Showing posts with label activities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label activities. Show all posts

Friday, December 7, 2012

Outdoor Outfit Challenge 2012

Proudly to announce UTM Fitness Co-curriculum Semester 1, Session 2012/2013 will organize Outdoor Outfit Challenge. The challenge will take part at Kem Dayang, Gunung Pulai, Johor on 9 December 2012.

This one day challenge will evaluate students' abilities in physical fitness, mental and their team work. The challenge consist:

  • Gunung Pulai Reserve Forest Trekking
  • Artificial Wall Climbing
  • Flying fox
  • Water confident
the most interesting point during trekking
Wall Climbing

Besides the challenge will be completed, the students will need to complete the task given by the instructors.

Perhaps, the weather will be nice to this programme and the students well prepared to overcome the challenge this Sunday.

As a bottom line, Outdoor Outfit Challenge is the must have programme to evaluate fitness components for the students and also as a medium to know each other well.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Be a Champion Again


It was a very long time I won't be a champion since I was in my first degree study. But last 6 October 2012, again I was a champion. I won 10km night run for staff category in my organization which I work now.

It takes less than an hour to cross finish line and I'm RM200 richer after received a cash money from the organizer. I ran with one student and followed his pace. At the mid of distance, I managed to pacing him and secured him a sixth place to won a medal.

My race number & tag line!

'working' for an hour at RM200

With Kakithon who clear sweep the highest price money at different categories

As a bottom line, winning or now was not my primary target on that night. I entered the race just to test my endurance capacity to endure my cardio & muscles for a distance more than 10km. Finally, I survived with a couple hundred of RM inside my pocket!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Fitness Adventure Challenge @ Mount Ledang 2012

It was an adventurous weekend I have together with my Fitness Class students. The program named Fitness Adventure Challenge @ Mount Ledang really tested the participants to the limit of their physical fitness, mental toughness & social interaction. The program just lasted only 39 hours after the kick start at UTM with 28 participants plus me as a coach.

We started to hike from the headquarters after guide's briefing at 2:30 pm and arrived at Kolam Gajah Campsite at 5:30 pm, two hours of 650m climb from the Gunung Ledang Lagenda Resort. We cooked dinners & rest at night to prepare the body for early morning hiking in the darkness to the summit of Ledang for sunrise watching.

At 2:30 am, the team started hiking in darkness and cold morning at 650m altitude. The challenges were really tough, we need to climb a steep inclination average at 65 degree climbing a rope on the steep rock face and climbing the stairs for tackling the cliff.

A cup of tea & kebab as celebration at the top of the Mount Ledang Summit

At 6:30 am, the team already at the summit of Mount Ledang (1276m) and celebrate their victory in conquering the challenges they met before. The low temperature and high wind really tested their physical ability to stand on the summit. The team took a rest & breakfast at the summit while waiting for our last person arrived.

After two hours rest in the clouds & coldness at the summit, at 8:30 am we hike down back to the Kolam Gajah Campsite. We descent to campsite via different route as we climbed to the summitand reached there before 11 am. Then, it was a rest at waterfall and cooking time for lunch. I take my bath and sunbath on the rock surface before give the girls a helping hand to fry 'ikan masin' and 'papadom'.

At 3:20 pm, we hiked down to headquarters and arrived at 5pm. Later we need to declared all the stuff we brought down must meet the quantity as we brought it up a day before. I love this practise because it teach the community especially Malaysian about consevation and responsibilities to the natures.

Finally at 10pm we already did our 'final examination' for this semester Fitness Co-Curricular activity within 39 hours. Congratulation to all my students & all participants because you guys already conquered the sixth most difficult summit to climb in Malaysia!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Malakoff-UTM Duathlon Clinic 2012: Report

What a humble & compact clinic!

There were 20 plus of participants came for inaugural Malakoff-UTM Duathlon Clinic 2012 which has been held in Sports Innovation & Technology Centre in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru Campus.

