Saturday, November 21, 2009

Reaching The Summit: Packing the Backpack

Nearly one week from now I will fly to Sabah and have an adventure outing on the end of this month. Just one week need to forget about electronic or ICT stuff, and become closer to the nature.

It was a long time I didn't put myself into the beautiful of flora and fauna. Last time I was outing with my students to National Park in Pahang in April 2008 for education purpose. We spent 4 days 3 nights together.

Next weekend will my first outdoor and adventure trip for this year. Thanks to MARC UTM for accepting me to join their group for this expedition. This will be my second time to Sabah, and second time to attempt climbing Mount Kinabalu, the highest peak in South-East Asia. This time we will hike up using Mesilau Trail and hike down follow more popular trail to Timpohon Gate at Kinabalu Park Headquaters.

Another experiment I trying to do is to have lightweight backpacking style for a week to Sabah. Earlier during my age when started to involve in outdoor activities, I love to load many items either it for personal use or group use including attire, foods and equipments (at one time I have carried rock climbing equipments). My haversack must be minimum 75 litre and weight around 15-20kg for more than 4 days hiking.

But during 2001, I carried 22 litre backpack for cycling around Peninsular of Malaysia for 18 days by mountain bike. You can imagine how I manage my stuff. Plus in 2002 I already carried the same bag for hiking trip for 3 days. So why not this time for a week I just carry 30 litre backpack.

The main challenge is, the attire that needs to put inside the back. The most huge space eater is the weatherproof jacket. Secondly the sleeping bag, an extra clothing for under 5 degree Celcius condition and maybe some foods (for hiking along the trails at Kinabalu). Until now I didn't have a time to packing my stuff according to the list I made for lightweight backpacking. Maybe the exact figure can be sort out thoroughly after I did it.

So that’s the plan until now, lightweight backpacking is my concern for this Borneo trip!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Road to Powerman 2009: Four Achievements in a Single Race

What a wonderful day I have last Sunday in Powerman Malaysia 2009 in Seri Manjung, Perak, Malaysia. The day that too hot for most of racers, the day that a massive number of participants raced this year, the day I craved four achievements in a single race.

As planned before, I only set my goals in these two things:
  • completing my race without dehydration, heat cramp and suffering
  • as a domestique racer for one of the female racers who was suffered from injury just three days before the race.

So during my first run, as usual I tried to stay at the pro's pack at the front. Two kilometer in eight minutes. What an incredible pace! After passing first water station, I manage to stop for waiting my girl at the back. I waving to my friends who're asked me why I'm stop there..after 5 minutes, then I start ran side by side with her, and tell the positive things (in sport psychology we call positive self talk, stress and energy management) until we together completed the first 11km run. We didn't skip any water station to have an adequate water intake for replaced our sweat loss. I counts I consumed almost 1 liter water during 11km run. It was good sign not to be dehydrated during bike leg.

domestique racer can cheer at every cameramen

pedal hard, stay hydrated

After I got confident with her condition (physiologically and psychologically), I manage to hit the big crank after 3km ride. So my journey as racer was beginning. I rode around 34-39 kmh for the first 32 km loop. I passed so many people (the things that I rarely did during the race) because I started very fast from the back of the race. I choose the middle of the road to comfortably hit the 52-21/19 crank at 90rpm.

I hydrated my body according to the needs (1.5L after 64 km ride, included my first bottle of vanilla Coke) and consume 2 sachet of PowerBar Gels (total 240 kcal). But during the second loop, my body feel to slow down and I told my body to slow down, rode at 31-33kmh with no muscles cramp or uncomfortable. Surprisingly, I still passed by so many racers included one 'peloton' (this race is draft illegal race, dude!). They only can look at my back and perhaps I was in a relay team, but my 074 race number shown I was in 20-29 years old age category.

