Showing posts with label RR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RR. Show all posts

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Pam's Under The Sea Block

Hello All
Here is a pic of the block I did for Pam. She lives in Cornwall, in England so I decided to incorporate a selkie ( seal) from Celtic legend.
Her email nick name Moroven which is either Welsh or Celtic ( can't remember which at the moment) for mermaid.So I included one here too. You may have to look for her she's a bit shy

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Well I Did It

Hello All

Well I did it. I picked up a needle for the first time in months and actually got something done.
I have some sort of muscle and nerve damage done to my left shoulder from where a bolt of fabric dropped on my about 8 years ago when I worked in a fabric store. And from time to time my shoulder and whole arm will hurt like (*&(^^$$# and go numb at the same time. Have I told you this before? I think I might have. It's just been so long since I posted and I am too lazy to save this post and go look. So there you go

Many months ago I signed up for an Underwater Fantasy RR, I completely forgot about it then one day out of the blue Igot a notice that it was full and ready to go. I didn't really feel like doing it but I went ahead.

And this is the result

This is Karrin's block. Poor Karrin, she used such pretty batik fabrics and I completely obliterated them. In my usual style, I encrusted it. Over encrusted probably. But I LOVE it so I feel not much remorse.

I found a pic on the net years ago where another CQer had done a castle this way. I knew someday I had to do it myself.
Believe it or not every seam on this was embroidered in some sort of seam treatment. You just can't see for all the beads
I hope Karrin likes it.
BTW you can click ( or is it double click on the photos and you can get a much larger view of them)
Back to work,

Friday, April 18, 2008

Thar be Dragons

Hello All
These are some dragons I have been working on for the Fantasy RR on CQI.
The top one is on my block and is my own design. The bottom one is the one I did on Debbie's block. I used a clipart outline for the basic pattern.
Of course I had to include a dragon hoarde. Now I have an excuse to go buy more buttons!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Janet's Garden Block

Hello All

Now I know some of you may have seen this on the Yahoo groups I am in , but I really like how this turned out and wanted to share more about it.

The idea of this RR was to have 1 focus fabric, then the owner would make a block as a sample of what they had in mind. We were then each to use the focus fabric to make a block ourselves. Janet's fabric was the black one you see with the flowers on it.She told me to do it my way and go crazy, so I did.

Here it is at the nekkid stage. There are "NO RULES" in CQ ( that's why I like it so much). But there do seem to be few that people tend to stick to and I broke a cardinal one here.Supposedly you are not to use too many prints, especially next to each other. Well technically every piece of fabric in here is a print. And I like it this way. Plain fabrics bore me and I like to use fabrics with pictures in/on them. I think it helps to tell the story. All my best blocks are themed. I don't know if it is laziness or creative, ( Definitely NOT crafty) to let the fabrics help with the theme. Maybe a little of each

Now here is the block after the laces, appliques and most seam treatments are done. A huge change already
Now here is the finished project. It took me 4 days to sew on all those beads and buttons. I have been gathering and hoarding for this project for almost a year.

Janet likes creepy crawlie things and has a major thing for spiders and frogs. I have a thing for fairies and butterflies, so we go together perfect huh?

IF I remember correctly there are: 7 spiders, 9 ladybugs, 23 butterflies,1 humming bird, 6 fairies, 4 frogs, 1 inchworm, 8 bees, 8 dragonflies, 1 snail and 1 hidden Mickey. See if you can find them all.

Close up of the beaded Fairy

And of course Janet's big Hairy Spider I just had to include

I have 4 of my 5 Create Your Own Theme blocks back and will post on them in a few days.

Off to work on more stuff


Sunday, February 03, 2008

Winter and Spring STS Blocks

Hello All
Here is the winter block after I did the first half. Notice the leaf trim in silver this time. Also the same fairy button in pewter and again a fairy print by Jo Wall

Here it is after Helina's work. I just love the tatted snowflake. I have always wanted to learn how to tat but just don't have the patience to learn at this point. I think it turned out great, don't you?

And this is my Spring block nekkid
After my embellishments. Same vine in green and button

Love this fairy print
I will be sending it to Gerry tomorrow. I have a block I have been working all week. Will post on it tomorrow. I guess I am finally getting into the swing of things again


Sunday, January 27, 2008

Season To Season Block- Fall

Hello All

I am in Seasonal RR on CQ for Newbies. The first block we did was Fall.

