Showing posts with label Happy New Year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy New Year. Show all posts

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year and Happy Feast Day!

Happy New Year! happy feast of Mary, Mother of God!

I hope that you will all have a very Blessed and grace-filled year of 2009! I'll catch up with you all soon. I have been sick as well as my family. I've also been trying to be in the moment here with all of the wonderful family times, despite the illnesses.



Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Things I've been pondering...

Recently I remarked that I had a lot that was being pondered in my heart and mind but no time to express it in words. Well, if you would like a glimpse, just go to my "Everyday Blessings" column at Catholic Mom.Com to read my reflection.

Happy New Year!