The clinic starts at 9 am with opening introduction by Mrs Aini Zahariah Zakaria, Malakoff Corporate Affair & External Relations Officer. She told the members of the floor about Malakoff Community Service Incentives for Malakof University Duathlon Series in May.

Followed by Introduction to Duathlon and the interesting topic of the day Sports Science Aspect in Duathlon by Mr Mohd Ibrahim Haji Azman a.k.a (MrBlacko), Powerman Malaysia Finisher since 2003. The participants seems electrifying with the input and fresh knowledge about the excitement to become future duathlete.

Ungku Azhar, International Triathlon Union Level 2 Coach, given his talk about skills & technical aspect in duathlon. Followed by Mahdhir "Dale" Mohd, President of Johor Triathlon Association boosted participants psychology with his motivation talk!

After indoor session, the participants exposed with practical session lead by Ungku Azhar, Dale & MrBlacko. The session need participants to learn the running skills& posture for distance run, cycling posture, braking at high speed without skidding, entering & exit the transition area, how to make a U-Turn, maneuvering bike inside transition area, bike mounting & dismounting (gliding & flying) and exciting part was who will be the fastest wearing the helmet.

Later, the participants need to do the simulation of run-bike-run simultaneously under the hot & shiny sunshine at 1pm. The clinic closed by Prof Dr Abdul Hafidz Omar, Director of UTM Sports Innovation & Technology Centre and the group photo as to complete the event.

Thanks you to event main & title sponsor Malakoff Corporation Berhad, Sports Innovation & Technology Centre, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Triathlon Association, Kakithon Multi-sports Club and Mentor Training. Perhaps in the future there were another duathlon clinic will be organized!

The day before

Mrs Aini from Malakoff given her speech

Mr Blacko, Powerman Finisher since 2003 in the house!

Ungku Azhar, ITU Level 2 Coach in the house!

Dale, President of Johor Triathlon Association in the house

The event & the venue

The participants

Practical session

Practical session

Duathlon simulation: Run

Duathlon simulation: Bike

Tired but happy faces during Closing Ceremony

Prof Dr Hafidz (blue shirt), Director of UTM Sports Innovation & Technology Centre  in the house!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Malakoff University Duathlon Series 2012 is Back!

Come join us and Do the DU!Malakoff University Duathlon Series 2012
Never tried a multi-sport event before? Want to try a sprint distance duathlon? Or participate together with your friends?
This is the event for you. The Malakoff University Duathlon Series (MUDS), a run-bike-run event in a DU-able distance.
The format? Run a short distance, pick up your bike, ride it for a short distance, drop off your bike, then get back on the same run course and run to the finish line.
Short, simple and sweet - that's the attraction of the MUDS. If you want to find out more, you can drop us an email or give us a call.

For more event details, click here.
To sign up online, click here.
Book these dates in your calendar:
• MUDS 1 : 12th May 2012 (Saturday) : UNIVERSITI MALAYA (UM)
• MUDS 2 : 19th May 2012 (Saturday) : UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA (UPM)
For more information about each race, click on the "Race Information" link on the main menu.
Come join us for some fun in the sun
**the exact email I received from organizer!**

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Malakoff-UTM Duathlon Clinic 2012

Proudly to announce an inaugural Malakoff-UTM Duathlon Clinic 2012 will be organized by UTM Sports Innovation & Technology Centre, in collaboration with Johor Triathlon Association and Mentor Training. Also Malakoff Corporation Berhad as a title sponsor for this event.

This event purposely:
  • To prepare university student to compete in Malakoff University Duathlon Series 2012 (MUDS 2012)
  • To introduce & expose university student with knowledge, skills and sports science aspect in duathlon race
  • To find university  representatives during Malakoff University Duathlon Series 2012 (MUDS 2012)
Details of this event as below:

Date: 28 April 2012
Time: 8:30 am to 2:00pm
Venue: Sports Innovation & Technology Centre, UTM Stadium
Fee: FREE! (for university students)
No of Participants: 40 persons only