This is the block "Nekkid" as we call a non embellished block

This is what it looked like after my half of the embellishments. That in the left corner is supposed to be a tree spirit

This is how it looked after my swap partner, JK, added hers. Her stitching is delicate and straight! I love what she added.

Here is what it looks like now. After I made my Winter block I realized I had the silk leafy trim in 4 different colors perfect for each season and that I had at least a dozen of the fairy buttons so I decided to make it an ongoing theme in all 4 blocks. So here it is in it's finished state.... I think


Friday, January 18, 2008

OK I Get It..

Hello All,
I get it I need to post more, but as I said I am not a winter person. I HAVE been CQing. I just finished up Jo's Beaded RR block, plus did my bit on 2 more Your Favorite Song blocks. So I haven't been completely hibernating. I will post on those later, but first I wanted to show you my finished Beaded block. Thank you so much Jo, Carol, Cheryl and Leslie for all the work you did on it, It is beautiful!!!
The only thing I want to do is bead the yellow flowers in the center patch and maybe cover up some of the black lines in the drawing. I am so happy with this block.
Here it is naked And here is the finished product. I am sorry I chopped some of it off

If this doesn't give you inspiration I don't know what will.
Thank you again for all your work girls!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Hello All,

This is Nancy's block for the Fairy Tale RR. This RR started in January. We have been PLAGUED with some really bad mojo on this one. There have been a few people who have not held up their end of the bargain. They were in several groups and received blocks to work on and kept them for months, we are talking at least 6 months if not more. This block is finally getting back to Nancy. I got my Last Unicorn block back from this group, ( I forgot to post pics of it, I will soon)but my Little Mermaid is still missing in action. We know where it is, but she refuses to respond to any of us to return them. Anyone want to play enforcer for me in Portsmouth, Virginia?


Here is the block now. I wanted to do more but this is a huge block and I just could not finish it. I added a long evergreen and berry seam on the left.The blue candle seam in the middle, plus the red and green tree one at the top. the star seam and the white lacy one by Santa. I also added the plate of cookies and carrot, the mice, Ho Ho Ho and the big silver star. I have had that for a while, it is pretty big , but I knew I would find a home for it some day!LOL

I hope you enjoy Nancy.I would do a RR you anytime, none of the duds in these groups were your fault and you did all you could.


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Lesa's Favorite Song Block

Hello All

Lesa's song was Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. Now you would think that might be easy to do as there are a lot of images but I ask you, "What the heck are rocking horse people?"

So I took the easy route and did the bridge by the fountain and the flowers that grow incredibly high.

The first pic is what the block looked like before I worked on it, The second is how it looks now. I particularly like the knight statue in the middle of the fountain. But I that might be cheating as all I did was sew it on.

Hope you enjoy it Lesa

Off to make overalls


Friday, November 30, 2007


Hello All

Here is the work I did on Flora's block. Lydia the Tattooed Lady. I incorporated my tattoos into my work. First I sewed on the applique of the Chinese dragon. My 7 dragons are Celtic but I couldn't find any like that.I just did not have enough umph to thread paint a dragon.
Then I added a silkie of Tinkerbell that I printed out. This is the exact tattoo I have on my leg.
I also did the butterfly border because I have one of those too. Then I put on the "Jesus Loves me AND my Tattoos" I have T shirt that says that. Some people at my old church used to give me a hard time and dirty looks when they saw my tats. So I wore the shirt and they had to at least be quiet about them
BTW I am having a hard time resisting the urge to get another one ( or 5) It is a very addictive thing to do. I am thinking of putting Cinderella's Castle behind my Tinkerbell, then I can add stars and fireworks around it to represent Grandkids when I get them. I also would like a mermaid but I don't know where to put it. I don't want any on my arms, ( Don't want to look too freaky) And I am too cheap to put one on my back. If I pay that much money for something I want to be able to see it

And now a really boring picture of the bunch of ties I bought at the thrift store for 50 cents each. I don't know what I will do with them yet, but I felt the compulsion to buy them.

