
Showing posts with label Current Issue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Current Issue. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Before the 505 General Election, I predicted that UMNO would supports Hudud Bill in Kelantan State Assembly. In a state where non-Muslim constitute less than 5% of population, UMNO leadership hope that this will be fulfilling duty as a Muslim leader at the same time curry-favor PAS in Kelantan. This is obvious when we can observe PAS leadership in Kelantan especially Mentri Besar became UMNO friendly after this episode.

During 505 General Election, it is obvious that:
  1. Chinese rejected UMNO and BN
  2. A noticeable increase of Chinese support for PAS. To UMNO leadership it can be construed that the Chinese do not fear of the policies of PAS Islamisation.
Hence, they have been overtures by PAS to UMNO similarly by UMNO to PAS that they should work together for the unity of Ummah and the greater good of Muslim Ummah.

The majority of PAS Member of Parliament (MP) abstains when PR initiated the rejection of 2016 budget in Parliament. In the recently concluded UMNO General Assembly, Prime Minister Najib has openly invited PAS to work with UMNO.

The UMNO-PAS cooperation could:
  • Alter the electoral result for p and state seat in peninsular Malaysia
  • Represent a difficult challenge to the non-Muslim component parties of BN
  • Alter the economic and social landscape of Malaysia
  • A more pronounced Muslim dominance of the Malaysia political arena especially in Peninsular Malaysia. The non Muslim component parties of BN will be left in the fringes of the corridor of power, both at state and central government

Under the BN constitution, for PAS to join BN it needs the unanimous support of all the 13 component parties. Pas is unlikely to secure this unanimous decision. Hence, any cooperation within PAS and UMNO will be likely on a basis of UMNO through BN with both achieving consensus in sharing a State and Parliamentary constituencies and the sharing of the power after the General Election. This will be the Achilles heel in UMNO-PAS cooperation. If they can resolve the devil in the details of issues pertaining to seat and power sharing, this cooperation can assured them of success in predominantly Malay dominant constituencies.

We can predict that UMNO and PAS can form a State Government in Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang. These five states contribute 54 Parliamentary Seats. In other state in peninsular Malaysia like Perak, Selangor, Johor, Negeri Sembilan and Malacca, non-Muslim parties need to win a few more seats in order for UMNO and PAS to form the Federal Government and State Government.

UMNO will not support the implementation of PAS Hudud in Parliament because it will shake the foundation of BN cooperation especially those from Sabah and Sarawak. Umno cannot ignore the wishes of Sabah and Sarawak BN component parties if they want to remain in Federal Government. However, one can predict that UMNO-PAS cooperation will usher in more Islamisation in Peninsular Malaysia. Presently, some UMNO leader has become more PAS than PAS for the matter pertaining to Islamic value.

Najib is unlikely to scarify his vision of high-income nation by 2020 for supporting the implementation of Pas Hudud. Najib wants to leave behind a political legacy of transforming Malaysia into a high-income nation by 2020.

Politically, DAP has kicked off PAS from Pakatan Rakyat. This enabled DAP to challenge the non-Muslim component parties in BN that they should do the same when UMNO works with PAS. UMNO and PAS cooperation will have long standing implication to the non-Muslim political power sharing in this country. However, this is a separate topic to be pondered upon but I will not touch on this as yet.

Monday, December 14, 2015




3. 505大选后,我们发现巫统和伊斯兰党一直在互相拉拢和互动频频。对这两个政党来说,他们这样做是为了穆斯林的大团结着想,而且这也将能更有效的发扬和捍卫伊斯兰的宗教发展。更加显著的是,在国会寻求通过2016年财政预算案时, 11名伊斯兰党国会议员在表决关键时刻缺席或弃权,最终让预算案在128票支持,74票反对的情况下获得通过。




















10. 马来西亚华人为什么会落到今天这样悲哀的处境,这是另一项必须探讨的问题。容我日后再谈。

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Tolerance and acceptance of each other’s religion and belief

After nearly 60 years of independence, we expect Malaysians to be tolerant and accept the differences of race, religion and culture. Unfortunately, the incident of protest over a Christian cross in Taman Medan shows that religious bigotry and extremism is still thriving, even among the more educated and the so-called well-connected personality.

