Here's some work from the Labs. Head on over to our website
www.undeadlabs.com for fun write ups and more art. It's fun working here. I'm using more photo's in my work here, it saves tremendously on time. Although I think people would be surprised to see how much editing goes on. Abovet picture being an example. It was a concrete lot, no mountains, no vehicles, no sign and a bright and sunny day surrounding the 'big shed'. Also the gaffiti is mine. Maybe I'll start tagging things if this doesn't work out.
Using the photo ref to this extent is pretty new for me, but for the project it's feeling right. Plus, I bang this shit out.
Nice! You're doing some awesome work over there Doug!
Your attention to detail is amazing. I especially love the fence shadow at the warehouse.
hey Doug,
Great updated!! Thanks for sharing. I really like your photo manipulation as it still retains a very painterly feel. How much time do you find spending on these vs say your guildwars style?
Amazing work! I took a look at Undeadlabs site. I'll be following your game vigorously. Keep it up!
Man Doug, these are beautiful! I particularly like the one outside the rental place and the one inside the market. Great job as usual sir.
Great to see some new stuff man...that shark hoodie is fuken ace!
Doug, you nailed the shit out of these, especially the Grocery Interior! Man, its hard to say but I'm seeing GREAT improvement in your works, strange cos your work already kicked ass ;)
Keep rocking mooar zombies, would like to see some sketches from your moleskin like in the old days if you have any...
wahwah wee wah, goddamn mister; growing and growing. Grower and a shower.
More please! lol
Killer stuff! Really dig these.
Awesome Bot! Woo!
Good article. Thank you.
Whoa! awesome spotlighted interior :D I love the moment between the two parties created in the scene!
You have a very good blog that the main thing a lot of interesting and useful!
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