Monday, 31 December 2012

2 final finishes of 2012

I got my Granny Squares finished. Yay!!
Started in the spring, top done in the summer and lying neglected with the backing bought in July from Jo Bearpaw's shop. Until 4 days ago. I do love all the different fabrics (although I realise one or two have a much lower value than the others - they are my favourites, though!) and they were really fun to make.

The backing fabric is "Beauty is You" by Cora Dantini for Blend. It looks like watercolour sketching and is incredibly pretty and very soft. Jones is lying on a little pieced block.

Here ya go. This print has girls representing the seasons, this is spring - my favourite time of year.  I pieced it with other small bits of print from the range and a selvedge. Get me, all trendy.

Here's a close-up of the main print. It's music notes and daisies and was bought with birthday money from my wee Granny - who, like me, loves music and daisies.

The binding is another BisY print. Except for that wee corner of unknown make from the wee dude up north - thank you Sarah!

And, for the wee dude and my pleasure, one more gratuitous Jones cat-on-a-quilt shot. I didn't tell you about him jumping out the bedroom window on Christmas morning, did I? Plaintive meowing was to be heard when we were in the kitchen. We thought it sounded a bit close for him to be upstairs (they were banished to my room while turkey was being prepared). He was on the fence at the back door (they are house cats!) Upon rescuing him, a quick look up showed Temple prancing about on the window ledge, too. I'd left the window open a crack and they had gotten it open enough to get out.  Bloody monsters!

quilt deets ;
pattern is the Granny Squares block.
fabrics - scraps from all over, Kona Bone and backing and binding are Beauty is You by Blend.
size - she measures 47x57in after washing.

I was going to show my new bathroom but I've droned on quite enough, methinks. Next time. Next year, actually! Have a nice Hogmanay, everyone!

Sunday, 30 December 2012

Christmas 2012. The highlights.

Oops, I sorta missed the boat a bit on the post-festive chat so here's a brief roundup of the big day(s).
Christmas Eve. The annual bauble opening and another treasure hunt.

This year it yielded the fairly awesome Book of Spells for the PS3 which is a Harry Potter game. It uses the Wonderbook attachment and a webcam which means that you watch yourself on the telly doing all sorts of spells and things with your controller (which looks like a wand on screen!) and the physical Wonderbook (which is the titular book of spells). What was quite cool, I thought, is it hooks up to your Pottermore account, too, so your wand and house are already there. And you earn housepoints, too. This is chook levitating a toad. Altogether now, "Wingardium Leviosa!"

A few gifty makes. Cranberry mincemeat and a felty ornament for my 2 mates. We do homemade Christmas presents, its always really, really lovely to have something that they've made.

And a last minute gift tag for my Mum. Adapted from one of Amy's always beautiful fabric tags.
Christmas Day itself was lovely. The in-laws visited in the morning and my folks came for their turkey in the afternoon. It was fairly quiet by other years standards (I saw my grandparents and brother-and-wife the night before) but was actually really, really nice and relaxed. Chookie proclaimed it "best Christmas ever!" so it must've been okay. Ooh, and I got a new camera. Yay!
Boxing Day we were at the flicks to see The Hobbit (it is brill! Beats the pants off LotR) and had a lovely tea out.
Thursday/Friday I spent messing about the house and sewing. Thank you for all your suggestions re: the finished Frixion pen!! I got some cracking ideas I'm going to try - although in the end I was stunned to find said pens in our local Tesco and finished quilting yesterday. Result!
So this afternoon I was sewing the binding on. Well, trying to. Damn cats! But it means I do have one last finish for 2012. I'll show if I get a decent photo tomorrow. And maybe the bathroom, too. It's been so wet and dark here that nice images are murder to get.
Now, I'm off to watch another "Game of Thrones" episode. I bought the first season for spouse and we are addicted. And, unusually, I've not read the books so I'm not grumbling over differences in the adaptation. Yay!!

Friday, 28 December 2012

Well, poop. A little help anyone?

I am finally getting round today to quilting my Granny Squares quilt. At least, that was the plan. I'm just over halfway through marking my quilting lines and my Frixion pen has run out of ink. Poop. I don't really want to go back to masking tape lines but am not sure I can track down another pen tomorrow and I don't want to wait (since I've been 6 months getting round to quilting it!) So, anybody got any handy-dandy marking tips involving household goods?

It took twice as long as it should have since I had my 2 furry "helpers." But Temple at least was happy I had to stop marking and threw my quilt sandwich on the couch in a fit of peak!

