Monday, October 29, 2012

Road to Powerman 2012: Last Weekend Training Regime Towards the D-Day

As Powerman Asian Championship will be on this weekend, I surely did a 'not too ass kicking' training this year due to regime changed in Libya and a numbers of countries in Arab region.

Last weekend after Aidil Adha, I only completed half distance (race distance is 11.4km-64km-11.4km) duathlon on Saturday and an hour run on Sunday under high humidity, clear blue sky and sunshine. It was more to psychological challenge instead of physical torture.

I satisfied with my performance during the weekend and can perform well. Plus after the training, the well nutritious meal has been consumed as a replenishment. Surely refresh my muscles and I was able to window shopping (and shopping also) till the night at numbers of malls.

As a bottom line, this year 'very the last weekend training' seems pretty good compared last year preparation. But I need to bare in mind, Putrajaya will be the hottest Powerman race on the planet!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Salam Aidiladha

Kepada semua pembaca Muslim, 
saya mengucapkan Salam Aidiladha..
Semoga semangat pengorbanan 
senantiasa berada di jiwa kita sebagai Muslim

Monday, October 22, 2012

UTM-ICC Innopitch Competition Result

As my previous post about UTM-ICC Innopitch Competition last August (read here), today I received a result about the competition.

I just sweetly positioned at the last place of token/hamper/whatever receiver for this competition.

Nothing to lose because I saw this competition as my training ground to enhance my pitching skills while competing with others PhD holders & some professors.

As a bottom line, this competition will make me more powerful & mature in giving a FIVE minutes pitch!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Be a Champion Again


It was a very long time I won't be a champion since I was in my first degree study. But last 6 October 2012, again I was a champion. I won 10km night run for staff category in my organization which I work now.

It takes less than an hour to cross finish line and I'm RM200 richer after received a cash money from the organizer. I ran with one student and followed his pace. At the mid of distance, I managed to pacing him and secured him a sixth place to won a medal.

My race number & tag line!

'working' for an hour at RM200

With Kakithon who clear sweep the highest price money at different categories

As a bottom line, winning or now was not my primary target on that night. I entered the race just to test my endurance capacity to endure my cardio & muscles for a distance more than 10km. Finally, I survived with a couple hundred of RM inside my pocket!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Lecturing Level 2 National Coaching Certification Scheme

Last two weeks I was received an offer by my Big Boss to be in the team for lecturing the participants for Level 2 National Coaching Certification Scheme Course that will be held in Johor Bahru this early October.

Thus, the letter from National Sports Council of Malaysia received this afternoon for that matters. That a long time I won't conducting any lecture plus activities purposely for sports area. Besides, my current lecturing & coaching for outdoor education & adventures activities.

Level 2, or what ever level it is..

As a bottom line, this is a great opportunity for me to give my best for my nation. Perhaps my ages will not a main constrains to deliver the theory, practical & application in the real situation for the coaches.

See you there!