What the award is all about.....
"The authors say that blogs who receive this award are exceedingly charming. This blog invests in proximity in space, time and relationships. These kind bloggers aim to find and be new friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandisement. Our hope is that when ribbons of these awards are cut, even more friendships will be propagated. Please give your kind attention to these writers."
As I have previously said I am very bad at passing on awards - which makes me feel a tad guilty for accepting *blushes*!!!
I was also tagged by BekiMarie over at The ramblings of an everyday mummy....
Thank You very much ladies - I am very grateful to everybody who visits to read my waffle even though I come across as an ungrateful mare who doesn't pass on awards or even reply to comments regularly or even comment on all the blogs I'd like to :)
(i also think I've been tagged....will get to that soon!!)
*************edit to say SORRY ANGEL didn't see my award from you until I'd done this - as if I would forget you mwah mwah mwah (will get back to you on the dress, think I'm ok on the length bit its just in case I can't shift the lard in time! but thank you - you are the best xxx)**************