Monday, 24 December 2012

On the 24th day of Christmas blogging - one more sleep!

So today I have cleaned, worked, shopped, cleaned some more, seen a friend, visited family, been visited by family and picked up a certain someone's bike. Oh, and we did my favourite Christmas Eve tradition.

Chookie was given a huge sparkly bauble from my mum for her first Christmas that opens as a box. We have a thing now where on the Eve of Christmas she has her bath, the elves deliver her new jammies and she gets to open her box. The last few years we've made a treasure hunt for her since it's gotten so hard to find small things to fit in it!

This year the treasure hunt lead to the amazing Book of Spells game for the PS3. It looks incredible and is fabulous fun. Photos of Chookie levitating a toad when I get on the computer!

I'll leave you with warmest seasonal good wishes. And a photo of my indulgent Jones. Enjoy the turkey, dudes!

Sunday, 23 December 2012

on the 23rd day of Christmas blogging - some sewing and some growing

The 23rd already!?!? I can't believe I've managed this blog-a-day either. Nearly there now!
So, I did a little hand sewing at work last week. I've said before I have an indulgent boss when we're quiet (I make specs and we really can't conjure work in the lab when there isn't any!) but to be fair he had his crafting with him, too! He's a woodworker and was sanding and oiling a box for his wife's Christmas. All the same us crafters; last minute dot com! These were my efforts. Made with someone in mind but I've had a better idea (I'll share after the big day) and Chook fell in love with these guys. I think I'll sit them on her stocking. I've not messed around with felt for the longest time. I made a lot of Barbour Bears when I was in my early teens (my maiden name. Barbour, not bear) and had forgotten what good fun it is. I saw these guys on Pinterest but this is the originator. which will give a link to an Etsy shop. These guys aren't in stock so I've shown the blog post for reference. Cute as anything, right?

And Chook wanted me to show her grow-your-own-reindeer. His original size is here - quite a change, eh?

I've done my last little bit of unplanned sewing this evening (again, I'll share afterwards) and have only Chookie's to wrap. Food is bought, cats are sorted, cleaning will happen tomorrow afternoon when I finish work. Two more sleeps! Whoop!

Saturday, 22 December 2012

on the 22nd day of Christmas blogging - baking!

A productive day today! Up to Tesco first thing to get the last fresh bits for Christmas dinner, lunch with my Mum and Chookie (tasty crayfish and sweet chilli bruscetta!) and then hitting the kitchen.
This little lot got turned into cranberry mincemeat. Some for gifting and some for our pud on Christmas day.

And then a necessary run through of said Chrimbo puddie. On Saturday kitchen last weekend, one of the segments involved puff pastry mincemeat stars. I cannae find the recipe anywhere but remembered enough to give it a bash. So I bought a jar of mincemeat (the cranberry stuff being in too short supply to experiment with) and me and Chook gave it a whirl.

She was a great help making pinwheels and egg washing. She did all the stirring, too, during the mincemeat making earlier.

And this is what we ended up with. They were TASTY! You get only 9 out of the packet of puff pastry but they were delish. And easy to make more if you're a piggy! The maple syrup brushed on when they are still warm is a genius idea.
My dad and the spouse have spent the whole day working on dad's mini and plan the same tomorrow so its up to me to finalise the festive bits. As usual. *rollseyes* I've one present left to wrap, a few plates to buy and kitten food to get. I forgot all about them (shame on me) and there's only 2 tins left of their good food and the new order won't be here til next week. Doh! So it's off to Pets at Home I go. But I think that's us - nearly there! How's the prep for the big day on your end?

Friday, 21 December 2012

On the 21st day of Christmas blogging - the fairy tree

I think like most small towns these days, we have festive lights that decorate the main streets. Ours have had an overhaul this year and some lovely new white ones have appeared. To be fair, the old ones were 20 years old and well past their best.  I was happy to see the fairy tree remaining, though. Those lights used to decorate about 6 tall trees along the front of the town hall - one string on each. And then last year someone decided to put them all on the underside of the wee fat tree in the middle. It looks amazing and quite special when lit. I don't know if anyone else calls it the fairy tree but I think that's what it looks like.

P.S. We all survived the apocalypse then? Good show. As you were chaps, keep calm and sew on!

Thursday, 20 December 2012

on the 20th day of Christmas blogging - I got happy mail!!

