First off, I am so blessed to have my family. My Husband and kids are my everything! Douglas is such a wonderful person. He is such a hard worker and is always striving to be better in the things he does. He has helped me so much in overcoming challenges in my life and I am so grateful to him in not giving up on me!! He is my best friend! I am truly blessed of having him by my side for eternity! Then there's Haiden and Mekenzie. Words cannot express how amazing they are!!! They are such sweet, happy, balls of energy that keep me going each day!! I love them so much and am honored to be their Mother!!
Second, I am very grateful for my parents. They have been great examples to me and have done so much for me. Growing up, I was always able to do things I love like swimming, sports, singing, and dancing. Now looking back, they had to work so hard to provide for the things we wanted to do and I appreciate them so much for doing so!! My Dad is a huge example of hard work and dedication. He is also such a great example of fulfilling church callings and Home Teaching. There is no other Man I know that makes sure to get Home teaching done each month. It might not be much, but that dedication, is amazing to me. My Mom is such a sweet person. She has done so much in helping others. There have been times that I know it's been hard for her, but she is still pushing through and I appreciate that strength in her!
Third, I am so grateful for my siblings. I could go more into detail with each of them, but I know that would take all day!! They all have been great examples to me and it's been a joy to have the wonderful memories with them. Thank You all for your love and support!!
Fourth, I am so grateful for Douglas' Family. They have all been wonderful to me and I truly appreciate the love they've given me from day one!! I have learned a lot from them and hope to strengthen my relationships with them!
Fifth, I am grateful for my friends. Whether they were apart of my childhood, High School, or now, my friends have been a huge part of who I am! I am so blessed to have been with a wonderful group in High School. Those memories will ALWAYS be cherished!!! It is so awesome that we still try and keep in touch!! Thank You those who were there for me when I was going through the hardest time in my life! You know who you are!! I appreciate having you there in my life when I needed you most!!! Thank You again!!
Last, I am so grateful for the gospel. It has been a huge rock in my life and I know I would not be here today if I did not have it. I am grateful for the leaders I had that influenced me to be a better person and to help me feel the wonderful spirit each week, whether it being at church, activities, or seminary.
I love my Heavenly Father so much. He has helped me understand the struggles in my life and why I need them to make me stronger. I strive each day to be closer to him. I am very grateful for our Savior. He went through so much heartache and pain for each one of us!! That is a huge sacrifice that I know would be hard to bear. He is what makes my burdens lighter, my testimony stronger!!
Of course there are MANY more that I could go on about. These six that I've listed are my core in life. Without these, life would not be worth living. Thanks for taking a moment and reading my thoughts and feelings. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving this year. It's a day where we can lay aside our problems in life and focus on the things that really matter to us!!