I entered transition area with my brother Moose in front of me? I was shocked with simple calculation here:
Moose ran in front of me and started cycling in front of me (maybe 10-15 minute ahead)
I was ran a domestique racer and finish cycling together with Moose
So as the conclusion, you can make your own.

I ran together with Moose for first 4km run, and I decided to ran at my own pace because my leg feel good and if I stayed with Moose pace, I also will got injured and have a difficulties. So I ran at my very comfortable pace and breathing properly. I consumed almost 1.5 liter of water for my 10km run (also have a mineral water shower and hold a bottle of water for sipped along my way).

with Jalur Gemilang for my 7th Powerman

better than previous year time

I ran towards the finishing arch with Jalur Gemilang (Malaysian Flag) waving across my body (I brought it along my last run!), and heard race MC, Adele Cheah said "He completing his 7th consecutive times for Powerman Malaysia this year!". I clocked 14 minutes faster than my last year finishing time. I received my finisher medal, towel, water, finisher t-shirt and one cycling magazine photographer asked me to give a several pose with Jalur Gemilang for his picture.

SO what are the four achievements? Here it is:
  • I raced as domestique racer for first 11km run
  • I completed the race without any injuries and dehydrated
  • I finished faster than last year official timing
  • I beat Moose cycling leg time! Sorry bro, I only used under RM5k brilliantly setting road bike.

Post race activities

Powerman Malaysia 2009 was a great event that I never and will never miss to competing in the future! Congratulations to all finishers, and perhaps I love to see the relay and sprint categories guys will compete in full distance next year in Powerman Malaysia 2010.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Road to Powerman 2009: Me as Domestique Racer is Back!

Domestique rider are the term used by cycling meanwhile is running we use the term pacer. This unique role appointed by the team or person to set the tempo or pace for them/he/she. The pacer will racing side by side or in cycling they allowed their team captain to draft and gain a benefit to save of the team captain energy for his next action like sprinting or climbing.

The pacer will participate in the race but he/she will sacrifice their participation in the race to gain better result for the person appointed him/her to be the pacer.

This Sunday in Powerman Malaysia 2009, I appointed by one of the female duathlete to be her pacer (I prefer to use domestique because not many triathlete/duathlete know the term). She was a two times women’s open category champion in Malakoff University Duathlon Series last July. In this year Powerman (her 3rd long distance attempt), she have a mission to beat the time she clocked last two Powerman.

as domestique during MUDS 2008

I agreed because this year Powerman, I don't have any mission like before (such as running with the pro's bunch, finish as fast as I can, beat somebody etc). My mission this year only to complete the race before cut-off time. I was lack of physically prepared, decreasing of valuable time for training and I'm 'in exam, presentation, final assignment mode' right now. Even next Monday the day after Powerman, I need to presenting my project I've done this semester. So I'm agreeing to be DOMESTIQUE RACER!

During MUDS 2008, I was a domestique for her to claim second overall for women’s university category. What I found was to be domestique racer is fun, relaxing, and enjoyable. It is because I don't need to use all my effort to coupe a women pace, easy going (but not she!) and set an appropriate tempo and strategies during the race.

Back in 2002-2004, when I was in the cycling team from the South, I was a valuable domestique riders for any team I was ride. I trained by my coach (ex-national cycling star in 1980's) because he saw my potential and abilities to be great domestique riders. Also I can command and can strategize the team during the race.

my team star, Moose sprinting to the finish line after I pull-off the sprinters train

So, this Sunday, maybe the photographers will capture our pictures and I will give a best pose that I can. Haha!

Finally, it is an honor for me when somebody appointed me to be his/her domestique/pacer for his/her race/s. I will always give my best to meet the objective/s.

p/s: domestique riders is the guy who re ride with honor and no people realize the existance of this machine

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fitness & Exercise Tips for Women & Men

This post was written as sequences as I was post at my wall in Facebook titled, "KENAPA LELAKI KALO LEPAS KAHWIN JADI/AKAN/MESTI/WAJIB JADI GEMOK? sila komen, pendapat org dah kahwin dialu-alukan"
..and I try to responds one of the post " kenapa POMPUAN sgt ALERGIK / TAKOT menjadi GEMOK?". A lot of comments and opinion that I received from the Facebook friends. Here are some valuable points that not everybody knowing what to do, and how to implement the fitness activities in their daily routine.

