Monday, April 8, 2013

Back to School 2012

Jay Boo, I can't believe your in kindergarten, little buddy! 

Olivia, 7th grade.  She was not being very cooperative.  Apparently she was more interested in getting to school and seeing her friends than the photo session I had planned.

Zach-amo.  1st grade.  Yah hoo for a different teacher this time around! 
Love you kids, have a great year!  MUAH!


Happy 13th Birthday Olivia!

WHOA!  It's been like forever since I have blogged.  This hiatus was for many reasons...I am not as great of a picture taker as I used to be, I was hoping that being on blog strike would get me a new camera, AND my computer has been super weird since blogger changed it's format.    Unfortunately in the mean time, Zane lost my old phone that had like a year's worth of pics on it.  So, yah that sucks.  Thankfully we just had our computer tuned up and I am ready to blog a little again.  You know, for my fans sake.  All three of you!  :)

So, this was Olivia's birthday party back in September.  I am not much of a birthday party thrower because all 5 of our birthdays are boom, boom, boom, boom and boom.  She talked me into this little low budget movie night. 

I am so thrilled and amazed how sweet Olivia's friends are.  Really couldn't ask for nicer girl's.  And they seemed to sweet to each other. 

I can't believe that right before my eyes my baby girl is turning into a young women.  I will admit as I reflect on the last year my "eyes are sweating" a bit.  If you really know that won't shock you at all. My eyes sweat all of the time.  I love you so much Olivia.  I am so thankful I get to have a daughter.  I am so thankful she is my little bestie! 


Monday, November 12, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday Jacob!

Happy Birthday Jacob!  I found the perfect gift for you!  Love You So Much! 


Thursday, October 25, 2012

My Baby is a KINDERGARTNER!!!!

I can't believe my baby is in kindergarten.  Where has the time gone?

Things are very quiet at home with all the kiddos in school. Sometimes too quiet.

I hope you have a great year, little buddy!  Love You!

(The bandaid on Jakes thumb is from meet the teacher night.  In his excitiment, he slammed his thumb in the car door when we got to the school.  His thumb nail fell of a few weeks later.  EWWW!  )


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Happy 7th Birthday Zach!

For Zach's birthday he had a special request...French Toast from the Hospital Cafeteria.  That was easy! (and payroll deductable!)  He also picked to have cash rather then gifts so he can get EXACTLY what he wanted!  It was fun seeing him budget his money to get his favorite things!

Happy Birthday Little buddy!  Love You!  You make my life so fun!


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Summer Fun!

Look who got to be a SUPER AWESOME swimmer this year.  Jacob!  Yay hooo!  All of my kids swim.  I can now rest easy! 

DJ Zach mixin' it up!  AKA Mom's favorite Dance move that Zach does.  Last week when Zach was pouting he said "Well then I am never going to do your favorite dance move again, Mom!" Still laughing!

Awwww.  Love them!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Best Buddies

I LOVE how they LOVE to play together. So thankful my boys get along so well.