Well off to try another pair of overalls. The last pair I made was so huge I could be 12 months pregnant and they would still be too big. ARRGGHHH


Friday, November 23, 2007

Beaded RR- Carol's Block

Hello All

I am involved in a Beaded RR on CQI, all the seams are supposed to be beaded.
The top pic is of the block after Leslie's work when I got it. Don't you love the peacock? The next 2 are of my work. The feather took about 8 -10 hours
I hope Jo doesn't mind I snitched her pics of my work, my camera was set to internal memory and then I couldn't transfer to my computer, ( couldn't be one of 2 young girls played with it do you think?)

More sewing to do


Friday, September 14, 2007

This and That

Hello All
I just haven't felt like sitting down to the computer to blog for a while. I didn't seem to have any coherent thoughts to put down.

The first two pictures are of Jaki's "Frogs Bring Rain" for the Fairy tale RR. As I said this block was pretty darn empty.
Siw had done the crane in the corner. Nancy appliqued the frog, added the bead rain around it and did the seams on either side of that patch.Leona added the frog and pink bird buttons and the tiny fire.
So needless to say I couldn't leave it empty so I did all the rest you see. I am not real happy with how it turned out, but I ran out of Umph.
I hope Jaki likes it.
I am so glad this RR is almost over. It had been a real bear.. I haven't received the block back yet from this group and the other block is about 5 months behind. I just don't understand why people sign up for things if they really have no intention of doing it. I know life happens but my God, can't they at least put everything in a big box and send it back to the RR hostess so she can sort it out. I would be so upset if I kept others waiting that I would stay up days in a row to get things done.


Here is my block for Your Favorite Song RR. I picked "Stairway to Heaven". Not my favorite song, though I do like it good enough. It's for my husband, I plan to do 3 more Zeppelin themed blocks for him.
I had this block all pieced and pressed, then I made a mistake and went to the fabric store. There I found the fabric on the left side with the mountains and trees, so no stopping me I took the block apart and added it in. So now it is partially machine pieced and partly hand basted. I couldn't help it. The fabric screamed "rings of smoke through the trees'

This is my contribution before I sent it on it's way. I decided to do the May Queen, along with the hedgerow where the bustle occurs. As a bit of whimsy I added her broom which used to be the MayPole for her spring clean.
This should be an easy song to interpret as their are lots of images to pick from. Judi who I sent the block to, is planning to do the Piper. I can hardly wait for this one to get back.

Janet and I are going to be doing a Craft Fair the first week of November. I have a few things started but nothing finished so I guess I better get my behind into high gear and get some stuff made huh?

Gotta go, going to Janet's to plan our strategy so maybe we can actually make some money off this show


Thursday, August 02, 2007

Nancy's 12 Dancing Princesses

Hello All
I have been working on Nancy's block '12 Dancing Princesses' for the Fairy Tale RR. This block was huge and there was a LOT of empty space left on it. Only Jaki is to work on the block after me so I went crazy. I hate to see blocks go home half naked.

This is what the block looked like when it left Nancy

This is Siw's work. This is very detailed. I am sure it took her quite a while to do it. Isn't it great?

The king on the white patch was added by Leona

This is what it looked like when I got done. I TOLD you I went crazy!Everything else you see was added by me. I dyed all the laces you see.I have the locked door that the princesses got out of every night. The Castle by the lake, glows in the dark because of the all night party. You can also hear the music as I added a music box.Included are the slippers, in a rose garden, they wore out every night
Here is a closeup of the castle

I will be sending this out to Jaki tomorrow.

Next up Flora's CYOT block, "Pineapples and Palm Trees'

THEN my naked block for the Beaded RR on CQI

THEN my half embellished block for the Season to Season Swap on CQN. I will post a pic of that tomorrow

THEN I need to finish off Jaki's block 'Frogs Bring Rain" It is pretty bare, so I will try to add alot.

I also have the needlecase with the kilted men to finish AND I might be doing another Swap

I also have to make school clothes for the girls and get 3 kids ready for school. And oh yeah, I am also flying to Great Lakes for my son's graduation from Navy Bootcamp. I think. We still haven't heard from him about the cardiologist appt. So I am guessing he is still there.

So I have nothing really to do.
