anything about sports issues, sports science, training, run, bike, duathlon, triathlon, ultra endurance events..races..wellness..
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Merdeka Multisport Training Camp
Below are the details:
Programme: Merdeka Multisport Training Camp
Date: 30-31 Aug 2008
Location: UTM Skudai, Johor
Participations: 8 persons (expected one member from KL will join us)
Fee: F.O.C (for Merdeka Spirit)
Accomodation: Faculty of Education Outdoor Education Campsite, UTM Skudai
What to bring: Money, Bike, cycling attires, running shoes, running attire, sleeping bag, personal need and tools
What you can get?
Bike ride on Saturday evening (4 hours LSD)
Merdeka Celebration together at UTM!
Running on Sunday morning (Half Marathon, UTM-JB)
Tips for Recovery nutritional sytem, Sports related injuries prevention, Riding in Busy Traffic, Heat Stroke & Dehyration Prevention.
so please come and enjoy this training camp!
Energy Bar: The Pros and Contras
Energy bars are big business. Major food companies know that today's consumers want convenience at any cost, and indeed, energy bars are convenient and costly!
The following information on the pros and cons of energy bars can help you decide how much (if any) of your food budget you want to dedicate to these popular snacks.

Energy bars are ready-and-waiting to be consumed - No mess, no preparation, no refrigeration. In today's eat-and-run society, when meals are a rare occurrence in a busy schedule, an energy bar suits the need for hungry runners who seek a hassle-free, somewhat nutritious alternative to vending machine snacks or a missed meal. The bars have a long shelf life, so you can stock them in your desk drawer or cupboard for a steady supply. While a bar or two a day is unlikely to be harmful, if your wastebasket or car floor is littered with energy bar wrappers, think again. You are naive to think this processed item can replace a whole food. Rather, energy bars commonly displace apples, bananas and other fruits that optimize health. If you resort to an energy bar for a meal replacement, at least try to eat some real food alongside, such as a yogurt and an apple or a (lowfat, decaffeinated) latte and raisins. Also, try to choose a bar that has 10 to 15 grams of protein.

Energy bars are portable - You can easily tuck these compact and lightweight bars into a pocket or gym bag for emergency food, if not preplanned fuel before, during and after a workout. The bars don't crumble, but take heed: some melt in the heat, or become unchewable in the cold.
Energy bars facilitate pre-exercise eating - The energy bar industry has done an excellent job of educating us that pre-exercise fuel is important for optimizing stamina and endurance. The associated energy boost likely does not result from magic ingredients (such as chromium, anti-oxidants) but from eating 200 to 300 calories. These calories (which usually include some form of sugar) clearly fuel you better than the zero calories in no snack. But note that calories from tried-and-true graham crackers, bananas, and granola bars are also effective pre-run energizers.
Instead of relying solely on the carbs in your pasta dinner the night before a long run, you can stay well fueled during the run by consuming about 0.5 grams of carbohydrate per pound of body weight per hour - This comes to 200 to 300 calories (as tolerated) for most runners, exactly what an energy bar offers. Just be sure to drink plenty of water. Your body needs both fuel and fluids to perform at its best!
Most energy bars claim to be highly digestible - One could debate whether energy bars are easier to digest than standard food, because digestibility varies greatly from runner to runner. Some runners comment about how one bar settles heavily in the stomach, whereas others swear it is the only food they can tolerate during exercise. As with all sports snacks, you have to learn through trial and error during training what foods work for your system and what foods don't. Do not try this pricey treat for the first time before a special event, such as a marathon, only to discover it causes intestinal discomfort.
One key to tolerating energy bars is to drink plenty of water along with the bar - Energy bars have a very low water content to make them more compact than fresh fruit, for example, which has high water content. But this low water content means they can settle like a lead brick...
While the "all natural" and "organic" energy bars have no additives, they also have no vitamins and minerals added to them - This means, they tend to smell and taste better than the fortified brands. But they lack the nutritional boost that can help runners who, let's say, avoid red meats and have an otherwise low intake of iron (needed to prevent anemia) and zinc (enhances healing). A simple compromise is to enjoy a variety of energy bars.
Energy bars are expensive - Cost aside, the E in Eating is for Enjoyment; just be sure you enjoy your energy source!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Survival Tutorial @ Pulai Springs Resort..