As we age, our bodies lose muscle tissue and our metabolism slows down. Exercise is the best way to get physically fit and lose weight. Starting an exercise regimen at any age is extremely beneficial and can add years to your life.

Working out takes discipline and should not be painful. "No pain, no gain" is just a myth and is not good advice to follow. Exercise should make you feel healthy and fit, not looking for the ibuprofen and ice packs.

Experts advise that 20 to 30 minutes of aerobic activity at least three times a week is beneficial for both men and women. Select the best plan that is favorable to your lifestyle, whether it is at home or a fitness club.

my lab at UTM turn to Fitness Club after 5pm, Wednesday is Ladies Day

Option for a form of exercise you will enjoy the most and start out slowly, increasing your activity and work out-time gradually. Consider adding basic weight training to build muscles, burn calories and control body fat.

Aerobic Activity Training

* Bicycling
* Brisk walking
* Dancing
* Jogging
* Jump Rope
* Roller-skating
* Skiing
* Swimming
* Tennis

riding and posing

you can run or you can walk

For beginners, try increasing personal fitness in your everyday life by walking more, doing some yard work, painting, and parking your car further from your destination. Not only will you have the satisfaction of getting things done, you'll enjoy the benefits of being physically fit.

You don't need to lump your exercise all in one session. Try it in 10 minute increments if this is easier for you and as time allows. While there's no plan or guarantee for everyone, get started and find out what works for you.

Consult your physician before starting any exercise routine and understand that diet and nutrition will play a big factor in your overall results.

riding with family is fun

Fitness & Exercise Tips

* Get busy at home. Clean your house more frequently, do more gardening and yard work.
* Walking is one of the most popular forms of exercise, and for a reason. It's easy to do and comes naturally.
* Begin exercising at least 20 minutes a day. Start slow.
* Take it one day at a time, with realistic goals.
* You don't need to invest in fancy fitness equipment. Buy yourself a $5 ab-roller, this is very easy to travel with.
* Treadmills and exercise bikes are great aerobic activity tools for cold months indoors.
* Add entertainment such as music or tv to your indoor activity.
* The more muscle you gain, the higher your metabolism.
* Get family and friends to exercise with you.
* Take multi-vitamins.
* Don't allow yourself to watch your favorite TV show unless you do it on a treadmill or exercise bike.
* Add hand weights gradually to your routine.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Road To Powerman 2009: Race Kit Collection and the Memories Remain.

Last Saturday, I and my housemate went to Hotel Armada in Petaling Jaya to collect our race
kit for Powerman Malaysia 2009. When I reached there, I remembered when I was first time came to collect race kit for Powerman 2003 with my brother Moose.

During that time I just 20 years old, just completed my Desaru Triathlon the month before, young and strong but lack of multi-sports racing experiences.

I learnt fast to equip myself with essential fitness and tactical that most of elite triathlete or duathlete have. After two or three races in duathlon I was placed myself at the front of bunch of racers. Still continuing my tempo until year 2005.

Year 2006-2007 is the most frustrating performance I recorded. Maybe lack of racing participation and the transformation of period of my life. From full time athlete to working full time.

the race kit collection situation in Armada Hotel, PJ

"I amazed with your loyalty for Powerman race," said Melody Tan, Powerman 2009 Race Director to me last Saturday.
"Yes, I will continue to show my loyalty and support for duathlon races in Malaysia." I'm replied.

This year is my 7th consecutives Powerman race. As the time closer to 8th Nov 2009, my endorphin level increasing day by the as the day cruising to the road of Powerman 2009.