Showing posts with label Stephenie Meyer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stephenie Meyer. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Stephenie Meyer Book

Well, ran across an article in Publisher's Weekly and found that Meyer has written a sort of side story to go along with Eclipse. It tells of the struggles the newborn vampire, Bree Tanner, must face. I wracked my brains trying to remember when, if at all this character was introduced in Eclipse and then I remembered the newborn vampire army ready to tear Bella, the Cullens, and Jacob apart. I remembered the little girl vampire Bella felt so sorry for. Anybody else remember or am I misremembering. Anyway, the book, The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, is due out on June 5th at 12:01 am and a dollar from each book purchased is going to be donated to the American Red Cross. For more information check out the PW article here.

Friday, December 11, 2009

7 Figure Deal-The Next Stephenie Meyer?

Ally Condie's trilogy was sold to Dutton's Children's Books for a 7 figure deal, topping Stephenie Meyer. The auction took place between ten publishing houses-yikes! Apparently, she is represented my Jodi Reamer, Meyer's agent. This is actually her first novel, yup her debut novel, Matched, but I must say the blurb sounded interesting so I will be reading it when it comes out. If you'd like to check out the full article then click here.

Jodi Reamer actually said that reading Matched, reminded her of the first time she read Twilight.
I still can't believe publishing houses go so insane over a debut author...I really wonder if she will be the next Stephenie Meyer? What do you all think? Maybe there is hope for the rest of us trying to break into the business!