essentials survival kit
WATER (I & Izwyn make one water purifier from my office)
FIRE (tinder, kindling, fuel)
FOOD (fishing! ada pond kat situ, campak mata kail terus sangkut ikan)


now you must do
Comments from my facilitators:
"macam anak kambing budak2 ni..pantang lepas..maka bertempiaran lah mereka"
"banyak soalan yang ditanya, jauh beza dgn pelajar Melayu, malu2, segan, or maybe tak faham atau buat-buat faham"
"ada budak tu main guling2 atas bukit kat padang golf tu. pastu menganjing2 aku"
"semangat gile diaorang ni, nak-nak Sgt Slaughter tu" (merujuk seorang budak gemuk pakai 1 suit baju celoreng + bush cap)
"bau insect repellent je budak2 nih,"
So as usual I have my skill to tackle this happening..luckily not 'pening'..
Hey, Can We Will Being Sponsored?
First of all be realistic about what you can offer a sponsor. If you are new to adventure racing and have a new team, you really have little to offer a sponsor. Sponsorship, in most cases, must be earned. How do you earn sponsorship? By finishing on the podium in races that have good exposure.
If you and your team have the ability to provide good exposure then look for companies that could benefit from the exposure you could give them. Look for companies that have the resources to sponsor a team. Look for companies that are marketing to the same people that you can get exposure to. Remember that sponsorship for a company is no more than advertising to them. Getting gear sponsorship straight from the manufacture is easier than getting cash, or gear from a retailer. This is because it gives the manufacture exposure in the competition (with little or no risk that exposure will not happen at the race level) and the cost is fairly insignificant to them.
Approach a company from their perspective and list in detail what you and your team can do for them. Give specifics if possible. List previous regional or national level athletic accomplishment. List previous exposure you or your team has received in television, magazines or newspapers. List what races you are planning on competing in and what type of exposure these races have received. List exactly what you are willing to do for the company for different levels of sponsorship. Some companies may want to be a title sponsor and some companies may be interested in being a co-sponsor.
Don’t give up if a few companies turn you down. Most teams have to approach many companies before landing a sponsor. If you are lucky enough to get sponsorship, make sure you deliver on your promises and then go the extra mile and do more.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Weekend Story
Sunday: need to skip LSD ride with big bike club, Mahkota Bikers were assigned as a marshall in Jelajah Merdeka Rakan Muda 2008 escort Raja Muda Johor! so one day on my big some allowance..again, dinner yong taufu with Jiha, bought donuts for my brother..

Monday: 2nd day of Jelajah Merdeka Rakan Muda 2008, once again got allowance, satisfaction to be marshall..I'm the youngest Marshall in Johor! haha..any info for the convoy plese visit
Mahkota Bikers of Johor
Friday, August 22, 2008
Family Sports First Aid Kit
If you pound the pavement or tough it out on the trail, there is always the chance for injury. Is your family prepared with a sports first aid kit that meets your needs? Many commercially packaged first aid kits contain basic supplies. Sure, they might offer limited help for simple emergencies. But is your first aid kit prepared to handle your child's sprained ankle or heat exhaustion? How about your own knee pain after a marathon? The answer is to create a customized kit that fits your family's sports first aid needs. Chances are you already have many of the necessary supplies on hand.

First evaluate your needs by the type of sports your family participates in. Is there the likelihood of bumps, cuts, and bruising? Or are overuse injuries more prevalent such as runner's knee or ITB (illiotibial band) friction syndrome?
Then decide what supplies best fit the type of injuries you have described, such as bandages and ointment for cuts; ice pack for pain and swelling; sunscreen for sun burn.
Finally, find a roomy, insulated tote to carry your supplies. Why an insulated carrier rather than one of those little, plastic boxes that most first aid kits come in? Because you need to carry at least one, preferably two frozen, reusable ice packs in your sports first aid kit. Most kits only contain an instant, one-time-use, chemical ice pack. This is usually not sufficient to numb pain or reduce swelling. The best and most effective treatment for many injuries is to immediately apply a frozen ice pack for several 15 to 20 minute sessions. This will help lessen pain, reduce swelling and treat bruising. And an insulated tote will keep your ice packs cold for several hours.
Here is a list of suggested supplies to include in your family's sports first aid kit:
Information - First aid guide or manual.
General - Matches, scissors, travel toilet paper, anti-diarrheal, antiseptic wipes, tweezers, needle (for splinters), thermometer, safety pins, flashlight, disposable gloves, mouthpiece (in case of using CPR), blanket, plastic ziplock bags (to keep supplies dry), tissues.
Emergencies - Cellular phone, whistle, personal alarm, pepper spray, emergency phone numbers, maps (with directions to nearest first aid).
Pain and swelling - Cold pack, ibuprofen.
For cuts, scrapes, blisters - Bandages of different sizes, antibiotic cream or hydrocortisone cream, mole skin dressing kit, sterile gauze, adhesive tape, antiseptic solution, non-stick gauze pads.
Sun protection / Heat exhaustion - Misting water bottle, cold pack, sunscreen, lip balm, aloe vera lotion.
Fractures, strains, sprains, pulled muscles - Neoprene joint braces, compression bandage / ice wrap, cold pack, two triangle shaped pieces of cloth for a sling or tourniquet.
Dehydration - Filled water bottle, sports drink.
Allergic reactions - Calamine lotion, epinephrine (for bee stings), antihistamine, recommended medications.
Insect bites - Epinephrine (for bee stings), insect repellent, cold pack (reduces swelling of bug bites).

