Monday, April 8, 2013

Happy 13th Birthday Olivia!

WHOA!  It's been like forever since I have blogged.  This hiatus was for many reasons...I am not as great of a picture taker as I used to be, I was hoping that being on blog strike would get me a new camera, AND my computer has been super weird since blogger changed it's format.    Unfortunately in the mean time, Zane lost my old phone that had like a year's worth of pics on it.  So, yah that sucks.  Thankfully we just had our computer tuned up and I am ready to blog a little again.  You know, for my fans sake.  All three of you!  :)

So, this was Olivia's birthday party back in September.  I am not much of a birthday party thrower because all 5 of our birthdays are boom, boom, boom, boom and boom.  She talked me into this little low budget movie night. 

I am so thrilled and amazed how sweet Olivia's friends are.  Really couldn't ask for nicer girl's.  And they seemed to sweet to each other. 

I can't believe that right before my eyes my baby girl is turning into a young women.  I will admit as I reflect on the last year my "eyes are sweating" a bit.  If you really know that won't shock you at all. My eyes sweat all of the time.  I love you so much Olivia.  I am so thankful I get to have a daughter.  I am so thankful she is my little bestie! 



raisruckus said...

I'm so glad you're going to blog more often. These pics make me so happy. You are the coolest mom, AWESOME PARTY!!!

Dana said...

I can't believe little Livie Lou is 13!!! Looks like a fun party! You always do the cutest stuff!