Is it just me who is not feeling especially Christmassy this year? I'm hoping that once school is finished and the last bits of shopping are done (the food shop, oh god) I'll relax a little and start to enjoy the build up but really? Everything is an effort this year. Which is why receiving some amazing happy mail has really brightened up my day.
Yesterday (or the day before? I forget...) I got a brilliant bundle of wee squares from Sarah. I've finished my granny squares top (I hope to quilt it during the holidays - fat chance, I know) but have run out of squares and really fancied doing a cushion to match. Tah-daaaaah!! Lots of bits of fabric I don't have (I'm trying not to duplicate any) so I am sorted! Thank you, little dude! Such a thoughtful wee chicken.                         

And then today I had to pick up a mystery parcel from the sorting office. I had received all the gift parcels (last one today.....and breathe) so had no clue what it was. As soon as the girl brought out a US mail envelope I kinda guessed. Yes, my special friend Dolores has been playing Santa again. Honestly, she spoils us so!
Chook's favourite thing by far were the wee LED lights that went straight on her Christmas tree. You can't see them so well but they are perfect with the white. Like wee fairies!!

I got thoroughly ruined. Fabric (BIG cuts, no scraps, despite what the customs label said!) including some new Lotta Jansdotter (LOVE those trees!!!) some of the Madrona Road that I almost-nearly bought a wee while back (love me that donkey) and three cuts of  London Cats. With a suggestion that we make Temple and Jones their own quilts. Consider that a given, missus! Plus a book, mini charm pack and the dearest little needle book. I know there was something else but things have disappeared all over the house in our excitement!! Oh yeah, the skulls? A bag for Chook? Not a snowflakes chance in hell that is happening. Just sayin'.  It is mine.

And spouse? I think he was incredibly touched to not be forgotten. And we had such a giggle over his new heavy duty gloves!! Just what he was needing (he's not got round to replacing the ones he split open when he hurt his hand) and has christened them his mini gloves. For when he startes restoring his mini - not coz they are tiny.
It's not so much about the stuff, y'know. It's that people were thoughtful enough to want to spread a little Christmas cheer. And I feel a bit bad that I've hardly even written a card. Let alone sent gifts. Maybe next year I can spread a little cheer of my own though, right? Right.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

On the 19th day of Christmas blogging - another party girl

Chook was adamant this year that for her school party she wanted a dress but one WITHOUT sequins or sparkly bits. In December?! You have got to be kidding me, child. Needless to say (and I think you've probably garnered this from the picture) we didn't manage it and she fell in love with this tee. One pair of reindeer shorts and some sparkly tights later and she was all set. Setting her own trends already - my kid! Her party was an evening do as well. Since she's a "senior" this year - the P6 and P7 get a ceilidh band and buffet. Great fun was had by all and she is suitably knackered.

Me? I was picking up her bike with some help (thanks, Daddy!) coz spouse is still in Stranraer working. He hopes to be home tomorrow - here's hoping the forecast gales and torrential rain don't effect his journey!

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

On the 18th day of Christmas blogging - wrapping.

A quick one tonight. My late night film watching has caught up with me something awful and I'm destined for an early bed.

Chook and I spent some time wrapping Christmas pressies this evening. It's one of my favourite festive jobs but takes so long! Those cats were a major hindrance, too. I'll spare you another kitten photo - even though they were both in a gift bag at one point.  But we've only a couple left to do. My sewing is all done and I've only one wee one left to buy. Oh, and a bit of kitchen magic at the weekend. Sorted!

This tasty wee pile is for the spouse. It's a real random mix of stuff. I shant share even though he never reads here - he may just get bored enough in his hotel room and come pay a visit!

Monday, 17 December 2012

On the 17th day of Christmas blogging - a lazy evening.

The spouse is working away the next 3 nights and my delusions of wrapping his presents and getting stuff organised were largely smashed by an impromptu Nana nap after tea. Things haven't gotten back on track and this is my current view. That's Blue Crush on Netflix, cosy socks, a quilt and a cat. I see it as battery charging for tomorrow. Heh.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

On the 16th day of Christmas blogging - Chookie's tree

My Mum has bought Chook a tree bauble every year since she was born.  We have quite a collection now and it is lovely to look back and remember why certain ones were appropriate.  The pink angel from when she was 18 months (because she was always dressed in pink), the Cinderella glass slipper from her 3 and a half year old obsession, the pony dressed as a reindeer from when she was 7. This year? What else but a little grey cat! (Speaking of which, Jones - tiring of his ladder escapades - was having a water fight with her IN her bubble bath this morning. Eejit.)  I have done a little present wrapping today and bought just about the last few wee things. And new crockery - we've been talking about it for months but there's nothing like your parents coming for Christmas dinner to make you get your finger out, buy new plates and clean the oven! *g*

Saturday, 15 December 2012

On the 15th day of Christmas blogging - history repeating.