Assemble your supplies and customize your family sports first aid kit for each event or outing.
Disclaimer: This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical treatment or consultation. Always consult with your physician in the event of a serious injury.
IELTS Result
So I just got band 6.5 in listening, 7.5 in reading, 6.5 in writing and 6.0 in speaking in Academic Module..
The test has been done at Sunway Collage in Mount Austin on 2nd Aug 2008..same date with final leg of Malakoff University Duathlon Series..
Finally all my sacrifice on that day has been paid today with good result in IELTS..
"I fell like an idiot when I speaking or writing in English"
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Stretching & Beyond
Musculoskeletal injures such as muscle strains and tears are extremely common in sports injury. The overall result of muscle injury is not only influence on athlete performance but is also the source of pain. As muscle tightness is one of the predisposing factor for injuries, preventive measure such as stretching exercise have been wildly practiced from amateur players to elite athletes. It becomes an integral part of any sports activity.
Warm-up and cool down exercises are highly recognized as essential parts of any sports activity. The aim of warm-up is designed to increase muscle-tendon suppleness, stimulate blood flow to peripheral, increase temperature of body, muscle tendon and connective tissue; and enhance free, coordinated movement. Examples are jogging, cycling, massage, stretching. Past researchers have investigated the effect of various modes of warm-up, such as jogging, cycling exercise, massage, heat, stretching, isometric contraction and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation(PNF).
There are some recommendations by sports scientist:
Stretching technique
Static stretching is more recommended than PNF among the techniques. But it is only showed beneficial when multiple intervention is implemented. A study by demonstrated that isometric contraction would produce same relaxation effect as passive stretching. As lengthening of connective tissue occur in both routines. The author also suggested that combination of contraction and stretching is even more effective to promote relaxation. As research findings related to PNF is uncertain, the use of PNF in injury prevention is still controversial.
Holding Period
Most of the literature suggested stretch holding period range from 10 to 30 seconds. Some stated that 30 second or less is recommended. During the stretch one should felt the stretch, but with no pain and within comfortable zone. As pre-disposing injury such as microscopic muscle tears due to over-stretching may contribute to the subsequent muscle injury. Moreover, 12-18 seconds is recommended by since stress relaxation occurs in that period. Other suggested that 15 seconds stretch is as effective as 45 seconds and 2 minutes stretch on hip abduction range.
The first 4 repetition is shown to be most effective . A repetition of 2 to 4 times is also recommended by another author. Other opinions such as 5 to 6 times in improving hip, knee and ankle flexibility are said to be effective.
Specifically for PNF technique contract- relax, literature suggested that one should contract and hold 6-8 seconds, then relax and stretch for other 6-8 seconds. This maneuver should be repeated 3-6 times.
Points of Consideration
- Stretching should be done 15-20 minutes before exercise, and 5-10 minutes after exercise.
- Holding period can be vary due to difference in viscoelasticity of different muscle at different temperature, difference in muscle architecture, and arrangement of connective tissue.
- Stretching exercise should be carried out throughout the season as well as off-season. Only long-term stretching program can improve overall flexibility.
- Balance in flexibility should be considered. Stretching should be done on both agonist and anti-gonist on both limbs.
- Care should be taken when implement stretching program with athletes whom processed hyperlaxity. There are 3 clinical tests which is recommended to assess athletes' hyperlaxity.
- As elasticity of slow-twist fiber is greater than fast-twist fiber, therefore the fast-twist fiber is more susceptible to injury. Athletes participate in high intensity sports such as sprinting may require stretching more than an endurance runner.
Sunday LSD Ride for Beginners
Sunday LSD Ride for Beginners..
especially for Kakithoners..
Just bring your bike, money, ic, helmet, water, smile, sporting spirit and willing to learn attitude on this ride. Details as below:
Date: 24 Aug 2008
Time: 9:00 am
Place of meet: Bus Stop Tasik, UTM
Route: UTM-Mutiara Rini-Gelang Patah-CIQ Tanjung Kupang
Distance: +-60km je
Average Speed: +-20-25kmh je (LSD!)
Attire: Rider attire, helmet (jika ada), sunglass (jika ada)

pre-ride briefing and riding technique tips

well organized peloton
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
UTM Missing One of Their Outstanding Sports Women
She started run & ride from nothing, from hero to become a hero in 3 years of development..I was set her training programmes, her competition period, chosen her races, her attitude toward this sports, her attire, her thinking, also her desire to become one of the most terrific UTM Female Athlete.

