
Showing posts with label Pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pictures. Show all posts

Friday, August 23, 2013

Progress Report 8/23/13 - August Among Us.

Dear neglected blog,

It has been some time since my last entry. In the meantime I have painted a miniature for commission, finished my Orc Blood Bowl team, worked on terrain and a tabletop for my new gaming table setup, and spent time painting my entry in the Chaos Cup Legacy Team. Oh and I also went undefeated in the regular KUBBL season and hope to win the upcoming playoffs and final. 

Pictures! They speak a bunch of words or so I am told.

New 4' x 4' table with a quick-fix top. May do a fancier one in the future.
Texture and terrain on the boards. These are painted now.
A commission for this small Gnome Sorcerer.
First time painting pink and this much purple.
Orc blitzers! Rar!!
Dems da Black Orc boyz!
Lineorcs, Troll, and Thrower! No gobbo yet.
Chaos Cup Dark Elf Witch entry wip front.
Chaos Cup Dark Elf Witch entry wip back.
Still itching to paint more of my Necro gang and have had random hankerings to get my WHFB back out and freshened up. We'll see how the next few months treat me. Busy times!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Day 15 - Working on the Necromantic folk.

12/17/12 - Day 15 of the 16 days of XMAS vacation.

Today I spent most of the day ill and/or shopping at thrift stores for gifts. Got myself a new winter coat and some flannels. Came home and made some fried (baked) wontons and a mess of noodles. Feeling full and good now. Thought I should take a moment to outline my work area as I found it moments ago...

My work table as I left it yesterday.
While I haven't painted anything today (yet) I do have a few WIP photos of the models on the table at the moment. There are 2 Wights, 2 Werewolves, and 2 Mummies (which I didn't bother getting a photo of as it is just basecoat stuff and pretty boring). Here is where I begin today!

Wights #1 and #2, going for a Black and White scheme.
Wolf #1 and #2, going for a multicultural skin hue between them.

Necromancer for the team coach, wizard, Igor, what have you.

Not the most exciting start but hey... it's a start! Hoping to complete all of the unpainted Blood Bowl teams I have sitting around and maybe take a crack at some Necromunda and/or Warhammer models as well! Woah. Ambitious....

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Progress Report 2/11/12 - Slowly but surely "Saurus".

Nothing new to report. Haven't been painting much. These Blood Bowl "Saurus" have really slowed me down. Having a hard time finding the motivation and desire to paint them but I don't want to start a new project until they are done. Here's where they are at right now:


Also been stressing with this test model for the "Skinks". I was hoping to paint them a light off-white color to stand out from and brighten up the rest of the team. Not sure if I like this first guy (who isn't done yet). 

Comments, critiques, tips, tricks, hoots, and hollers are all welcome. I am hoping to get the "Saurus" done this month and the "Skinks" too if I can manage it. We'll see...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Progress Report 8/31/11 - Nuns the word.

This summer has been busy. Have had very little time for anything. Got some painting done on the Amazon/Nun team for Blood Bowl though. Actually painting these up for a friend to use in an upcoming event. Not 100% where I want them to be but they are getting there. Painting black and white is hard.

Sorry for the bad picture quality but I am off to get a practice game or two in with my Ogres! Got the new book, magic cards, and some models headed my way as well. Ogres!!

Expect to see more soon. Honest!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Progress Report 4/17/11 - Painting dem greenskins.

Managed to get some test scheme paint on the two Orc lineman for my Blood Bowl team. Still toying with the idea of adding some battle damaged paint to the armor. I kind of like them as is though... learning how to paint green skin and yellow cloth has been tricky. Maybe add a colored stripe down the helmet?


I feel like I have so much to learn about painting but not as much interest in getting myself to the next level. I suppose a medium-quality is all I really want for the tabletop anyhow. Thoughts?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

UPDATED: New Tomb King model pics - Sphinx, snakes, and silly skeletons oh my!

Woke up this morning... ate a big bowl of oatmeal... and came across these pictures of new Tomb King models on the Subject to Stupidity blog.

UPDATE: More and better pics here - thanks to My Dice Hate Me! for the link!



I assume we'll see an official announcement from GW soon with some better pictures and description but as a first peek into what's inside the new TK book... I am not sure if I am a fan? The snakemen seem pretty cool but I am not sure how they fit into the lore? The snake riders are just plain goofy but perhaps in a fun way? And the new "necrosphinx" looks justifiably bad ass but what does it look like without that time intensive 'eavy metal paint job (the skin)? 

Looking forward to seeing what comes out in the next few weeks. I have always toyed with the idea of having a TK army (using my VC skeletons not the abominations the TK call skeletons) and there are some interesting themes here to play with for sure. What do you think?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Progress Report - February is a month for bullies.

Well... I did it! I set out to get my Bultimore Bullies done and painted this month and I managed to squeeze it in just under the deadline. I need to add a couple of details and seal the models but here is what we ended up with...

Now I need to decide which team to take to next weekend's tournament! Right now I am leaning heavily towards the Ogres.

Spent a bit of time on two commission pieces as well...


Neither of these are quite done - need to add a bit of detail and finish up the base on the troll model.

And then there was these two jokers...

Might be a bit hard to tell from the angle but the one on the right has a chainsaw in place of a hand. Be honest... do they look goofy?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Progress Report - Ice is not nice.

