Showing posts with label nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nature. Show all posts

Monarch Emerging

The glass chrysalis is slightly larger than 1:1 scale.  Very happy with how the focal turned out.  Definitely a conversation piece.  Enjoy!

Nature Gallery - Spring 2015

The gallery section of The Flow features a few of my animal inspired beads:  Indigo Plume and Water Ballet No. 2.  It is truly an honor to have my beads included along side the work of the talented Joy Munshower, Vicki Schneider, Polly Toombs, and Marilyn Peraza.
The Flow Magazine

Baby Hedgehog

"Baby Hedgehog"
 2.4 x 2.1 x 2.2 cm

Fresh from the kiln and ready for the woodland.  The design sketch was pretty straight forward, however the color palette had me second guessing choices of glass from the start.  Truth be told, I changed the colors at the last minute.  The soft-bristle coat features grays, browns, black, gold, and ivory in a complex cane.  I bounced back and forth on the main body color until settling on a limited run from CiM.  The cheeks, well they are adorable...  all said, I'm thrilled with how the little guy turned out.

Welcome to Paradise

 "Welcome to Paradise"
3 x 3.7 x 2cm
Soda-lime glass, enamel; flameworked glass bead.

The concept of my latest work arose from the desire to create a nature inspired, sculptural piece based on a Dionaea muscipula, aka Venus flytrap.  The original design featured a mosquito hawk (see image below), but as with most of my initial pieces changes are made, techniques are tested and it is back to the drawing board.  Pictured above is the second design featuring a common housefly.  I feel it better captures my intended humor, thus coining the title:  "Welcome to Paradise".

"Dionaea muscipula"
Soda-lime glass, enamel; flameworked sculpture. 
5.5 x 7 x 2 cm


A view of my garden, and a moment to be translated into glass:
I hope you find inspiration in the stillness of life.