This morning, I was waited for her to came out from Dewan Sultan Iskandar after the ceremony, with flowers in my hand and also smile in my I received a helpful hand from UTM photographers to snap a pictures for her! Then we waited for her..Thanks bro from CICT! She becoming very popular in UTM last two years because of this sports..

"semoga menjadi insan yang berguna dan berjasa kepada keluarga, agama, bangsa dan negara"
Monday, August 18, 2008
Chong Wei Fail to be Millionaire
A lot of pressure were putting on him, directly from the local spectators who never failed to yelled "Lin Dan, CHAIIYOK!" (Lin Dn, Boleh!), and also the hope from 22 million Malaysians who were mostly sat on front of TV to wathed this match Live!
He beaten by Lin Dan, straight set 21-12, 21-8..this was his most terrible performance for the matches between Chong Wei and Lin Dan..Lin Dan who are world no 1 badminton player looked too fast for Chong Wei..the match ends in 39 minutes..
Chong Wei looked so pressure, can't give their best performance in this Olympic..mental strength was the most important asset when facing worlds best badminton player plus in front of Chinesse spectators..
So Malaysia must wait another 4 year to achieve Olympic Gold Medal
Majlis Konvokesyen ke 41 UTM
Tomorrow morning, my beloved Jiha, will Convo..then will graduate! No more afiliates with UTM..she can't run, duathlon and race with UTM name anymore..hope she will be always success & achieve her ambition in the future..
So Convo, always bring a aweet and great memories to every graduates..but not for me last time.. no pictures, no special lunch or meal..(my lunch after Convo was a Maggie Mee at Home)..
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
How to Avoid Running Injuries?
Train at Your Level – Choose a creditable training program that matches your current running level.
Pace of Runs – Unless you are an experienced runner, your main focus should be on completing your training at a comfortable pace rather than adding fast paced workouts. If you wish to train with a partner, be sure they run at a pace similar to yours. For all your runs, warm up by gradually easing into your normal pace; don’t sprint to end your workouts but instead, cool down by jogging easily the last mile.
Build Mileage Gradually - Always follow the 10 percent rule that cautions not to increase by more than 10 percent weekly: (1) the distance of your longest run or (2) total weekly mileage. In short, the musculoskeletal system (muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, etc.) needs to adapt gradually to mileage increases.
Be Consistent – While consistent training is a major key to running improvement, inconsistency can lead to a variety of injuries. Don’t miss several days in a row of running and then pour on the miles to make them up.
Follow the “Hard-Easy” Concept – Hard workouts include long runs, races, speedwork, hill training, etc. These should not be run back to back. For example, if you race on Saturday, avoid doing a long run on Sunday.
Listen to Your Body’s Feedback – While consistent training is important, it’s vital to listen to what your legs are communicating. Take an extra day of complete rest if your legs feel excessively tired or sore.
Heed Injury Warning Signs – Recognize the differences between muscle stiffness/soreness, fatigue, and potential injury. If you experience an increase in pain or have to alter your normal running stride to avoid discomfort, discontinue the run. While some minor injuries respond well to rest, ice, anti-inflammatory medications, etc., never take chances with your health. Whenever in doubt, seek the guidance of appropriate medical professionals and follow their advice.
Preventing Heat Illness – Always stay hydrated throughout the day. Regardless of the outside temperature or your thirst level, be sure to drink water every 30 minutes of running. Sports drinks should also be consumed for runs lasting an hour or longer. And don’t overdress; keep in mind that despite the actual outside temperature, it will feel 10 degrees warmer after you run for about 10 minutes.
