Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. May the new year bring lots of
Fun, Laughter, and Love!!

Friday, December 25, 2009

What an experience!

This past Wednesday was such a spiritual experience for me. Douglas' cousin Noah and his wife Monica, along with their daughter Presley, got sealed for Time and All Eternity in the Logan temple. What was cool was that Monica's parents got sealed as well. Monica's parents got sealed first, then Monica knelt with them and they got sealed as a family. After that sealing, Noah and Monica knelt together and got sealed as husband and wife. Lastly, they brought in their daughter and she was sealed to them. Being there to witness it was Amazing! I have never felt the spirit so strong!! It was such an eye opener on just how important Family is and why we need to visit the temple regularly. We often get so busy with life and the things in it, that we don't set aside the time, to go where we can be closest to our Father in Heaven. With the New Year around the corner, I am setting my goal of attending the temple more regularly. I know that by going, it will help me be a more happy, driven, and strong person to make it through every day life!!

Congrats to Noah and Monica in working so hard to get where they are today!!
We love you!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009


I just have to say how lucky I am to have made it home from New York last night!! Today, the east coast got swarmed with a horrible snow storm that has caused over 100 cancelled flights! Working today was insane!! We can see how many people are in queue waiting to speak with someone, and the whole 8 hours I worked, It was in the 500s!! Tomorrow is going to be the same!! If we wouldn't have made the flight yesterday, we would have been stuck there for a VERY long time!!! Someone was definitely watching over me for that one!!!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

18 Hour Fun

As most of you know, I work for jetBlue. Every year I get a certain amount of Buddy Passes that I let people use to travel standby. For Christmas, my sister Amie and her family are using them to come to Utah from Florida. With the Holidays making the flights a little hard to get on, me being the Wonderful Sister I am, hopped on the Red Eye flight last night, Salt Lake to JFK, and am now waiting in the airport for Amie to arrive to New York and then all of us will be heading back home to Salt Lake. Me flying with them, puts them on a higher listing for standby. People think I'm crazy for doing it, but really, I don't mind one bit! I love flying! Waiting in an airport, not so much, but JFK is really nice and I've made sure to keep myself busy, as what I am doing now!! Plus, it's nice having a break from the kids for a day. I'm just glad I can help Amie out. They haven't been home in a while, so it'll be nice to have the whole family here for the Holidays! So for now, I just have to wait another 2 hours for Amie's flight to get in, and then another 3 1/2 hours before we head back. Oh, the things we do for family!!!! So worth it though!!