Create Clay Hats and Crowns!

Create  Clay Hats and Crowns!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Little "Truffle" is done...Happy Valentines Day!

Tiny Red Valentine boots Designed from my Favorite Boots! 

Truffles Peanut Butter cup hat...Top stamped, highlighted and glossed!

Well. its almost Valentines day....and I completed my doll before the holiday!  I am usually behind the "eight ball" ......and the doll never gets done in time...but the weather made me just SIT and "BE" ! I am thankful for this lousy cold snowy weather!!!!

So I think this Doll feels like  a "Truffle" ....So Be it!! (i think its a cute name....and some day if I ever get a chocolate color cat, I will name her "Truffle" too!) 

OK, anyway.....DETAILS!!!!  Her Valentine Heart on her dress was "Heart" stamped out of red polymer clay, I cut a hole in the center before baking...then I took all of the tiny candies I made and arranged them to fit snugly inside (That took a good hour and a couple of cracks in the heart because I had to find the right combination for the candies to fit with no spaces..ugh! they are so tiny, I thought I would have a breakdown...

Boot pattern cut from paper towels

Soft Pink Leather painted with RED acrylic

Her RED Boots are my favorite Part of this Doll!  I did the boots differently this time...instead of attaching the leather directly to the sole, I made a pointy toed boot cardboard sole first (I made it longer so i got a very fine point that would be able to curl up...(JUST LIKE my FAVORITE cowboy boots that I ADORE!).  I then attached my leather pieces (That I had to paint red because I had no RED leather, I sealed with Super Matt spray by Duncan...they actually came out very "worn" ..just what I was looking for!)  to that, gluing "UNDERNEATH the cardboard (I usually glue inside the  already baked polymer sole...very tricky when something is this Tiny).......Then I made the same pointy sole in polymer,  a teensy bit larger, and attached that to the cardboard, then baked the entire shoe...WOW..the boot came together with much more ease....that is not to say that these boots were quick and easy....they took a good part of my day to make...but I couldn't be happier with how they turned out!! haha!

And Finally her Hat...oh my...we tried MANY hats..... But this is the Hat for her!!!  It is made from polymer, BY FORMING in a Wilton peanut butter cup candy mold.  At first I tried making it look like a peanut butter cup, but it didn't look right with the top not covered in chocolate....and the only way to see the peanut butter would be to take a bite out of it....hmmm, I just wasn't feeling it....I tried to make the chocolate on top sink, but as I was attaching the thin layer of chocolate to the "Pouffed out"   and I thought...OMG it looks like a TAM! one of my favorite hats when my daughter was little! Still a little too " I stamped it with a valentine s word stamp....and i added a tiny bonbon candy to the top.

Leather glued "OVER" a cardboard sole


Dawn in the Forest said...

I love those red boots! She's beautiful:)

Mary Ann Tate said...

Wow...she turned out the boots:)

Novelda said...

She's amazing, with all of her wonderful details. Great work!!

LuceLuna Reborn Dolls said...

Wonderful sculpture!!!

M.Narbon said...

Nice boots and DELICIOUS doll!!!

Heather Elizabeth Brauner said...

What can I say Girly Girl another wonderful Doll.The Red cowboy boots are Fantastic and Her Hat is Toot sweet! Love love love her ..

CindySowers said...

Oh my gosh! You are a shoe maker, too! Can you make me some boots like that?! Very cool, Colleen. Things are looking just as outtasight and groovy over here, too, cowgirl :)

Great doll, by the way!

Stephanie said...


1 Really love the heart on her bodice and her peanut butter cup hat - my fav!

Duendes said...

Hi my friend she is very beautiful.
I loved his hair and his boots
are wonderful.great work.
thanks for coming to me.
big big hugs

Angel Hugs 4 All said...

Oh Colleen I love her boots and the lovely Valentine Lady!!!!

Debora said...

Hi Colleen! Thank you for your comment on my blog. You're very kind. Your dolls are really cool and if you give me your permission, I would like to link your blog from mine. Hugs, Debby.