Shoes – If your current pair has more than 350 miles, purchase new shoes from a specialty store. Their staff can outfit you in the model that best matches your biomechanical needs.
Stretching – Always make time to stretch thoroughly after running. Don’t stretch a cold muscle. If you wish to stretch prior to your workout, do some fast walking or jogging. Hold your stretch for a minimum of 30 seconds. Don’t bounce or overextend to the point of pain past your current range.
Weight Training – While upper body strength is advantageous for both maintaining running form and ascending hills, it’s not necessary to go overboard exercising your legs by doing heavy squats and lunges. Keep those legs fresh for running.
Cross Training – Lateral, high impact, stop-and-go, and bounding sports can increase your risk of injury, particularly when building mileage. Cross training is a great way to supplement your running or to maintain cardiovascular fitness if you can’t run due to injury; however, keep in mind the concept of sports specificity, particularly if your time to workout is limited. Running is the most effective means to train for the Bridge Run. Preserve those scheduled rest days so that your legs will be rested for, and recovered from your runs.
Running Surfaces – While running on trails, at the beach, or hills/bridges are inviting diversions from the smooth and flat asphalt road, adapt to these surfaces by gradually increasing mileage. The same holds for the treadmill. Avoid running on roads that are highly cambered (steep) and at the track with all those turns.
Chafing and Blisters – Select apparel from head to toe made with synthetic blend materials (Coolmax, Nike’s Dry-FIT, etc.) as unlike cotton, these products wick away moisture keeping you comfortable. Petroleum-based products (SkinLube, BodyGlide, etc.) applied to sensitive areas will help prevent chafing.
Utilize Recovery Techniques – Getting a sports massage, soaking your legs in cold water, and taking a walk or easy spin on your bike are all great ways to rejuvenate tired or sore muscles.
A final thought. With so much training information available in the print media and Internet, it’s easy to feel confused or overwhelmed about what advice pertains to your individual situation. Whenever in doubt, seek the advice of a coach or experienced runner.
"So do it with brain and effort"
Scheduled for Missions
TUESDAY : also early this morning, received phone call about our research project..received sms from my best buddy wished me "Happy Birthday"..3D images for our Simulator Studio already done..need to take Jubah Konvo (as an academic staff, we were ordered to sit in Dewan Sultan Iskandar during Convocation, next Monday for our faculty)..must attend a meeting for our Research Group at 12pm, we currently did a research for Hajj & Umrah Pilgrimage, to compete in INATEX'08
WEDNESDAY : "Happy Birthday to Me"..but early morning must set-up our booth at INATEX..a lot of things to take afternoon, our last year research the BlowBall MultiGames, must be at INATEX TechnoFun Centre..afternoon until night must stay night opening ceremony will be held, and our UTM Chancellor, Sultanah Zanariah will visit INATEX time to have nice dinner, suprise party, or blablabla..heading back to home maybe at 1am, tido terus..
THURSDAY : Must be at INATEX and TechnoFun booths..but in the afternoon, must handle a visiting school from SMK Seri Rahmat to our Sports Science Lab..then instruct some outdoor activities, kayak & abseiling in the evening..
FRIDAY : Must be at INATEX and TechnoFun booths..couldnt imagine what will happen??
Monday, August 11, 2008
My Commuter Schedule
distance: 32 km
- Monday - Ride my XV535, reason is a lot of meeting, discussion to attend, plus smart day
- Tuesday - Ride my bike, total distance 64km, save RM10 (for 3.7 litres petrol)
- Wednesday - Ride my XV535
- Thursday - Ride my bike, save RM10 again
- Friday - Run/walk to work 32km, headed back with my gf car (after LSD run training with Kakithoners @ UTM campus)
- Saturday - Ride my XV535 for observing my summercamp programmes
- Sunday - LSD ride 3-4 hours, with Mustaffa Development Team & Kakithoners

