Showing posts with label hostas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hostas. Show all posts

Thursday, September 5, 2013

My Garden -- End of Summer

Hi Dreamers!
I am taking Dreamland outside today into my garden.  We are reaching the end of summer here in Michigan, USA.  Many of the flowers are passed their prime, but some are at their height now.  The dahlias and zinnias are really looking good!  I was out in the garden with my camera and shot some pics.  Some were shot in the afternoon and the others is the early evening around 6 or 7 pm.  When I am not in my studio making cards, I like to get out in the garden and make it pretty!

So here is what my garden looks like at the end of summer.  Enjoy!

Giant Zinnias (four feet tall)

Tall Dahlias (5 feet tall)

Brown eyed Susans

Coleus (an annual), cornflower and hydrangea


Begonia (an annual)

Hardy Geranium ( Cranes Bill)

Hostas blossoms

Krossa Regal ( in shade)

Krossa Regals (in part sun)

Guacamole Hosta

Variety of Hostas ( This is in the bed that had to be replanted after the tree removal in June.  It will look better next year.)

Green overload??  If you are going through card withdrawal,  I will be back next time with a few cards.  LOL  I am working on that order for a customer, so I can get a few of those photographed.  See you later!!!  Hope you day is going well!  Love ya.