Friday, November 23, 2012


2 weeks ago I ran in my first Ragnar race in Vegas, and it was quite the experience!! If you don't know what Ragnar is, its about a 200 mile relay race in a 30-34 hour time period of 12 runners that switch off running their distances, 3 different times throughout the race. The 12 runners split into 2 vans of 6 and meet each runner in the group to exchange on to the next person. I was runner 8 in the 2nd van.  Oh, and we had 2 teams of 12, so we had a 2nd van of friends with us which made it fun! 

The first van started at 7:30 am, running their distances, and then we started at about 12:00 pm. It was nice to get a good nights sleep before the big race because I knew I wouldn't be sleeping much after that! My first leg was my longest of 5.7 miles. The weather was sunny, but really windy which made it cold, but once I started, I got hot right away! I am such a sweater, that the wind actual made it nice! Most of my run was downhill which was good for me, but towards the end, my right big toe and other toes started to hurt really bad! I just kept telling myself to keep pushing through, but it probably was one of my worst runs! I was so mad to have that happen to me at the beginning especially when I had 2 more legs to go!! 

After I finished, we went through runners 9-12 in our group before we had 4-5 hours of rest until we would go out for our night run. By the time the sun set, the wind picked up even more and it was SUPER cold!! We parked at the main exchange where we'd meet the first group and luckily found an underground parking lot that made it nice to not be freezing our butts off! We ate, stretched, and tried to get some rest, but I seriously cannot sleep in vehicles! I managed to tape up my blistered and swollen toes and hoped it would help with my next run coming up. I also was having tummy issues (constipation) since our eating schedule was so out of wack and wasn't feeling so hot either :( 

By the time I was ready to go for my 2nd run, it was cold as YOU KNOW WHAT!!! It was around midnight when I started my 4.5 miles. This run was one long stretch and when I got going, of course with my body heat, I started feeling warm and strong and any pain on my feet or stomach went completely away! The night run was definitely my best one yet, funny to say!! I felt like I could go forever!! Running in the dark was a little creepy at times, but amazing too!! Loved that leg!!!

 By the time all of our group finished to wait for our 3rd leg, it was around 4:30 am. We went to the next main exchange to wait again at a high school. They had set up for people to set up sleeping bags in the gym there. It was so nice to sleep for a few hours. My stomach was not doing good though! I felt so bloated, but still couldn't go :( My feet too were very raw from the tape I had to rip off to apply bandaids for my next leg! No matter what though, I was determined to finish strong!! Ha ha, I was so desperate to make sure to go to the bathroom before the next leg that I took some Miralax and had about a half cup of my first taste of coffee (not good at all!!), but again was very desperate to do ANYTHING that would help my stupid insides to start working!!! I'm glad I had quite the support about it all from my fellow friends though!! It's so funny how well you get to know each other in so little time and if you are going potty or not!! lol :) Plus, I did manage to go before my last run!! HALLELUJAH!!! My 3rd leg was another 4.5 miles. This one was more hilly, but I enjoyed running in the sun again. By this time though my feet were not doing well, but again, I pushed myself harder and harder and FINISHED thank goodness!!! All of us finished at about 3:45 the next afternoon. About 32 hours total!!! 

Overall, Ragnar was very tiring, physically, mentally, and emotionally, but having the support from each other and spending time with everyone was priceless! By the time I got home though, I was EXHAUSTED and it took me just under a week to feel normal again. Plus, my toes were aweful until I ended up taking them off, literally off! They were pushed clear up in my toe and that it what caused the pain I was having!! All I know is that if I ever do another one, I will definitely be switching things up on preparing for it and making sure my toenails and shoes are good to not cause problems with my feet again!!! 

So, YAY for completing my first Ragnar!! So glad to have experienced it!! Now, what else can I do to add to my lists of firsts?? :)