Moose pacing me in time trial position on my way to UTM

after long morning run, at my office, sweat..

suka-suka ambil gambar during LSD on Sunday
So, just do it..lets others people start thinking logically..
Appealing to the most adventurous of athletes, The North Face 100® is not your ordinary run in the park, but an off-road trail run that promises to test your determination, perseverance and zest for pain! The North Face 100® will stop in The Philippines on-route to Singapore before its grand finale in Beijing, China next year.
Be a part of this inaugural run and you could just find yourself running amongst some of the world's top ultra runners in China!
17 May 08, The Blue Mountains, Australia
26 Jul 08, Tagaytay City, The Philippines
4 Oct 08, Central Catchment Area, Singapore
Apr 09, The Great Wall of China, China
"so ada branie???"
This Weekend Story

Olympic Fever!
at Bird Nest Stadium in Beijing, China..
so impressed by number of countries participating in this games..204!
new countries with their spirit..they came with small contigent, but with large sporting spirit..
to win gold medal? maybe after 50 years ++, still cannot win once..(ha thats our country man!)
I'm so impressed with Chinese effort to make this ceremony the greatestest ever..I love when Olympic Torch 'walked' on the stadium wall..'out of box' event!
Anyway, I really hope 33 Malaysian athletes will bring us medal, I didn't care what colour it is..
Friday, August 8, 2008
Top 10 Tips for Running Your First Marathon
by:Jonathan Roche
1. Taper for three weeks before the marathon. Most first timers do not let their body recover before the marathon. You need to gradually pull back on your training in order for your body to fully recover and be 100% ready to go on the marathon day. You should maintain your normal training intensity throughout the final three weeks, but you should gradually decrease your workout time. So three weeks out you should do 75% of your normal workload, two weeks out you should do 50% and the last week you should do 25%. This will leave you well-rested, but still sharp, when you toe the line.
2. Start slowly! Do not let the fact that you are well-rested fool you into running too fast out of the gate. Most runners think they are having an amazing day when they are cruising through the first 12 to 15 miles. But if you start too fast this false sense of being "on" is soon replaced with the scary realization that those last few miles are going to feel like a hundred. Pace yourself so that you have gas left in the tank for the final miles.
3. Speed walk through the water stops. Dehydration is a major problem for many marathon runners so it is essential to take in two full cups of liquid at each aid station. But, if you are running through the stations half of each cup ends up on your shirt! There is no recovery if you get dehydrated on race day, which means you'll be forced to merely survive and finish. And that is not the way to experience your first marathon.
4. Be sure to take in nutrients. Many marathon runners make a big mistake in thinking that water or Gatorade alone will maintain their energy and fuel levels. Even taking in energy gels with your fluids is probably not enough. Depending upon the weather and your pace you could be burning between 500 and 1,000 calories per hour, more than these can provide. Even if you had a big breakfast, eat some type of bar during the race. I personally love Balance Bars because they are easy to digest and taste great. Find your favorite bar and use it to fuel you on marathon day.
5. Bring warm cloths and a throw-away blanket to the start. Sitting on the ground in the cold for two to five hours is not a pleasant way to prepare to run a marathon. If you are cold or stiff before the race you are probably going to be in trouble. Although most marathons have race staff that will bring your clothes to the finish line, the bag provided usually isn't big enough for the blanket, so bring something you don't mind leaving behind.
6. Stay Positive! No matter what happens, always stay positive. For every runner, there are points in the marathon where your body is saying no and the self-doubt starts creeping in. This is when you need to think positive thoughts and keep putting one foot in front of the other. If you stay positive and make sure to be taking in your food and fluids, you will come out of it and start feeling good again. The key is not to give in and to always stay positive.
7. 'High-five" at least one kid every mile. This will help keep things in perspective whether you are having the race of your life or you are crawling to the finish.
8. Don't let people who look like serious runners intimidate you. Many people look like they are about to race for a gold medal at the Olympics. But don't get caught in that place of thinking that everyone looks so strong and fit. Looks mean nothing. Only your own inner determination to do your best gets you to the finish line. This is your race.
9. Write your name on your shirt or wear something unique. When I ran my first Boston Marathon in 1996, I wore a plain white running shirt and one fan actually yelled right to me, "Go white T-shirt guy!" In 1997, when I had my name plastered across my chest for the first time, the personalized "Go Jonathan!" cheers made a huge difference.
10. Run from your heart! Do not get so caught up in trying to beat a certain time that you lose out on the truly amazing experience of running a marathon. It is a gift to run a marathon so drink it in and enjoy every minute of it. Also, consider running for your favorite charity! It will make you stronger. No matter what your time, this will surely be one of the best days of your life. Have an amazing run!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Days without training
Wednesday plus today, Thursday..
Me, myself and I didnt training for more than 48 hours..why I stop dramatically?
It is because no other race to take part? I don't know..just need to stop for a while..
Maybe so tired, bored or just spent my time with my beloved one..
me & Jiha spending our sweet time together (she cute ha?)

