contemporary beadwork jewelry textile

Showing posts with label feng shui. Show all posts
Showing posts with label feng shui. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

fortune and prosperity - Glück und Wohlstand

Do you remember? 

the color combination which promises luck and wealth.
To wear such lucky charms can not be wrong, even if you are not chinese and don´t plan to marry.

available here

Here you can read some china impressions on our daughters blog on china daily if you are interested...

Friday, April 4, 2014

Fortune and Prosperity

...these are the colors to express luck and wealthiness in traditional China
(we all know the furnishing and decoration in chinese restaurants..)

Red and Gold also are used in wedding dresses and wedding decoration in China!
Take it as a little feng shui statement, to put the working tools into such a promising vessel!
In fact it´s more simple: it just pleases me ......

but it led me to an idea......
...which I would like to realize, as soon my gardening allows an intermission!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Feng shui Globes.....the Completion!

Do you remember.......the poor silver wire skeletons: Happily finished!

I made two more globes with thick copper wire:

after oxidizing:
avalaible here

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Working-Process Feng shui Globes

Let´s start to make 2 Feng shui globes ! It would be great to have somebody to take the pics, but then I might miss the silence to work I took them by myself. That will have to do.

So, you can try it on! .....seems to be out of your league!
But trust in me , anything will do at the end!

2nd version....
Ok! you must have a try too, of course!

No, you can´t keep on.... There is some work to do!

A Beauty Bath in alum
I know you both look a bit unhappy now.....but not much longer..... be continued.....