Thursday, August 28, 2008

Black cat

Here's a little (5"x6") Black Cat painting. It's watercolor with some white acrylic for highlights etc. For now I'm just doing these to figger out how to use watercolors but I may eventually do some color commissions this way. I don't know if I'll ever get to the point where I'm doing color sketches at con like Paolo Rivera or my pal Eric Talbot but who knows!


Nightowl said...


WOW!!! Forget the other two, I think you are doing fine on your own. I really like the highlight and special effect in the hair. The top of the boots is nice also. How many of these have you done? I (we) would like to see them all. When the time comes, I would a commissions sounds like a great idea.


Michael Dooney said...

I'm not as productive art-wise in the Summer, so I usually lay off doing commissions and just do some stuff for the cons I'm attending. I've started a couple of other watercolor pieces but they are just in the works.

Anonymous said...

Great artwork Michael! I have to agree that I would want a colored commission as well. I love your colored work and it makes me excited about future possibilities of adding a few examples to my collection.