How To Make Our Friend Faster
Do you have a friend, team mate or spouse that runs a different pace than you? This will often prevent you from training together, or when you do, either one’s not getting a good workout or the other is dying trying to keep up.
Give tethering a try. "Tethering" is when you connect one runner to the other with either a thin rope, bungi cord or a bike tube. This is a safe way to "pull" another runner without using your own arms, which you need for running. Also, the slower runner doesn’t need to hold on to anything, which frees up his or her own arms for running as well. You can actually use an old road or Mt. bike tube. What I do is cut the stem section off the tube. I then take a yard stick, run it down the length of the tube, slicing off the extra tubing on each side of the stick. This way you have a 1" wide length of rubber that’s strong, but not too bulky. I then tie a small loop on each end and attach a very small carabiner or other metal hook. Then I connect each end to a loop of rope on fanny packs. Length of the tether is personal preference, just keep in mind the person behind needs to see what’s ahead on the trail.
I recommend a bungi or rubber cord because it prevents the faster runner from jerking the slower runner. As the speed increases or you go over a branch, there’s just a gradual pull on both of you. Yes it may look a little strange to other people on the trail, but it allows both of you to run together and both get a great workout. It’s also a great way for the front runner to get a resistance workout without the extra weight on the knees. It benefits the back runner because it makes them want to run faster so they’re not constantly being pulled which in the long run, will make them a faster runner. In our area, we get all of our equipment from the Army & Navy Store, but you can find flexible bungi cord at most outfitters that carry climbing equipment. You then tie a small loop into each end of the cord and clip on two small carabiner clips. The length of the cord is all personal preference.
In an adventure race, you will see many teams, including the top teams, use this method to increase the team’s overall pace. Plus, if one team member isn’t feeling up to par, it can help them along and get you to the finish.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Are You An Adventure Racer?
How much time you have to commit to training is totally up to you. Obviously the more you train, the better you will perform. I know people who have completed sprint races with only five training hours a week. Their goal was just to finish. Others will double and triple that training time. I personally train about 8 hours a week, with Kakithoners, more if possible, but time is a precious commodity.
Second, but equally important is attitude. You will face many challenges in an adventure race. Sometimes keeping your mind going forward is tougher than the physical aspects of a race. You need an " I’ll take the good with the bad" attitude because races are filled with ups and downs. But at the finish, it’s definitely a good feeling.
Next, you need to find a willing teammate or two to join the fun. Be sure to choose teammates with similar ability levels and goals. If you just want to finish and a friend wants to win, then keep looking. Differences in attitudes and personalities will only be compounded during a race. Even the best of friends or spouses… Yikes… can turn a sprint race into the longest day, week, etc…
I hope this helps you make the wise decision of trying an adventure race and finishing it, of course.
MUDS 2008, UTM Duathlete Show Their's
All the paint, obstacles, birocracy, "tendang sana sini", begging here and there, finally has been payed..
My Boy, Ong win "Best Male University Duathlete"while Suhaimie, I know him since he was 16, got 4th place overall for Mens University Category.
My Girl, Nazihah finally showed her best performance at final leg, which her got 2nd placing. For overall Womens University Category, she sit at 3rd place.
In UPNM, I sent 6 duathlete of mine, with UTM bus, 4 boys (Ong, Suhaimie, Kecik, LKS) and 2 girls (Jiha, Ida). I and Suhaimie moved early to UPNM with Faculty of Education's Pajero..I have to settled their accomodation, and do my work for recording duathlon clinic session.
Ong finally beaten by Chan (UPNM) at final 250m dash, while Suhaimie played a role as domestic racer (thats my role!), while LKS and Kecik just show their average performance (so hard if you raced with MTB or RM200 bike).
Best Male University Duathlete of the Year
Monday, August 4, 2008
Adventure Race for Beginners
Besides race selection, goal setting is one of the most important topics you will need to decide about. Whether you choose to THRIVE or SURVIVE, your choice will affect how you will set up your training program in terms of volume and duration. It will also probably affect your current lifestyle. You will need to evaluate your current lifestyle and determine what changes, if any, you are willing to change.
Goal setting can be broken down into two parts; the first part is dreaming the goal, and the second part is planning the steps to get to the goal.
In dreaming the goal you have probably witnessed, in one way or another, an adventure race that has intrigued you. You have probably heard about the high numbers of participants that don't finish. This is a part of the challenge, and a big factor that might keep you from doing an adventure race is fear, or fear of failure. Your first goal should be to overcome your fear, and give yourself the opportunity to find out what you can do. You will not finish 100% of the events that you don't start. Once you believe you can do it, the journey will begin.
In planning the steps to get to your goal, start small and build up from there. The training plan is a series of steps that build on each other, leading up to the event. Everyone will need to design their own training plan. A plan has to take into consideration the starting fitness level of a person, their time available, and their ultimate goals
Malaysia Book of Records