Contents of this event:
  • Introduction to Duathlon (Class)
  • Sports Science Approach in Duathlon (Class)
  • Running Aspect in Duathlon (Tutorial & Practical)
  • Cycling Aspect in Duathlon (Tutorial & Practical)
  • Transition Skills & Practice
  • Duathlon Race Simulation

Who will coaching & assist you?
  • Powerman Finisher since 2003, 
  • Ironman Finishers, 
  • Malakoff Malaysian Duathlon Series Contenders,
  • Malakoff University Duathlon Series Contenders
  • Sports Science Practitioners,
  • International Triathlon Union Level 2 Coach (only two coaches in Malaysia)

    Posing before the DU..
    Run the DU..
    Cycle the DU..
    Crossing the DU finish line

    Another pose after DU..

    You will get:
    • Free packed meals (tea break & lunch)
    • Certificate
    • Drinks (mineral & isotonic)
    • T-shirt
    • File & notes
    Bring together your:
    • running shoe
    • bicycle (any type of bicycles)
    • bike helmet (if any)
    • sports towel/hand towel
    • smile
    • sporting spirit

    So that, mark this event into your schedule, and don't miss to attend this event!

    For early registration, please email me your full name, ic no, university name and matric card no. to:

    Hurry up the number of registered participants is still increasing!

    Tuesday, April 17, 2012

    Outdoor Recreation Course Level 1

    This is another consequences from previous effort I put since 2007 to organize this course. Let's check it out as details below:

    Course: Outdoor Recreation Course Level 1
    Date: 20-22 April 2012
    Venue: UTM Johor Bahru Campus
    Fee: RM180 per person
    Organizer: UTM in collaboration with Jabatan Belia & Sukan Johor

    This course including:
    • camp craft
    • night jungle exploration
    • basic navigation
    • knots & abseiling set-up
    • wilderness first aid
    • water confident & maneuvers
    • kayak
    • lecture: Outdoor Program Management
    This year I involved in this course as external consultant to helps the students tackling the tricky aspect of organizing the event. As I no more serve as government servant, this effort I considered as my public responsibility while without thinking about the payment get.

    May the course will benefits all.

    For more details & registration:
    email me:
    facebook: Blackopoulos Johor

    Monday, February 20, 2012

    My Two Wheels Adventures in Malaya

    Glad to be in front of my laptop again after two weeks outing for my latest escapes from daily routine. On 5 Feb 2011, I started my cycling adventure (again) after more than ten years from my great cycling adventure back in 2001. This adventure called Trans 1Malaysia, and this is their website This program organized by the students from Kolej Perdana, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, in collaboration with Gerakan Belia 4B Johor. The journey was to traversing from the south to the north of Peninsular of Malaysia which is more than 1000km cycling route. This program is continuity of previous successful cycling expedition organized Trans Johor (cycling around Johor) & Trans Selatan (cycling from UTMKL to UTMJB) on 2009 and 2010 consecutively. I only managed to join Trans Selatan & Trans 1Malaysia only together with my lovely gf.

    Posed before the long journey at 'Zero Mile'
    The Peloton, The Marshal & The Destination
    Enjoying the Moment

    Below was the cycling adventure I had done in Malaya:
    • 2001 - Cycling without any support vehicle around Peninsular of Malaysia, 18 days (17 days of cycling), 2400km, 4 person, 
    • 2010 - Cycling with support vehicles & marshals from UTM KL to UTM JB, 4 days, nearly 450km, more than 20 persons
    • 2012 - Cycling with support vehicles & marshals from UTM JB to Kangar, Perlis, 9 days (8 days of cycling), 1030km, more than 40 persons.

    Once upon a time, this called Malaya
    The Ride

    The Convoy Members
    But it doesn't stop only with bicycle tours, I also just completed my second around Malaya expedition but for the second was by big bike convoy. We started with East Coast Route first and traveled from the north to the south just in four days with 24 convoy members. That expedition was happen on 26-29 December 2011.

    That's it, an information to share with my blog readers about my two wheels adventures I had done in Malaya since 2001 when I was a teenager. May adventurer spirit still be with me until my golden age, perhaps can make future adventure trip together with my lovely one.