It is prevalent to hear people championing in the name of protecting their own religion but at the same time infringes the freedom and rights of others. What is worrying for all Malaysians is that such incidents are getting more frequent. It is common to blame our education system, our politicians and the government of the day for the ills that besets Malaysia. The reality of it is that we even find religious and racial extremists among the more educated Malaysians.

The racial and religious harmony that we enjoy now is fragile. All we need is a small spark before it flares out. However, a lot of Malaysians are behaving like the proverbial ostrich burying its head in the deep sand hoping that the wind will blow away our problem.

The silent majority must now wake up to face reality. They must let their voices be heard and their numbers to be counted. The silent majority rejects racial and religious extremism. Everyone regardless of race or religion should has a stake in this country.

If my religious conviction can be threatened by the sight or symbol of another religion, that something is very wrong with my religious conviction. It is obvious that my religious conviction is not grounded on knowledge and understanding but more on the emotion that is placed to the gallery.

The time has come that firm action should be taken against the protesters in Taman Medan. Failure to do so will empower the religion extremists to continue their religious crusade that will hijack the peace, harmony and prosperity that we enjoy.

We have to accept that Malaysia is a multi-religious, multiracial and multicultural country. We not only tolerate, but have to accept the unique differences that exists between fellow Malaysians. The sooner we come to term with these realities, then only peace, prosperity and high income economy will not be an elusive goal.









Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Why do we need a Health Commission?

In my last blog posting, I commented on the surplus of house officers and many who opt to change their profession.

The Malaysian Health Services has achieved remarkable progress in reducing maternal and infant mortality rate. We have succedeed in providing basic healthcare which are easy accessible even in rural area. More commendable is that it is highly subsidized by the Government -nearly 98 percent of the healthcare in the public health services is subsidized.
However, looking at the rapid expansion both in manpower and services in the health sector plus the changing pattern of diseases, there is a need to relook at our health services.

Health has never been a major political issue in Malaysia as compared to the developed nation such as U.S. or the UK. However, today we see more problems cropping up and if they are not addressed, it will definitely be an issue in future. Hence, within the medical fraternity, many feel that there is a need to set up Malaysia Medical Commission to relook into the total health services in Malaysia for the next 20 years.

1. Medical education and over supply of doctors
The WHO has set a doctor: population ration 1:1600 for Malaysia. In 2010, we had a ration of 1:800, with 33,000 doctors. Looking at current production, we would achieve a doctor: population ration of 1:600 by 2015, with 50,000 doctors serving a population of just over 30 million.

The United Kingdom, with a population of 63 million, has 32 Medical Schools. Australis, with a population, of 23 million has 18 Medical Schools and Canada with a population of 34 million has 17 Medical Schools.

In 2009, the number of Medical Graduates/100,000 population in UK was 9.3 (5,600 graduates); Australia had a figure of 10.8 (2,500 graduates) and Canada 7 (2,400 graduates).

Malaysia with a population of 29 million has currently a whopping 33 Medical Schools (11 public and 22 private). In 2009, number of Medical Graduates per 100,000 population is 11.2 and in the year 2012, it was 14.6 (4,067 graduates).

So are we producing more doctors than the developed countries? Are we compromising quality in order to get the quantity we think we need? With this rate, we expect Malaysia (local and overseas) will be producing a total of 6,000 graduates per year.

2. Houseman-ship
Presently, we have more houseman than patient in a lot of hospitals. Houseman do not have adequate training. Some houseman see only 1-3 patients per day where they should clerk more than 10 patients per day in order to get adequate training. In the long run we will be producing half-baked doctors.

Presently, MOH has 132 hospitals and the total number of hospital beds in the public sector is 38,394. Currently we are short of 15,000 public hospital beds.
Hence, there is a need to relook into a more holistic solution of medical education, houseman-ship training and expansion of public hospital especially in semi urban areas.
If we delay we soon have unemployed doctors and inadequately trained medical officer.