Saturday, August 2, 2008
The I was started to wonder, "when will I should complete my first ultra-marathon race"
One of the icon in this ultramarathon event is Mr Dean Karnazes..
you can visit
What is an Ultramarathon?
By: David Blaikie
An ultramarathon is any organized footrace extending beyond the standard marathon running distance of 42 kilometers, 195 meters (26 miles, 385 yards). Ultra races typically begin at 50 kilometers and can extend to enormous distances. There is no limit.
The longest certified ultramarathon in the world is The Ultimate Ultra, the annual Sri Chinmoy 1300-Miler (2092 kilometers) which is held each fall in New York. There is also the annual Trans America Footrace, which is run in 64 consecutive daily stages from Los Angeles to New York. Runners cover almost 3,000 miles (more than 4800 kilometers) at a rate of about 45 miles (72 kilometers) a day.
Ultramarathons are run on roads, trails and tracks. They can be point-to-point, like the Comrades Marathon in South Africa; out and back, like the Niagara 100K in Canada; or held on loop courses, like the famous one-mile loop that Sri Chinmoy runners circle 1300 times in New York.
Rules allow runners to "go as you please." This means they may take walking breaks, pause to drink or eat and even sleep if the events are especially long, such as multi-day races. No penalty results from any such interruption, except for the time or distance a runner loses from his or her performance.
Men and women compete in ultramarathons at all levels. They always have. In modern times, they usually compete together in the same race. One hundred years ago, when the sport flourished as "pedestrianism," men and women competed in separate events.
There are two types of events - those in which runners set out to cover a fixed distance (whether it be 100 kilometers, 1000 kilometers or more) and those in which runners attempt to cover the greatest possible distance within a fixed period of time (such as 24 hours, 48 hours or six days).
Journey running is another aspect of the sport. Journey runners are lone trekkers who set out to cover long distances at their own daily pace. The most common examples are transcontinental runners, such as those who have crossed Canada, the United States and Australia on foot, or those who have run from John O'Groats to Land's End in Britain.
Megarunners are another sub-group within the sport. They are known not for their speed or records but for the great number of marathons and ultramarathons they run. Henri Girault of Naintre, France, has run more than 200 races of 100 kilometers or more. American Norm Frank of Rochester, New York, has run more than 550 marathons and ultras. And Canadian Wally Herman of Ottawa has run more than 400 such races, including at least one marathon or ultra in every Canadian province and territory, every U.S. state and in more than 70 countries worldwide.
There are Standard and Non-Standard ultramarathon events, although ultrarunners do not always agree which events fit in each category. The most generally accepted Standard events are 50 Kilometers, 50 Miles, 100 Kilometers, 150 Kilometers, 100 Miles, 24 Hours, 200 Kilometers, 48 Hours, 200 Miles, Six Days, 1000 Kilometers and 1,000 Miles.
Six Days became a major Standard racing distance in the last century, when ultramarathoning was known as pedestrianism. It was the longest event that could be held without competing on Sunday. Typically, six day races started at the stoke of midnight on Sunday night and concluded at the same time the following Saturday night. Non-standard "events" include all other measures of time and distance, and they can be numerous and demanding for statisticians to monitor.
During the course of one long race, for example, runners may be timed or measured through many "splits," or intervals, and can sometimes set numerous records in the process. In a six-day race, athletes pass through literally dozens of race intervals, Standard and Non-Standard.
The categories multiply even more when Metric and Imperial distances are taken into account.
Ultramarathon racing is much older than the marathon (which originated with the first modern Olympics in 1896) but only recently has the sport has been recognized by the International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF). In 1991, the IAAF extended official recognition to the 100-kilometer event. Since that time the 100-kilometer event has replaced the marathon as the longest running distance recognized by the world athletics governing body. The annual IAU 100-Kilometer World Challenge is now held each year by the International Association of Ultrarunners "under the patronage of" the IAAF.
"redah je kalo dah sedia"
UPNM, finally I reach there
Then after attended my meeting, we make our journey to UPNM, Sg Besi, Malaysia at 12pm..
Just Khairul, Suhaimie Tolek and me with my handycam..others with coaster at 2.30pm baru gerak..
In two and half hour we already reach Toll Sg Besi..I paid the toll bill..
then directly to UPNM the last leg for MUDS2008..
This is my first time been impressed and jakun..(when tengok student berlatih taekwondo panas-panas kul 3pm)
We directly went to registration counter, and Suhaimie was the first to report..
but I cannot report my participation for saturday morning action..
just bought 3 t-shirts for Ole-ole..
Then, entered Dewan Bestari to did my mission : Record the briefing session and Duathlon Clinic..
After settled, we make our move to apartment that given by Mejar Kalam to UTM Team..thanks Mejar..then after settled all the small matters things, bla-bla-bla..
then, "Khairul, jom blah"..
my stomach so hungry and I know Khairul too..
refuel at Seremban R&R, refill Pajero tank with RM180 petrol again, the cabut balik JB..
Reached Tangkak, I offered Khairul, "Bro, ko rehat, aku drive lak"
Then that my first time drive this Pajero on the highway..nothing to wait, in gear 5,
I drove between 130-150 9pm, we already arrived at Faculty of Education..
Thanks a lot to Faculty of Education UTM, coz give us, UTM Duathlon Team support..
dalam hati, "tak dapat race, dapat pergi UPNM pun jadila.."
KTHO win Powerman SUKAM, K11 win Powerlady SUKAM
After bike&run section, 'rempuh halangan', kayak, and run..
lasting for 3-4 hours multi dicipline race..4 members per team
Here the result:
PowerLady UTM
1st : Kolej 11(PALAPES, no doubt)
2nd: Kolej Tun Fatimah (Sports Science Students, also no doubt)
3rd: Kolej 9 (most of them were kayakers, also-also no doubt)
4th : Kolej Tun Hussein Onn (ranking jatuh, nasib dpt medal)
PowerMan UTM
1st: Kolej Tun Hussein Onn (must win again! Budak Kakithon dua org dlm team)
2nd: entah (coz too far KTHO dropped them, asap pun tak dpt bau)
3rd: Kolej Tun Razak
4th: Kolej 16 & 17
Finally, this year competiton, not so hangat like last year.."macam makan angin je!"
Sad Sat AM
When the test just started, the tester cannot continue the session coz there are no ID number for the candidates, blank..then need to start once again, calling my name, bla-bla-bla..
Then I finish that session with No Good at All for English 'Formal Communication'..
just need to say like Sharifah Amani one upon a time ago but in vice versa version
"I feel like an idiot when I speak in English!"
Thats all..tata
Then ride my bike to UTM, change to training attire, grab my roadbike, tata I was cycling..haha
the go to Tasik UTM to saw SUKAM PowerMan & Powerlady in action, hang with Pusat Kesihatan's Staff borak-borak..