Showing posts with label "Catholic Connection." Ave Maria Radio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label "Catholic Connection." Ave Maria Radio. Show all posts

Monday, October 26, 2009

This morning's segment with Teresa Tomeo on "Mom's Corner"

Here's the link to this morning's show in case you were unable to listen in at the time. Just
click here
to hear my chat this morning with Teresa Tomeo. We talked about Halloween, alternatives to the tradional Jack O'Lanterns, All Saints Day, kids, families, the culture, my week end retreat at the Abbey, our upcoming trip to Rome, my Mother Teresa Book and more!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Tomorrow's "Mom's Corner"! Join us!

I hope you can tune in to my chat with Teresa Tomeo this tomorrow on Ave Maria Radio on "Catholic Connection." Just tune in tomorrow, Tuesday at 9:15 AM Eastern Standard Time by clicking here at and then click "listen live."

I'll be back some time after the show to post a link in case you can't tune in.

God bless!


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Catching up, or trying to anyway...

I'm trying to catch up with a variety of things. The good news is that I finished a manuscript the other day and turned it in to the publisher. Woo hoo! I'll be telling you about that book very soon. It's very exciting!

Never a dull moment around here! I found a dead bloody bat on my kitchen floor yesterday! What a freaky sight! The whole day then entailed numerous phone calls to health departments, veterinarian's offices and more. An officer had to come out and get the bat and transport it to be tested for rabies. Apparently they test the bat's brain. We may find out this afternoon if it's rabid and then we'll know if our animals and if we are in any danger. Let's hope not!

FYI: I'll be on my Mom's Corner segment with Teresa Tomeo on Ave Maria Radio, Monday, July 20th at 9:15 AM Eastern time. I'll post more details soon.

I plan to share some photos soon about an outing to NYC after I had completed my manuscript. Stay tuned!

May God bless your day!



Friday, January 16, 2009

"Mom's Corner" on Monday..Be there!

Stay tuned. Teresa Tomeo and I will be chatting on Monday, January 19th at 9:15 AM Eastern time on Ave Maria Radio to kick off a pro-life week. I hope that you can join us.

Tune in at 9:15 AM Eastern Standard Time by clicking here at and then click "listen live." Talk to you soon. :)

God bless your day!


Monday, October 6, 2008

This morning's segment of "Mom's Corner"

To hear this morning's segment of "Mom's Corner" with Teresa Tomeo and I discussing my new books and other topics brought up by the callers who called in to the show and won copies of my books, just click here.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Tune in Tuesday morning for our "Mom's Corner!"

We're on the air on Tuesday morning (tomorrow)! I hope you can tune in! You can actually tune in from your computer by clicking here and then click "listen live." Teresa Tomeo and I will be doing our "Mom's Corner" segment at 9:15 AM Eastern Standard Time.

What are your thoughts right now about a mothering issue? What would you like to hear us discuss on Tuesday morning or at another upcoming segment? Don't be shy! Send me a comment to this post or if you'd rather in an email, send it to DMCooperOBoyle(at) aol(dot)com.

Tune in tomorrow to see what's up with Teresa and me and what we'll be talking about. :)

Talk to you soon!

God bless and Hugs,

Monday, June 23, 2008

Happy New Week and Happy Summer!

Happy Monday morning! My best GIRLFRIEND on the air, Teresa Tomeo and I just chatted live on Ave Maria Radio which is aired internationally through EWTN radio. We discussed summery issues: summer prayer, changes of schedule, strategies for keeping prayer in summer, and even modesty in dress for ourselves and our children, especially when attending Mass. I quoted a little bit from the Catholic Catechism about modesty in dress (#2521-2524).

I also referred to my summer prayer article which is here on my blog and at CatholicMom.Com.

You can hear the segment a little later on when I post the segment on my blogs after I receive the MP3 from their very kind and accommodating producer. He's the best!

This morning, I also hinted on the air at the end of our segment about my two new books for mothers coming out this fall! I will fill you in soon. :)

Enjoy your summer day. Start with prayer and offer it all to Him who gives us life!

God bless and hugs,

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Latest installment of "Mom's Corner"

If you would like to listen to the latest installment of my "Mom's Corner" with Teresa Tomeo on "Catholic Connection" at Ave Maria Radio (EWTN and Sirius radio) you may click here. Teresa and I discussed my newest book, Prayerfully Expecting: A Nine Month Novena for Mothers-To-Be which bears a foreword from Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. We also talked about how I met Mother Teresa. (I just realized that part of this segment is missing...thanks for telling me Sarah! I will fix it very soon.)

There is also a cover story in Canticle magazine (Women of Grace, EWTN) in September's issue about my friendship with Mother Teresa, entitled, "Blessed Teresa and Me: Remembering the Mother of All the Poor" You may access Canticle magazine or subscribe by clicking the "Women of Grace" button in my sidebar.