

Seeing this latest issue of the SBG was a big help in this endeavor. I like the clean layout throughout, and the use of colorful background to highlight some of the articles. It has certainly given me some ideas for future issues of the Bellower.

Hope you and yours have a great holiday. I'll be spending mine working on a late gift to all you Ogre fans and maybe painting a model or two.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Carpe Noctem - The Invocation issue #3 crawls from the grave.

Webzine ahoy! This week we have the latest issue of the Vampire Counts zine The Invocation which is put together by the crumbling hands of Carpe Noctem members. Now in Landscape format! Hooray!

You can download/view the new issue here (it is around 10mb so it might take a moment).

This issue features the continuation of the magic item overview which was started in issue #2, updates on the Legion of Nagash, and the "Beta" release of the current Bloodline army list. The new army list makes up a majority of the issue but I won't get into my thoughts on the current list right now (and I have a few). The bottom line - if you are a champion of "fan made" characters, units, and rules, there is something here for you. The rest of the issue features classics such as a battle report, list building tips, model pictures, and some conversion and painting "how to" articles.

Overall this issue continues the with the layout and form set out with the first issue. The layout is clean and simple, but at times can be a bit boring. Much of the issue uses the same one or two backgrounds with little in the way of layout change to differentiate one article from the next. A few varied looking headings or illustrations would go a long way to help break up the "sameness" set forth throughout. I enjoyed the content of the issue but I couldn't help but notice a few obvious typos/mistakes which made it past the editing team. Oops!

Perhaps I am a bit biased but my favorite part of this issue (pg 61) was the ad for The Bellower - the first (and only) webzine dedicated to the Ogre Kingdoms! I was planning on announcing the creation of this publication at a later date but the folks from the Invocation team have done it for me! This is the top secret project I have been working on for the past couple months as I am responsible for the layout and Editor duties.

We've got some exciting stuff in store for the first issue, and if things go well we will be releasing a new issue each quarter for the foreseeable future. Soon I will have to put my money where my mouth is when it comes to layout and editing gripes ... perhaps a spot of revenge for the folks I have critiqued here over the past few months. Look for the first issue next month (I hope)!