3. Training for Specialist and Sub-Specialist
The training for specialist and sub-specialist should be planned at more coordinated manner to meet the need of the nation for the next 20 years.

For the last few years, we see a significant shift of disease patterns as Malaysia is developing towards a high-income nation. We are seeing more and more non-communicable diseases e.g. hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, cancer etc.

Hence, the distribution of public hospital bed, allocation of budget and man power need to be reviewed. Presently, we are training more than adequate doctors and medical officers but we are acutely short of specialist and sub-specialist. Semi urban and rural areas are inadequately serviced by specialist and sub-specialists. This may be a hot political issue that will find traction to the rakyat.

4. Ensuring quality of care and standards of medical services.
With the mushrooming of private hospital and its emphasis on bottom line, there is a need to ensure proper supervision of doctors and patient safety in private hospital.

5. Changing role of allied health professional especially nurses
There is a need to replace Diploma with Degree programs in Nursing following the world trend. Presently it is estimated there are more than 15,000 unemployed nurses.
Present group of nurses should be further trained for added value e.g. Advanced Diploma / post basic in specific areas such as diabetic foot, emergency care, coronary care etc. The training can be carried out in 6 months and can be conducted in private universities as public universities or MOH are unable to cope.
There is a need to introduce and support a proper career structure and pathway for allied health professionals.

6. Health Care Financing
Presently, this can be a very sensitive issue but we should not be in denial. Malaysia is one of the few countries in the world without some form of National Health Financing Mechanism. 98 percent of the cost of the treatment in public hospitals are subsidized by the Government and it is not sustainable. We should revisit this issue before it is too late.

7. Health Tourism
Health Tourism should be promoted and involved by not only the private hospitals but some selected public hospitals as well. We should consider:
·      Hospital involved should strive for international accreditation.
·      Revamp National Health Travel Council
·      Credentialing of specialists vital to avoid mishaps
·      Record keeping to keep track progress and performance

Right now we are getting increased number of patients but not the money since a lot of them come for low cost treatment e.g. cosmetic, dentistry.

8. Integrating Public Health Sector with the Private
·      Begin with Primary Care: Integrated out patient services
·      Decrease waiting time with integrated health care system

9. Pharmaceuticals
To promote local pharmaceutical manufacturer to produce generic drugs which is more affordable and good quality. This may includes:
·      Contract manufacturing: branded drugs manufactured in Malaysia and ensure good quality generic drugs and to be exported.
·      Create jobs, transfer of technology and research
·      Facilitate development of bio-similar drugs

It takes many years to train a competent health worker. If we are not committed to address these issues now, we may be overwhelmed by them.















目前在许多的医院里,实习医生的人数是比病人多。实习医生也未获得充分的训练。一些实习医生每天只问诊13名病人,而实际上他们每天必须问诊超过10名病人,这样才能得到足够的训练。这种情况长远下去, 我们将会栽培更多半生熟医生(未达标









5. 医护辅助人员,特别是护士的任务变化

随着世界趋势的改变,护士课程应该从文凭资格提升至学位资格。 目前我国估计有超过15000名护士失业。





·      参与的医院必须致力争取国际认可。
·      重组全国旅游保健理事会。
·      鉴定专科医生的资历,以防发生医疗纠纷。
·      保存记录以便日后可做跟进和审视表现。

尽管我国从保健旅游计划中接待的病患人数增加,但从中赚取的收入却不多。这是因为到来求诊的多属于低治疗费病科 ,如整容和牙科护理等。


·      从基本保健着手——综合门诊服务
·      综合卫生保健系统以减少候诊时间


·      合约生产:在马来西亚生产名牌药物和有品质的一般药物以供出口。
·      制造就业机会,同时达成科技与研究转移
·      促进研发治疗替代药物。



Welcome to my Blog

As a concerned MCA member, I am trying my best to help in the process of rebuilding and repositioning of the party.

Therefore, I welcome party members and members of public to post your constructive suggestions and opinions on my blog on how to rebuild and reform the party, eventually enabling MCA to regain support from all party members and the community.

Thank you for your suggestions.