You may already be aware of this but the area of the US where I live got a rather nasty winter storm over the weekend. It was an onslaught of snow, followed quickly by freezing rain, and it made traveling very dangerous while simultaneously bringing down trees and power lines all over the state. I ended up losing power (and thus heat) in my house for the past couple days, luckily it came back on today. It all started on Sunday morning while I was playing in a BRAWL...

I brought the brand new Hooded Menace team and walked away with third place overall scoring 1-1-1 in my three matches. The first game was against a fairly new Chaos team and started off with a "oh shit" moment as the first block of the game resulted in a dead (again) Zombie for the Menace. The rest of the undead rockers must have been a bit pissed to see Macehtazo go down (for good) as they came back to score 6 more casualties of their own on the Chaos team! By the end of the game there were only three players left on the pitch for the Warkittens, and only one of those was a Chaos Warrior! Walked away with the win and went on to play the overall winner of the tournament (and my new most hated elf team) the Umlauts.

It was a close game against the elves after the first elf score, but three turns of a Ghoul dropping the ball to score the tie (pick up, rolled a 2, re-roll, rolled a 1. same again for two more turns!!) led to the two elves and one treeman on the pitch taking home the win. If I had tied this game the Umlauts wouldn't have won the whole thing and the Menace would have likely tied for second overall in points. Oh well... on to the last game against a fairly developed Necro team!

The D-gens came out strong and knocked the Menace about the pitch for a quick score. The Menace came back and quickly managed to score one of their own to tie up the game. The last half of the game was a grudge fest with the ball switching hands multiple times before finally coming to rest in the middle of the pitch between two Flesh Golems and two Mummies for the majority of the half. A final last ditch effort to break out with a Werewolf was foiled by some incredibly "go for its" by the Menace Ghouls who redeemed themselves and kept the D-gens from getting the game winning score.

Still! Third place is pretty good for a new team I think! I haven't played many games with the Undead but so far I am really liking them. I will be using them in KUBBL IV which begins this week and is a much longer season as we now have 14 coaches in the league! Winning third is nice but it came mostly out of these numbers:

I scored 15 casualties (two of which were regen'd kills in the game against the D-gens)and topped out both of the number #1 and #2 slots with 4 casualties on a Wight and a Mummy! Awesome! Can't wait to see what happens in KUBBL IV once the team starts to develop a little more... although my current schedule is looking quite difficult.

Before the power went out on Sunday I also managed to get more paint on my Ogre team - adding some bashed up painted shoulder pads. I like the look of em!

That's all for now. Gonna enjoy the electricity, heat, and warm food before another crazy day of ice and snow.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Nurgland Germs - KUBBL III season recap.

KUBBL III Season Recap

Straight from the diseased heart of the Empire, deep below the city in dank darkened sewage systems, came the Blood Bowl champions of Nurgle - the Nurgland Germs! They came to hug, love, pass on a few diseases, and keep the high and mighty both unhealthy and low scoring throughout the season. For the most part this was a success:

The Germs came out strong in their first five games - managing to stay on the pitch and shut down the Norse, Wood Elf, Vampire, and Dark Elf teams they faced. Things took a turn for the worse when they played the KUBBL up and coming Orc team, managing to maintain their strong defense but failing to make the game winning touchdown.

This tie was quickly followed by their toughest opponent (and eventual winner) of the KUBBL III season in the nasty Underworld team of the Gits. Despite being pushed around the entire game by Goblins they did manage to hold the soon to be champions to a minor 0-2 loss while earning a place in the division playoffs (due to a forfeit by the Slann team).

The first round of the playoffs continued the downward spiral for the Germs as they lost to a substantially tougher version of the Dark Elves which they had dominated in the regular season. The game was lost due to a crucial Really Stupid roll by the Germs team captain Sucksore, who failed yet again after successfully managing his Loner reroll.

Overall it was a fairly stunning showing by the rotten renegades from Nurgland, performing admirably during the regular season and earning Best Defense for KUBBL III with only 4 touchdowns scored against them (two of which happened in the playoffs).

And now for some photos of the Nurgland Germs team! Please exscuse the dings and dirty bases. I hope to find time to clean these up soon (and hopefully my league-mates will stop dropping metal dice and unpainted figures on my painted plastic pieces).


The solid (on the outside) armored yet pussy center of the Nurgland Germs... the Nurgle Warriors! From left to right - #4 Fiddletaint, #3 Loatheflush, #2 Killbubo, and #5 Wartgristle.

The pusbeasts, the vilehorns, the movers and the shakers... the Pestigors! From left to right - #8 Helmdreg, #7 Pestbelch, #6 Rendclap, and #9 Glutman.

And then there are the stalwart slushy stand-ins, the beatable bums, the breakable blockers... the Rotters! From left to right - #10 Pustor ov Muppetz, #11 Maggotwine, and # 12 Spurtback. The lot of them without skills a hope nor a prayer. #13 though 16 have yet to enter the team roster.

And last and usually least we have the bloated bastard team captain of the Nurgland Germs himself... the Beast of Nurgle Sucksore!


Somehow he made it on to the KUBBL III All Star team though I don't know how..

Well that's KUBBL Season III in the books. The first for the Germs, but will they return for KUBBL IV or will the newly raised Hooded Menace step in to show the league what an Undead team can do? Find out next week (because that's when I need to make my choice by)!