The spouse was fitting a new timer to our boiler this afternoon when I heard him calling me.  We'd let the cats go out with him into the garage (they are always desperate to get out of the adjoining door from our utility room) and Temple had come running straight back into the warm house. Jones the daredevil, however, was having a great time exploring all the corners and having a huge area to play with his ball. So what was spouse shouting me to see?  How he got up that ladder I do not know.

Friday, 14 December 2012

On the 14th day of Christmas - in sympathy.

No frivolities today, I'm too upset by the news coming from Newtown, Connecticut. For us here it's Dunblane all over again, especially given the kids ages. So, so sad. 

Thursday, 13 December 2012

on the 13th day of Christmas blogging - making stuff

I've been doing a bit of hand sewing but I can't show you that until after Santa's been. But my work colleague I drew in the Secret Santa this year doesn't read my blog so her makes are fair game!

I was thrilled to finally get one of the girls in our draw - I've had the men for 5 years straight! So I decided I was going to sew (Jones or no Jones - see yesterdays post) and found a remnant of Prints Charming that came from Dee and I had used in the living room strips quilt. A bit of Hope Valley for lining, some fusible fleece I bought for my bag and my last zip. Perfect!

I also whipped up one of those wee manicure sets I love so much. The contents were from Poundland (for the whole lot. One pound!!) but I did have a hunt for something matching that I could cut down for bias binding. Got there in the end, though!

Does anyone have a favourite tutorial for a manicure kit? I made this one up myself after buying a nasty one a few years ago for a template. I could really use one myself but fancy a diffeent design. Any suggestions?

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

On the 12th day of Christmas blogging - attempting to sew.

More cats, sorry! I was trying to do a spot of Christmas stitching this evening. And every time I left the machine to press a seam or pick something up or go to the loo this is what met me. He's cute though, right? And at least he's not trying to get into the loft.

P.S. Happy 12.12.12. Only 8 days until the end of the world!

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

On the 11th day of Christmas blogging - what happened next?

If your guess is cat jumps into loft,  owner drops phone she was snapping hilarious mountaineering cat with, leaps over Christmas decoration boxes she is bringing down from the loft,  scrambles up ladder before cat prances over small floored loft area to the newly laid (free!) very thick insulation, snags cat before he rolls in kitten-unfriendly fibres and then has to shout spouse to come and lift struggling bloody feline down before there's a serious accident and they both plummet down the ladder, over the banister and down the larger staircase? Then you'd be spot on. Fecking cats!!

Monday, 10 December 2012

on the 10th day of Christmas blogging - a deconstructed Christmas tree.

Got my tree up! Well, the branches at least. I did plan to put my tree up this year. Cats or no cats. It's my favourite part of the preperations and if it meant I spent 3 days chasing kittens and righting an upset bauble mountain? Well, so be it. But, honestly? After the trials of the bathroom I just can't face the hassle of constant vigilance. And then I remembered I had a garland I bought for the staircase when we first moved in. Perfect! The baubles and butterflies are out of claws reach but I can still see them. I wasn't totally a party-pooper, though. The ones on ribbon I saw in House Beautiful (thanks, Mum!) and fell in love with. And they are a perfect height for a game of kitten tennis. Heh.

I forewent adding lights (wires and teeth and back to constant vigilance) but did remember the Christmas Eve Bauble Box. Hurrah!

And my dresser got a quick addition of jingle bells, too. I didn't even bother clearing the ubiquitous paperwork for this photo. SO cannae be bothered just now!

So we're another small step closer to the big man in the red suit visiting. I'm starting to feel a little festive now. Yay!

Sunday, 9 December 2012

On the 9th day of Christmas blogging - Chookie's shooz

The Chook needed a new pair of riding boots so that we had enough room in them so that we could fit a pair of thermal insoles. She gets get very cold feet at her riding. Because she spends the whole day on a Saturday there it's in effect 7 hours outside and it has gotten extremely cold here. In fact, her lessons have been cancelled until it thaws a little - the hard ground is too dangerous for the kids and ponies alike. Anyways, her current pink ones are too small and I've been on the lookout for another pair with easy access front zips. We spied these purple ones on eBay and actually got them for a bargain price. Result!  