Colleen Colquhoun Athens said...

Hi Deborah...Thanks for coming and can absolutely connect to me...I cant go into your name though...blogger stops me...I checked my settings...and it looks like I am allowing all there something that I should do to allow? email me at, colleen

Marijke van Ooijen said...

Wauw...this little Truffle is
I love those difficult to make this!

With love,


Anonymous said...

Beautiful doll and details!

Susan said... your Valentine's Day girl...especially those red're going to have to give me a lesson on how those were done.

Duendes said...

Hello my friend, I hope that you is good.Happy week with sun and peace for you.
Blessing and hugs.

Abi said...

She is fantastic!!! and I love the boots! first class, and great name of course! Ooh, I'd like to make some cowboy bopts for my next Bohemian doll? do you mind? any tips?!

Abi said...

Eek, boots I mean!!!

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Dear Colleen
So very nice to meet you.. First I would like to thank you for your visit and kind words about Bebe. I am honored that you would follow along with me. Thank you.
Your dolls are just beautiful. Masterful workmanship.. This one is a pure delight!

Shashi Nayagam said...

Oh my she is so adorable. Love her boots infact everything about her is lovely. I know your dolls are not very big so I am amazed how you manage to get it so beautifully detailed. How big are your dolls generally Colleen?

bub said...

LOVE the boots....well done!!

Flora said...

I absolutely love the boots and the joints!!!!Thanks so much for sharing!!!

NY wow

NY wow

Diane Keeler Class

Diane Keeler Class
Diane Teaching

Diane Keeler class

Diane Keeler class
Class Picture

Sculpting a Childs face

Sculpting a Childs face
My face ..Day 2 ..ready for EARS!

Working on a new face now!!!

Working on a new face now!!!
Completed face and breastplate

Attached head to breastplate

Attached head to breastplate
The clay is very dirty..the cleanest i can get it!

After Face Make up

After Face Make up gives a translucent glow...hid the dirt!

Removable wig...not styled or cut yet

Removable wig...not styled or cut yet
Goat mohair that was dyed and combed

Now she's styled!

Now she's styled!
But it is a will be glued when i'm ready!!!

Painted Face...still needs brows and lashes!

Painted Face...still needs brows and lashes!
She will be sealed with Duncan flat mat as soon as it comes in the mail!

Cloth Pixie body fit under breast plate...

Cloth Pixie body fit under breast plate...
After drawing and sewing a million body parts....

Girly girl "21" charms

Girly girl
Angelica's 21st birthday charms

Devon with his creation

Devon with his creation
Devon and his monkey boy

Devons Doll that he made from a pattern

Devons Doll that he made from a pattern
Monkey Boy

another charm group

another charm group
Debbies Charm

Leapord tube charm

Leapord  tube charm
The diamond shape is a soldered glass bead.

Wax medium melted over polymer clay face....

Wax medium melted over polymer clay face....
She's getting there..i think this hair suits her better..she needs eyelashes and ears

Odd Vintage bug- like Fairy

Odd Vintage bug- like Fairy
Just the idea

Clay Window glazed with Utee

Clay Window glazed with Utee
Stamped Utee glazed "Charms"

Clay Charms

Clay Charms
Making a mold from a charm to make more charms!


Clear tubing and stamped Utee

Charming!!! ....REALLY!!!

Charming!!! ....REALLY!!!
Soldered Vintage photos

Charming!!! ....REALLY!!!

Charming!!! ....REALLY!!!
Soldered Charms

Journal Day with Tery and Stephanie

Journal Day with Tery and Stephanie
Creating an Art Journal

Stephanies journal

Stephanies journal
of course..completed first!!

New Art Journal

New Art Journal
Journal made from SCRATCH!!!


Clay, Stamps, Utee

Inside cover

Inside cover
Material and free motion stiching



Celeste up close

Celeste up close
Celestes shirt is made from gessoed and tinted lace with free motion embroidery


She is with her new mom Evelyn