Then yesterday we were in town and found a sports shop that had bought the now defunct JJB Sports stock and she got some little lowtops for an even more bargain price.

And THEN we got little pumps for wearing with her v. cool Christmas party outfit. They were even MORE of a bargain. In fact, all 3 pair cost less than thirty quid. Woo-hoo!!

The night out was really lovely,  thank you all for asking. Great company, fabulous food and time spent with my man. What more could you ask for?

Saturday, 8 December 2012

On the 8th day of Christmas blogging - party girl

As promised, a photo of me, my ridiculously expensive shoes, cheap dress and homemade bag on my way to my work night out. Tally-ho, chaps!

Friday, 7 December 2012

On the 7th day of Christmas blogging - the zippy pouch

I've been sewing! It's my brother's birthday tomorrow and I've bought him a plectrum punch. He's a keen guitar player and the punch looks like a heavy duty stapler that you use to punch your own plectrums from thin plastic. Apparently it works up to credit card thickness which means, in theory, you could have a plec with your name on it, cool eh?
Now, I almost bought him a wallet to keep the plectrums in but they were a bit... well, a bit naff. I'd asked his wife if he had one (a wallet) and she said she thought not because she finds plectrums all over the house. So I was feeling a little guilty about adding to the homeless plec situation. So at 7am yesterday morning I was digging through fabric and hunting for a tutorial online!
I used this tutorial and just changed the dimensions. It's a quick one with serged edges but suited my purpose nicely. I missed out all the interfacing and went with a single layer of fusible fleece. And then added eyes like I'd seen Judith do (J, the link from my Pinterest can't find the blog entry with your tongue sticking out pouch, is it still there?) He needed a zipper pull and the lid of my Bisto was pressed into service. Or, more correctly, pressed into a punch. It was meant to be a tongue but just looks like he has a blob of ketchup on his face.*g* He's cute, right? And, hopefully, a bit useful. But a giggle, nonetheless.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

On the 6th day of Christmas blogging - grow your own reindeer

This time last year the lovely Dee sent the Chook a fabulous parcel. It didn't arrive until after Christmas (dratted Royal Mail) but was SO worth the wait. Amongst the goodies was a grow your own reindeer kit. So. This is Donner before he grows. Beside one of the dental hospital reward My Little Ponies for comparison (photo by Chook). We'll see how he has grown by Christmas in his glass of water!

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

On the 5th day of Christmas blogging - still a bit rubbish

I couldn't bear the shame any longer so instead of wasting more time going shopping for an advent calendar I hopped up into the loft this afternoon to pull down the old faithful I cross-stitched for the first Christmas spouse and I lived together. I'd picked up a small box of Miniature Heroes earlier and set to filling it up. Planning all the time to let Chookie eat the first five choccies in a oner. 

I didn't have enough for every pocket so she doesn't get one at all until tomorrow. Fail!

The bathroom door is on, though! I'm painting it tomorrow and then we're just small snagging (tidying silicon and stuff) Yay!!

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

on the 4th day of Christmas blogging - the dental hospital

Yeah, nearly four months since we've made the trek up to Glasgow for the pesky tooth root canal. Spouse had to work (more of that 3 weeks off with the hand thing) so it was the train again for me and Chookie. She's looking a bit pensive here. Stinky Nigel is very much in attendance also. And her latest Jacqueline Wilson book.

All went well, though. No treatment today (although an hour and a half wait to get x-rays was most tiresome) and we're back in February to have the gunk inside changed and the front tidied up. As the root dissolves the tooth shortens and she's had a prosthetic stuck on the bottom since last December. It's getting a bit shabby looking now (and is too short!) so they'll make it look nice. It's not much worse than it was last year, though, so that's brilliant! We're hanging on to it as long as we can.

The ubiquitous trip to Hamleys to buy some My Little Pony blind bags (little surprise 2 inch characters) and the Disney Store for some Christmas shopping and we were off to Yo Sushi for a spot of lunch.

She's larking about here, this is her concentrating face. Not that she needs to - quite proficient with the chopsticks is she. Although I did give her a £10 budget. Which equates to four plates of Kappa Maki (cucumber sushi) and one of pancakes.

And I snapped this one on the way back to the car. She was galloping along jumping the fences but I wanted a record of her outfit. Mini skirts and Converse with leggings - great style kid! That's MY hat she's wearing. She looks better in it than I do. Harumph. Oh, and there's sushi and ninjas on her bag. Heh heh.

Tree still not up, bathroom still not finished. We're at the last hurdle but that damn door will NOT fit. It's been rehung so it opens the other way and nothing, NOTHING in our house is vaguely straight.  Poo.

Monday, 3 December 2012

On the third day of Christmas blogging - Chookie makes

Chookie watches a fair amount of YouTube videos. It started when she first downloaded a game called Minecraft that some kids at school had been talking about. We couldn't figure it out at all and I suggested she look on YouTube for a tutorial. She found one by a popular video maker called Cupquake and before we knew it she was following her, a girl who makes Breyer model horse films,  the ubiquitous Annoying Orange, people customising Littlest Pet Shop figures and any kind of cute pony, cat or puppy video she could find. In fact, we soon had to limit her watching because she was spending all her time with her nose 2 inches from her iPod screen. But she finds cool stuff to try, too. Like her latest kitchen endeavours.

I had never made salt dough when she came to me last month and suggested giving it a try. She had found the recipe on a video made by a lady who makes all sorts of stuff for 12in dolls - this day she was creating tiny breads from salt dough. So out came the mixing bowls and off we went. And after a whole bakery was made I suggested maybe using the leftovers for a Christmas decoration. Well. I momentarily created a monster. By the next evening Chook was talking an Etsy shop with festive decor and other things. She even got an order from my mother-in-law for four of them (cash up front, too) and my wee entrepreneur was all aglow with her success. And my poor oven looked like it might get a hammering.  And then, in the way that 10 year olds have, she lost steam and the dream was forgotten. Not before her Gran's order was fulfilled and some gifts were made, though. These two still need their ribbons but have been beautifully coloured with my eyeshadows (finest Ruby & Millie,  I'll have you know!) and have their 2 coats of clear nail polish. Pretty cute, right?

P.S. I am keeping up with the blog-a-day thing (just!) but the replying to comments is woefully poor. Apologies for that and thank you all who are reading!

Sunday, 2 December 2012

The second day of Christmas blogging- being a rubbish mum

It's never happened before. At least, not in the ten years since Chook was born. It's December 2nd and there's no tree up yet in our house. *gasps of horror* Wait, it gets worse. My poor kid doesn't even have an advent calendar. *gets out the self flagellation sticks* I am - officially - the worst mum in Scotland. I blame that damn bathroom (which is almost there, thank you for asking) and a general disbelief that it is actually December. 

I spotted a cool calendar yesterday,  though. It was in a shop we passed and was 24 little sewn pouches with numbers on hanging from a star shaped wire ring. They were big enough to put a nice sweetie inside or a non-sugary little something if you were a nice, organised mum (or dad) and collected 24 bits beforehand. I obviously do not belong to this category! And, no, before you ask I won't be making one. Perhaps for next year when things are less manic.

Saturday, 1 December 2012

On the first day of Christmas blogging - shopping

I was so feeble at blogging last month that I am feeling the urge to up my game this month. Now, I missed Blogtoberfest and have had great enjoyment reading an American blog friend's haiku daily blogging over November. So I thought I might try an entry every day of December -at least until Christmas, that is.
Today's plan was to get a lovely early morning photo when I dropped Chookie off at riding. We live in a small town surrounded by farmland so fairly rural. But the stables are a half hour drive away and are really in the sticks and always hilly and beautiful even in the rain. It was super frosty overnight. You know the sort where Jack Frost has left those ferny etchings over everything? I thought "perfect!" and was fully into the mental post-planning stages when we got a phonecall at half eight to say that riding was cancelled since the ground was solid. Rats.
Double rats since spouse and I had plans of the Christmas shopping variety while little miss was otherwise occupied. However my fabulous folks stepped into the breach (thank you Mum!) and bikes were bought, aftershaves smelled, bathroom towels picked up and a spot of lunch munched. Oh, and I may be the new owner of a fabulous Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE phone which I am blogging this from. I've been a good girl this year. *g*
So, I do plan a spot of Christmas decorating tomorrow and Chook has been baking salt dough creations on a festive theme. Which I hope means something more interesting to share tomorrow.  In the meantime I'll leave you with my first new phone photo. Spouse started off the Christmas night outs last night and may have been a trifle rough during the day. But you can't beat a nana nap in the sun with a kitten snuggled behind you!